Chapter 35. The end

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Third person pov

As they landed they where quickly welcomed by Ronal and Tonowari

Neteyam got off his ikran to immediately being hugged by his now mother in law "oh sweet boy it's so good to see you! We heard!" She said, placing a hand on Neteyam's stomach "you're very far along, seems like any day now" she said with a smile, Ao'nung kissing his lovers forehead as he walked past, carrying their things to their hut

Tonowari walked over to his son in law, patting him on the back "a girl huh? Figure out a name?" He asked, Neteyam shaking his head

Tonowari just smiled "plenty of time I'm sure" he said before grabbing the rest of the twos things and following his son

Ronal smiled "we've decided a big festival for you two would be quite a lot, tonowari is just going to pass his garb over to Ao'nung and let him cut his chest just in front of everyone" she said, Neteyam nodding in thanks

"They should be doing it now actually so let's go" Ronal said before walking towards where her mate and son went. Neteyam nodding and starting to follow

But he had to stop, a sharp pain in his stomach made him almost drop to his knees "ack" he growled, Ronal quickly turning around and rushing to her son "are you okay?! Is it time?!" She asked, neteyam softly shaking his head

" let's- ugh let's just keep going" he said as he stood up straight, Ronal holding onto the males arm to help him over


Tonowari passed his Garb to Ao'nung's shoulders, turning to face him as his son took a knife to his chest, cutting it

Everyone cheered, Ronal smiling and taking off her headpiece before placing it on Neteyam's head. This was something she had mentioned was passed down to her from her mother, the Tsahìk before her

Then again Neteyam felt that pain, him letting out a low growl which most heard and made them turn to look at him

Ao'nung and tonowari rushed down "My love?' What's wrong?!" He asked, watching Neteyam who was holding onto Ronal with one hand and the other on his stomach. Ao'nung tried to grab one of his arms to help lift him up but Neteyam did that himself "it's time" he said, Ronal and tonowari looking towards each other


After many many hours and many many clan people rushing in and out of the hut Ronal finally came out, wiping her forehead of sweat

Tonowari was comforting his son, who for his sake was not allowed in the medics hut. Ao'nung shot up as soon as he saw his mother "mama?! Is neteyam okay?!" He asked, rushing to her

She smiled, opening the curtain "go" she said, ushering him In the hut to which he did as he was told

When he walked in he saw something he never thought he'd see, the sight made him tear up

He saw his mate, smiling down at a little bundle of pink blankets. Ao'nung put a hand over his mouth before moving closer

Neteyam now noticed him as he looked up to the male tiredly "Hey love" he said with lidded eyes, Ao'nung bending down and placing his forehead onto his lovers "You did so good teyam...I'm so proud of you" Ao'nung said before looking down to his daughter "she's beautiful" he muttered, tears falling down his face

Neteyam chuckled "are you crying?" He asked, Ao'nung wiping his face "she looks just like you Ma Tey" he said

Ao'nung placed a hand on her face, as if she sensed her father was there she opened her eyes, Ao'nung almost crying again

She had the most beautiful gold eyes he had ever seen, apart from His mates

Neteyam smiled at his lover before Ao'nung turned to look at him. The taller pulled Neteyam in, kissing him softly

Neteyam leaned back, pulling their babies braid from the blankets "make the bond" he whispered to his mate "it's your turn"

Ao'nung moved his braid around, making the new found bond with his first baby, his only baby. His babygirl, who from this moment on he vowed he'd love and protect no matter what

Her pupils dilated and she made a tiny noise, a noise that almost made Ao'nung's heart explode right there. He never had liked babies but this baby was different "oh my babygirl...your so beautiful" he whispered

Neteyam's heart pounded at the interaction with his mate and their baby, this was heaven, this was everything he could ever wish for and more. He could already tell Ao'nung was going to be the best dad ever

Soon Tonowari and Ronal walked in, moving to stand on the opposite side of Neteyam, Tonowari fighting back tears "wow she is stunning.." he said, Ronal smiling as wide as ever, Possibly wider then when she had her own children

Neteyam looked to Tonowari "are you crying pa?" He asked, The older male quickly wiping his face "No"

Neteyam and Ronal shared a look before laughing, Ao'nung and Tonowari joining in not long after


They all stood around in a circle, the whole clan watching as Ao'nung was passed the baby before he raised her into the air

Neteyam put a hand to his mouth, tears falling down his face as he smiled, Ronal rubbing his shoulder with Tears in her eyes as well. Tonowari on the other hand was fighting off tears

"Oh thank you great mother" he whispered as he watched Ao'nung fight tears and a wide smile

"Violet" Ao'nung called
"Violet" everyone repeated

This was love
This was everything he could have asked for and more
This was truly, a Warriors Miracle.

So I really don't know if I'm gonna do a second book, like I said I might but I don't know
I'm thinking about giving you guys an extra chapter what would be when the children are older and everything just to see how Ao and Tey are as parents but as always
I hope you enjoyed
Tell me what you think
Thank you for everything
Much much love
This is Ane signing off💞
Words: 1037

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