Chapter 27: Prisoner Transport and Luncheon

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Today is the day. The last of the seven ambassadors were elected. Now we're getting ready to leave Earth. A few hours ago some drop ships landed at each Section to round up the Androids as well as us Ambassadors. When the ships landed they kicked up dust as the low roar of their engines subsided. It was like watching a scifi movie. Impossibly surreal.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to this."

It wasn't too long ago that people were still having an argument about whether or not we were alone in the universe. Yet here we were, Humans of Earth: Collateral Damage in an Inter-Galactic War. The other ambassadors are as apprehensive as I am and none of the Androids we've made friends with during our short time awake are allowed to come with us as such. They're war criminals after all.

T.V.R. were making as much noise as they could from their prison spheres as they and the Androids were transported to their cells. Jaina and I were watching everything to make sure they were treated fairly. We didn't know much about the laws regarding war criminals and prisoner transport but there had to be some kind of space age "Geneva Convention" in place.

"We're going to be the first humans to leave the solar system."Jaina tried to keep the atmosphere light as T.V.R. passed by us. Apparently we were required to oversee the entire process. Since Jinrai and Jora were the first to be incarcerated Jaina asked to join me at Section 6. It was an awkward situation all around, I didn't know the right thing to say.

"Forget the solar system, we're the first to leave the galaxy."

Vould lectured us from his stasis shell.

"You aren't the only humans in this galaxy. I swear, so self-centered, all of you."

"From this solar system, is that better?" I jested.

"I'm not entirely sure. I've yet to be classified as sentient according to General Asshole, so this strange collation of energy signals may or may not be pre-programmed."

Jaina responded sympathetically.

"At least the General was kind enough to give the three of you separate stasis shells."

"Yay we have separate prisons! How nice."

Vould was characteristically the loudest of the brothers. The organic who was locking T.V.R. into place seemed unsure of how to interact with an A.I. who had yet to be classified as sentient, so they set the orbs in place delicately as if they'd shatter at any second.


Panzer and 3 others said they wanted quarters as close as possible to the newly incarcerated Androids. After 3 hours of arguing outside of the main drop ship, the General gave in and had 4 of the light security cells turned into living quarters. The rooms were along the same hall that lead to the high security cells in question. They'd be on the ship for a few days while it jumped to the Inter-Galactic Political Stadium and as Ambassadors, the General had to accommodate them.

It took about 2 hours after the Androids were locked up for the seven Ambassadors to finalize things so that everything they'd set up, community wise, didn't fall apart while they were gone; they hoped. That said, no one was sure if the slipshod government would hold.

In the end there wasn't any fanfare, just a few tears and goodbyes. T.V.R. had locked up the obelisks that were their derelict Shinimorte before they were extracted from it's systems. Some people were still angry at the role the Androids played, survivors or otherwise. They weren't above desecrating the dead whom laid inside. The military frigate wasn't out-fitted to transport the deceased, let alone so many. After the the trial of Lancieta and her crew, a mortuary ship would be sent to pick up the deceased crew members, their bodies to be dealt with accordingly.

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