Chapter 31: Failure Report

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The journey back home was only a few hours rather than the years it took to reach Earth. Kraken docked automatically once it left warped-space. It's scars from the shrapnel of the downed drop ship were visible from the Space Port, a jagged piece still protruding from it's hull. Normally, when a mission returns they hail their superior and relay the details of success. Xiloch is going to deliver the news in person, more often than not a sign of failure. The arm cannons had done their work patching him and the others up, save Gridt, but in failing this mission, they might as well have bled out on Kraken in Warped-Space. They didn't talk much during travel, each of them knew the price of failure, especially on a vital assassination mission. No one talked about Korth's ship exploding in Earth's atmosphere. They weren't sure if they were sold out or their luck was just that bad.

Kraken docked and having already gathered their gear Gridt, Trik, Jir and their leader disembarked with the air of defeat surrounding them. Xiloch's head was lowered at a strange angle trying to compensate for the immense pain of his recently mended snout. His right arm was in a sling, the cannon wasn't able to completely mend his crushed bones and fragments were littered throughout his forearm. Considering his arm resembled paste before the cannon did its work Xiloch couldn't complain, at least he'd be able to keep his arm, his life however was another issue. What remained of Korth's gear would be picked up by his family, seeing as how there was no body left.

"This is bullshit. We were told their heavy weapons were off-line!"

"We should've pulled back when we saw the Guardians."

"Who the fuck scouted?! I want their heart!"

Xiloch slammed his fist into a nearby wall. "WE chose to continue after realizing their heavy weapons were functional, BUT YOU LOST TWO LIMBS TO A GRIDTESCH AND CONTINUED YOUR MISSION!"

Jir quieted down. He had been waiting for the time when he'd come face to face with a Gridtesch. He let the thought of prestige get in the way of his mission but at least he had his trophy. Xiloch got uncomfortably close to Jir's face, fighting the urge to reopen his healing shoulder.

"There are few Halgred I've heard of who were both great fighters and totally incompetent. But you - you're a new breed entirely. A disgrace in your grave but a monument for taking down a Gridtesch."

"I'm not dead yet Xiloch."

"BUT YOU SHOULD BE! The egg you so hated was the only one to kill an Automaton and he destroyed a Guardian before he was called back... his drop ship exploded in the atmosphere." A few seconds of tense silence passed before Xiloch continued. "If you speak again Jir - I'll present your heart to the War King myself."

The threat served to silence Jir as they continued to the debrief hall. Out of all of them Trik was in the least trouble seeing that he managed to extract all the information he could from the Shinimorte's main computer and got a total death count, confirming at least that part of the recon information. He'd been friends with Gridt for years though and the thought of her facing execution wasn't fun to entertain.

They'd left their gear in the supply room and haggardly made their way to the room they'd gathered in before leaving for Earth. Xiloch breathed deeply and was jolted as he grabbed the door handle by a thud from the other side. He pulled his hand off the handle and looked over to the security camera. A voice replied from it's speaker.

"Come in Xiloch, bring what's left of your team."

Xiloch quickly opened the door, not at all surprised by the voice of The King of Conqueror's. The body that had slammed against the door slumped to the ground and was immediately dragged back into the room by King Draconisis.

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