Chapter 4: N.R.E.M.

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(Non Rapid Eye Movement)

When you're sleeping, there's a moment when, for some people, you're mind comes barely above the surface of the pool of dreams. The moment when your ears crest the water you can be woken up by something like a siren, a rooster, or a motorcycle that's louder than necessary, etc. you get my point. My eyes were closed and my mind was groggy. I felt like I was trying to remember the dream I was just having but it kept slipping away. I tried opening my eyes but they were lead weights. I felt awake, like sleep paralysis. I started to freak out.

"What? What's going on? I can't... I can't move!"

"Hey, don't worry I'm still here."

The female voice was calming and familiar, but she sounded tired too. About as tired as I felt.

"Did you have the dream again?"

"Dream? I... then I remembered. For some reason this woman and I were stuck in this broken down house. We'd each caught glimpses through moments when we were able to have a blurry look at what was in front of us. Neither of us could move and we'd wake up every so often, confused for the first few seconds. We'd talk for maybe a minute and then pass-out again.

I couldn't remember what lead me to be here, with her. Were we being drugged, held captive? Something else funny, we couldn't remember our names. It was terrifying. Then, as it happened before, I felt myself sinking back down into the dream I couldn't remember.

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