Chapter 25: Negotiations

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A booming voice echoed throughout the broken down Sections of the Shinemorte; strong and steeped in authority.

"Which sections are the War Criminals, Lancieta Steegle and Jinrai located?"

Lancieta, still clutching at her waist, fell out of her suit. Panzer rushed over to her and awkwardly wedged himself under her to carry her into Section 6. Yora was finally conscious but as soon as Gridt's ship left, Roisin ran out to bring him inside. Mei-lin and the congregation she was with walked out quickly to Panzer and Lancieta. She and the Gorilla had put themselves in front of the group that was outside Section 6 when Gridt attacked. If the Halgred had noticed the other people were there, none of them would have been able to protect the group. They hoped their bodies could have blocked enough bullets. Luckily, it didn't come to that. The lot of them walked quickly towards the limping and swaying Panzer, Catty and the Rhino-horse as Mei-lin spoke to Lancieta.

"Who the hell is it now Lancieta?"

Lancieta answered quietly. "It sounds like General Gi-Leyn."

"You guys really have some weird names."

Lancieta tried to laugh but only hurt herself more.

"I repeat, tell us the location of the War Criminals!"

Back in Brazil, Jinrai had just crawled out of his Guardian. Tears flowed from his new eyes, unsure of how to come to terms with what just happened. Jora stood in the doorway unable to do or say anything either, the command console was flashing wildly next to him.

In the Alps Altruis had reconnected the power-core to the city and with Talved's help, as well as the humans whom had opposable thumbs, moved the wounded to the medical bays. Others cried over the bodies of their friends. In Australia, China, Africa and Antarctica similar scenes were playing out. It seemed that kinetic munitions were used against "non essential targets".

Sonic-booms screamed over head as drop ships descended on the 7 active ruins of the Shinemorte. The humans, who had just witnessed the Androids fight and in some cases die, doing their best to fight off the alien assassins, started to surround the 7 Sections all over the world. Jinrai stood up and moved to a panel in the lobby.

"T.V.R. patch me into the other sections."

"You are live sir. Everyone in attendance; I present, Master Engineer Jinrai."

"Friends, Human and Android alike, it seems our time together has come to an end. Enough of us have died due to the hubris of all those who boarded the Shinimorte so many years ago. Please allow my people to be taken and tried for our actions without any more bloodshed."

Panzer's voice responded almost immediately.

"Jinrai I think I speak for many of us when I say, since we're barbarians, bloodshed is how we speak."

Far from just clean up and therapy, the humans had been learning more and more everyday about the strange new world that would someday visit them. One thing became clear very quickly. Many of the alien races who knew of Earth saw its humans as barbaric. A sentiment that angered more than a few.

Panzer's voice caught Jinrai off-guard as T.V.R. showed the Old Android footage from outside each section. Hundreds of humans were circling around the Sections and blocking the path from the drop-ships, forcing them to land at least 100 feet from the Section entrances.

In Brazil a slightly larger ship than the others landed. Four soldiers walked out first and were welcomed by the sea of Neo-Humanity. The air was tense. When no one moved to attack them a taller person exited the craft. He wore the uniform of a highly decorated officer of the Andromedian Collective, which was enveloped in armour made of light.

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