Chapter 25. Bad news

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Third person pov

Neteyam woke up, groaning as he felt cold metal under him, looking around to see norm who looked upset

"Norm...?" Neteyam asked weakly, the human moving over to him, putting his hand on Neteyam's

"How you feelin bud..?" Norm asked, watching Neteyam's every move

Neteyam looked down at his stomach to see his lower torso wrapped up, feeling extreme cramps in his stomach

"Agh..." neteyam groaned, squeezing norms hand who just let him

Neteyam looked at norm, fright seeming to flood his mind as he frantically put his hand on his stomach "is the baby okay?!" He asked, norm going quiet

Neteyam hugged norms arm "please tell me my babies okay please norm" he begged, norms eyes filling with tears "I'm sorry Tey...I tried..." norm said

Neteyam could hear guilt and sorrow in Norm's voice but his own thoughts drowned him out. Neteyam watched the humans lips move as he talked, tears falling down his face but neteyam didn't know what he was saying

'Your fault all your fault' Neteyam thought. Eyes filling with tears 'if you would've went to norm sooner then this wouldn't have happened. Or if you didn't go to the tree'

Neteyam just sat up, getting up and walking out despite norms pleas that he wasn't fit to walk around right now

Neteyam headed home, tears falling down his cheeks as he walked. Images of him playing with his child flooding his head

As he arrived he saw Ao'nung frantically talking to Neteyam's family and his own, wanting to know where his lover had gone

Ao'nung turned around as he heard someone walking to their tent, seeing neteyam and running to him. Putting his hand on Neteyam's shoulder "my love what happened why are y-" he started, only to be shoved away so hard that he fell to the ground

Neteyam and Ao'nung's family watched, seeing Neteyam's blank stare with tears running down his face scared them all. Jake only seeing Neytiri in his son

"Where were you" neteyam said coldly, Ao'nung getting up but before he could speak Neteyam talked again "WHERE WERE YOU?!" He screamed

"I got lost I promise I-" Ao'nung started, only to be cut off with a hard slap to the face. Looking back to see neteyam staring at him with pure hatred

Jake stepped up closer but neteyam shot him a stare, making him step back to their family

"Neteyam what the hell?!" Ao'nung said, placing his hand where neteyam had struck him

"You're fault" neteyam said coldly, placing a hand on his stomach

Ao'nung stared at him "my fault?? My fault for what? Neteyam please speak to-" "YOU'RE FAULT"
Neteyam yelled, Ao'nung flinching back

"You made me look for you for days! You treated me like shit! All because I did not want to tell you?!" Neteyam yelled. The families confused

"You knew! You knew how a baby would ruin me right now! Yet YOU got me pregnant and then decided to be an ass to me!" Neteyam said, putting a hand on his stomach. Ronal and neytiri sharing looks, the women now understanding

"I didn't want a baby this early! And I guess Eywa heard me" Neteyam said, his tone full of hatred

Neteyam glared at Ao'nung before going into their tent, locking the door and Ao'nung out

Ao'nung moved to the door, his eyes brimming with tears as he banged on the door "neteyam! Teyam! Ma Teyam! Please!" Ao'nung yelled, his heart aching "please..." Ao'nung said, body sliding down the door as he sobbed

Neytiri and Ronal moving to him, helping him up as they walked him into the sullies tent and setting him down on a chair. The rest of the families following and shutting the door behind them. Ronal kneeling on one side of Ao'nung. Neytiri standing in front of him

Neytiri looked at him "explain" she said coldly, understanding what her two sons where going through and feeling Neteyam's anger and Ao'nung's hurt

"A few days ago I followed him to norms cause I was worried about him and found out he was pregnant...and I didn't react very well..." he explained, neytiri moving to kneel next to him

Neytiri put her hand on Ao'nung's knee "I know you where upset but that wasn't the right thing to do, And I'm sure you know that. But now is not the time to be more angry or sad okay? Your upset and I know, you both just lost your baby. You'll have to work through this together" she said, Ao'nung looking at her as she stood and wiped his tears "my sweet son.." she said, Ao'nung sniffling, happy to be considered family but that wasn't important now

"When me and your father lost our child we where devastated, Tonowari was mad at me, I was mad at myself. So don't be like him okay? Don't be mad at neteyam, he'll be plenty mad at himself for the both of you" Ronal added, tonowari seeming to cringe at the memories

Ao'nung nodding and getting up, everyone wishing him luck and giving there condolences as he walked out to his tent

Tonowari looked to Neytiri "Neteyam can get pregnant?" He asked, Neytiri nodding "he's intersex" she said, Tonowari having no clue what that was but just nodding as they all circled and prayed to Eywa for the young couple to get past this

Okay literally this time plz don't kill me😭
But hey atleast Neytiri considers Ao'nung family?(please don't hurt me)
I don't have anything else to say so as always
Tell me what you think
Much love
Words: 939

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