Chapter 2: The Comet

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At the edge of the solar system, just outside the Kuiper belt, what looks like a multicoloured hurricane spins into view. Nine talons protrude from the storm as plasma arcs across its surface, angrily snapping apart at various points. The lights in the ships windows are flashing red periodically. Somethings gone wrong.

"Captain we've just exited warp. We're now in... our sister galaxy, Ma'am."

Captain Steegle's face contorts, knowing all too clearly where her commandeered Dreadnought and its genetic payload were being sent. "If we've been sent where I'm thinking, we can all say goodbye to any life we might have had after this mission." She looks around at the bridge crew, whom are furiously trying to regain control of their ship's systems. Each tapping at their consoles with their eyes whipping between multiple holographic screens. A cable slides out of the Captain's chair, connects itself into her neck and she closes her eyes. Captain Steegle pauses, waiting for the connection to happen but it doesn't. She slams a fist onto her console and runs through some scenarios again as the cable snakes back into the chair. They can't allow their illegal weapon to be used on anyone except the Halgred. Ethical and moral concerns aside, no one ran the numbers on what the genetic rewrite would do to a race it wasn't designed for; it would have raised one too many flags on the network. A holographic face, with minimal features, appears in front of Lancieta, speaking with a concerned look.

"Captain, the odds of creating a Surmajuhtumid are very low."

"No one asked about a death-planet, Tould."

"I calculated that it was an outcome you would be considering."

"I'm assuming you've made progress then, Computer."

"Yes I have Captain Steegle. Would you like me to play you the decrypted file?"

"Make it ship-wide. I want everyone on the Shinimorte to hear it, and beam a copy back home."

"Presently, Captain."

Tould's face vanished from in front of Captain Steegle and a larger, reptilian face appeared on the bridge's main screen. His eyes were neon yellow with slits for pupils and his scales, a velvety-crimson red. Massive wings sat motionless folded around him, shrouding the rest of the Dragonoid from view.

"Draconisis." The Captain growled through gritted teeth.

"Hello Andromedian automatons, and hello Captain Lancieta Steegle." As he says her name he sounds specifically irritated. "Predictions being correct, you all should be on the outskirts of your sister galaxy, with that illegal payload of yours." He lets his words sit for a moment, relishing in what was sure to be agonizing for his enemies. "When I found out that the shining Captain would stoop so low as to go on an unsanctioned mission I was surprised; daresay I admired you for a second. A weapon designed to sterilize the strongest of us here, on our home planet... a very bold plan concocted by your masters, no doubt, but just as weak as all the others; hence your current, helpless situation. I wish I would have had the chance to tear your android body apart on the battle field but it seems that wasn't meant to be, Captain. You have no chance of regaining control and I'm sure you've already found the present I left for your crew in sim-space."

Captain Steegle made a motion with her hand, seemingly to no one at the mention of it while Draconisis continued.

"Thanks to the various traitors in your government, like your father, we saw this attack of yours coming. Not to mention that we have always wanted to give something to the humans of Earth. They've taught us so much in the terms of weapons and war philosophy, with help of your peoples illegal study of them of course. When your masters denied us the knowledge we sought, we made due with what we found on the information back channels. Who would have thought you, of all automatons, would help us thank the Earthlings." He continues to speak with a devious grin. "We will send your bio-weapon to their planet and finally, their big question will be answered, and YOU..." Draconisis practically jumps out of his chair, motioning at the camera, giving a hint of his massive body behind his wings. "...Captain Lancieta Steegle, will bring it to them!"

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