Chapter 46: Third Time's the Charm

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There was no telltale boom of the sound-barrier breaking. It had sonic dampeners to prevent that. The global defense system picked it up but the sensors were the only part that were working right now at Section 6.

"There's a fuckin spy!"

Lancieta rushed into the apartment with her Frankenstein's monster combat-suit on.

"Stay here honey."

I was staring at the missile rush across the surface of the ocean unable to believe what I was seeing. Lancieta shot out from the side of the Shinimorte as if she were a missile. The two jet-engine-looking appendages on her back were screaming as she raced forward, water reaching up behind her as she raced across the surface. I wasn't sure how many miles away it was but it was far out enough that one of the ocean giants leaped out of the water thinking the missile was food. It was the shark whose massive maw missed as it clamped shut. The monster crashed back into the ocean, water exploding upward but Lancieta was unshaken by the beast. I could hear the engines on her back scream as she started a maneuver. She made a fairly sharp right, then made a wide left turn, making a question mark in the water and pulled up along side the missile. She reached out with one arm and climbed onto the missile. Her finger wires coiled out as she ripped a panel off the missile with her other hand and dug into the circuitry.

"Is she trying to disable it yet?"

Yora and Caitlin rushed up behind me, Caitlin with her binoculars and Yora, with his engineer-grade eyes, were looking on, as helpless as I was. Caitlin was cursing under her breath.

"How the fuck did they know I scheduled a diagnostic for today?"

"Ambassador Steegle, I've been told to report that multiple missiles have broken into the atmosphere but the defense systems at the other sections performed optimally."

I ignored the computer, as a bright light shot out from where Lancieta opened up the missile.

"Impulse defense system..."

Yora spoke and my heart stopped as I saw her thrown up from the missile like she'd been uppercut and tumble across the surface of the ocean like a rock, parts of her suit breaking off on each bounce. Before I knew what I was doing I noticed I was roaring in defiance of the missile, as if that would do something.

"Don't worry, they've got it."

"Who the fuck was that!?"

Until that moment I thought I was going crazy but now Caitlin finally heard her.


I asked as I saw someone leap out of the ocean just at the end of the pier. Their hands were clasped together in front of them but at the apex of their jump they raked their hands to their sides, palms outward, and they just hovered there as if they intended to stop the missile with their body. A few uneasy seconds passed. I don't think anyone who was watching breathed as we waited for it to happen. The missile raced closer and just as I thought this person was going to be splattered, the missile collided with an invisible wall, the explosion rippling outward from the point of impact. The shockwave wasn't stopped by the wall however and it crashed into the people and everything else along the pier. The fireball dissipated and the faint shimmer of the wall did as well. The person dropped limply back into the water leaving everyone speechless. Moments later another person walked up onto the beach carrying an unconscious Lancieta. I didn't speak. I raced to the elevator and made my way to her as fast as humanly possible.

By the time I got to the beach the person who rescued mom had already gone back into the ocean. The people along the coastline that were hit by the air blast were still reeling from it's effects. I raced across the sand and saw she was missing a leg and was bleeding from the ears. Most of her combat suit was destroyed but given that she must've been traveling at Mach speeds, the suit did it's job, she was still alive.

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