Chapter 50: The Question

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We'd spent a week and a half at the Military Consortium. I tried on multiple occasions to talk to Chein about everything Tobias White told me. He either sidestepped my questions or pretended like he didn't understand what I was talking about. I hadn't heard her since then either. Before, I'd go for months without her whispering something in my head just to mess with me but it felt different this time. I started to wonder if it would have been better to have gone with Tobias and have everything explained to me instead of staying behind trying to figure out if Earth should go to war... Yeah, only the privileged have choices like these.

Before we got back to Earth we had been told by our heads of Council that public deliberation on Earth's status in this war already started. I guess one of the good things about being an Ambassador was when we asked for something, it would be done. The problem was that what we ask for affects the entire planet. The problem was, no one knew if we were truly ready to join the war. The problem was that all of us were running on emotion and you don't run a Planet on emotion.

For the next few days we Ambassadors did what anyone who wants to avoid their responsibilities does, we drowned ourselves in our hobbies and passions. Ade had picked up model making and done his best to find plastic and metal models. He also started learning industrial design with the advance computing tech given to us. Jaina had always loved being a sharpshooter and Kyung focused on community building, whatever that meant. Star had organized a sport club where people did everything from play team sports and martial arts to target shooting. Enakai found himself in a teaching position. As much as she tried to act contrarily, we'd figured out Ioana used to be a model or fashion designer. She'd been one of the first to start designing clothes based on our new features and "talents". I burrowed into my workshop and started trying to design hover-tech that could fit in a motorcycle. We had gained access to the tech from off world, as a result of the work my team did on anti-grav from before The Fall, but that didn't mean I couldn't waste time on this. It was better than the alternative... the reality of our situation. Before anyone noticed 5 weeks had gone by.


The hanger door groaned open and Emmeth walked in. He kicked a few things out of his way as he walked over to the main work bench. Panzer had managed to keep the Tavoilettu Lunastus relatively clean since it landed. Now it gleamed in the light that was pouring in through the windows and the open hangar door. He walked by the ship, giving it an admiring glance as he looked for Panzer.


The unconscious grey panther didn't move an inch. Emmeth looked at a stack of old-world car parts and kicked them over, it worked.

"Who's what this time!"

Emmeth glared at his startled friend. "Mhmm. What are you doing?"

Panzer looked around confused for a few seconds trying to figure out what fell and who was talking to him. He noticed Emmeth and became pretty much awake by the second their eyes locked.

"I'm working on hover tech small enough to..."

"Let me rephrase. What should you be doing? What should the Seven of you be doing?"

Panzer felt like he was being scolded by a father.

"Well we have to wait for the people to come to a consensus and..."

"It's been 5 damn weeks! Besides that, I think everyone was at a consensus when I was living in that Japanese Fight Club village almost a year ago. Yall need to do whatever it is you have to and announce this shit already."

Panzer didn't have a response, Emmeth was right.

"Well I mean I don't know how we're going to tell everyone at the same time. There's also a formal announcement that we have to make that will be shown to all the planets and..."
"Look..." Emmeth said holding up some mechanical piece in curiosity that was sitting on the bench."

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