Chapter 30: Stadium City

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The military frigate slid into it's port slowly, it's shields resembled fractals as they powered down. The dock's safety arms extended into the various contacts located on the ship's hull. Panzer had rushed to the Wing of Solace to see as much as he could of the docking procedure. The sheer size of the dock made him feel scared for some reason. It was larger than the dead planet he saw in inter-galactic space. The others had gotten to collecting their luggage with the help of their respective body guards, speaking of which Reil had just tiptoed into the Wing.

"Ambassador Panzer! Are you in here?"

His booming voice shattered the calm that the Wing was known for.

"We have to gather your things for disembark and what-not!"

"Isn't this place supposed to be quiet?"

Reil looked to Panzer's voice and walked over, his smile prevalent as always.

"Yeah, usually, but we're the only ones here so it's fine now isn't it?"

Panzer sighed and left the window he'd been staring out like an anxious child. Reil had already put on his weight suit along with his regulation rifle, which was strapped across the back of his waist. The yellow lights were "breathing" in tune with Reil's breathing. As he motioned to the door. Panzer got up and they started walking.

"Isn't it... not tactical to let your enemies know how you're breathing?"

"Well of course! This is just a 'for fun mode' - killjoy."

"Sorry. So the general was ok with you being my Nanny?"

"He thought it was a great idea! I've got one of the best records, as well as qualifications, in terms of Body Guard duty... on the ship."

"Seen a lot of potential assassinations?"

"Exactly the opposite. The General says I'm a good luck charm at avoiding them when it comes to being a Body Guard! HaHA!"

Panzer wasn't sure how to take that but chuckled all the same as they left the Wing. When they got to the Hub Room Panzer saw a few of the others walking through the door for the main airlock, body guards at their sides.

"I'm nervous as hell."

"Not sure what that means exactly, but relax all the same Panzer. The only thing you'll have to worry about are the stares and people muttering hate speech under their breaths."


"No problem. I deal with it all the time when we dock."

"What? Why?"

"What, because we're in space you think others are more tolerant of short people?"

"How'd you know it was like that on Earth?"

"Once you've been to enough planets and experienced enough cultures, you're sure to find out not many things differ from sector to sector. Just do what I do."

"What do you do?"

"Take it in stride and know that if things get dangerous they'd come to you screaming to help them."

"But I'm not a soldier."

Reil nodded and slapped Panzer on the back.

"Man, you've face two Halgred and lived! AND you killed one of them!"

"That was just a chain of events. I did nothing to put her into that field."

"That's not what your future Halgred assassins will think."

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