Chapter 18. Friendships

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Third person pov

Uh'taled walked to mo'at's hut, knocking "come in!" She yelled. Uh'taled going in to see mo'at talking to Ao'nung

"Oh I'm uh, sorry to interrupt but neteyam didn't come home last night...have you seen him?" She asked. A little awkward

Neteyam told her stories about this Ao'nung guy, she knew he really liked him and she felt almost as if she ruined this relationship

Mo'at immediately perked up "he didn't come home? what do you mean Uh'taled?"

Ao'nung was watching as they talked, he observed Uh'taled's behavior, she seemed worried but not worried enough

"Well I've searched for him. I went to see norm and he wasn't there, I went to the people and he wasn't there and he isn't at the river" Uh'taled said, moving her body weight back and forth between her left leg and right

Mo'at sighed "maybe he's patrolling"

"Yes but..." Uh'taled looked at Ao'nung and back at Mo'at "it's dangerous. He could have been hurt"

"Ao'nung would you mind helping Uh'taled look for him?" Mo'at asked. Ao'nung absolutely did not want to but he nodded and got up "sure" he said as he went to Uh'taled "let's go I guess" she said, walking out as he followed

They started down the village path "I'm Uh'taled" she said, looking at Ao'nung who looked at her "Ao'nung"

"I know" she said smiling "neteyam talks about you a lot" Ao'nung felt his cheeks heat up. Neteyam talks about him?

"He told us you where an asshole at first but turns out your just a big softie" Uh'taled giggled, nudging Ao'nung's shoulder

"So uh" Ao'nung stuttered, trying to change the subject

"Right. I'm worried he could be hurt Ao'nung. The sky people don't like him and well he's...different, so they want him for tests" Uh'taled mumbled the last bit, worried a lot more about her best friend

"He's different?" Ao'nung asked, very very confused

"Well...I don't know that it's my place to tell you but if you promise not to say anything" Uh'taled said, looking at Ao'nung who walked slightly behind her as the trails where a little small

"I promise" he said, wanting to know how his crush was 'different'

"Well he's what we call Inteuhla, it means a masculine Intersex person. Meaning he had reproductive organs as if he could hold a child but no chest" she explained

Ao'nung's head was full, he was extremely confused, only getting one thing out of it that he smiled at "he can bear children?

"Well it's not tested, no one else in the forest is intersex. As well they don't know if he could get someone else pregnant. It's not known"

Ao'nung just nodded. he was a little upset that neteyam didn't tell him but he understood that maybe he wanted to keep that to himself and Ao'nung respected that

Uh'taled kept walking "I also know you too had a thing for each other" she said. Ao'nung stopped, scared of how she'd react

Uh'taled noticed this, turning around to look at him "I don't care Ao'nung. I personally don't like him in that way anyways" she said, turning around to keep walking

Ao'nung following before it hit him what she said "wait you don't like him???" He asked, grabbing her arm to stop her from walking away

She turned to face him "he doesn't like me like that either" Uh'taled said blankly

"Then why did you mate??" Ao'nung asked, extremely confused at this point

"I think that's something he needs to explain to you" she said, taking Ao'nung's hand and leading him too a waterfall that flowed into a small pond

And there was neteyam, in the water with no shirt, enjoying the water

Ao'nung couldn't take his eyes off him, the way the water fell from his body or the was his face contorted with his smile

Uh'taled patted Ao'nung's hand and let go before whispering "take all the time you want, no one knows you too are here" she said before walking off

Ao'nung stepped forward a bit "hey Tey..."

Cliffhanger yayyyy
I'm so sorry this chapter is extremely short but I wanted Ao'nung and Uh'taled to have just one chapter to themselves for them to get along and become friends
I don't think I will post anymore chapters today. im getting to the point im burnt out and although I have a lot of ideas I can't seem to put them how I want them.
Though I don't want to burn myself out and have to take off for a while as I can't do that to you guys
I'm hoping I can get into a more 1-2 chapters everyday as having to write everyday and not having chapters already written and saved takes a lot of time out of my day to just write. Don't get me wrong I love writing but it's exhausting :/
I hope you understand and stay with me, I'm really sorry
But as always tell me what you think
Much love
Words: 844

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