Chapter 26: Moving Forward

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The ships lifted off 2 weeks ago but everyone was still trying to deal with the fact that we were attacked by an alien hit squad. Humans who never went near the ruins of the Shinimorte realized that if they wanted answers they had to visit now. It's funny really, the first time aliens came to our planet people tried to ignore them, but the second time - I guess they had to pay attention.

Catty, Nik and I were in what had become our "Apartment", the area of Section 6 with the giant gash in it's side. I'd asked other people if they wanted to live in the ship as well but everyone was still afraid of it; understandable. I was lost in thought, learning a new computer interface Yora and I had put together. Think of it like a universal keyboard that would, in theory, allow me to connect to various computer systems. Nik was training, with Yora recording data.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same."

I spoke out-loud without even realizing it.

"What's up Mannie, you been munchin on marijuana?"

"I don't think that's how it works."

"I knew it! You were a pothead all along! How was the weed in Japan?"

My brow scrunched in confusion before I turned my head towards him.

"That's a - leap. Why would I know that?"

I noticed Catty glare at Nik, which seemed more threatening than it should have been. Claws and all of that. Nik looked about as confused as a Komodo Dragon could look before he tried clearing his throat to change the subject; which served to loose a blast of fire from his mouth in Yora's direction.

"C'mon Nik! I'm not fire proof!"

"Sorry! Still not used to it."

As Nik spoke, what looked like lava leaked onto the floor from his cheek sacks. He immediately started rolling on top of it to try and smother it.

"Why was I in Japan?"

The room went silent at my question, save for Nik's rolling. Catty stood up from the opening in the side of the ship, which had become our home and faced me before sitting again.

"Look Man... Panzer, um... you were a self-taught engineer. After a few years of working in as many car repair shops as you could, enhancing hybrid and electric cars, someone at Toyota noticed you and later that year you were hired by them. Two years later you came back to New York for a visit and then... well this happened." Catty pawed at her face as she spoke, trying to pretend what she was saying wasn't that important. There were some fluctuations in her voice but I didn't want to press on, none of what she said actually rang any bells.

"That explains some things I guess..." I kept my frustration from not being able to remember to myself. Nik finally put out his fire as Lancieta walked in.

"It's time for the global meeting."

All of us got up and followed her to the elevator. Lancieta broke the awkward silence as we walked in.

"As much as I'd hate to admit it I'm happy the General helped us out with setting up hubs for everyone. I can't imagine how long it would've taken us to do this by ourselves."

"I don't want them to take you away. It's not your fault the Halgred intercepte..."

Mom cut me of without looking.

"Panzer, we talked about this. Even if my crew and I had managed to carry out our mission without a hitch we acted against the Inter-Galactic Treaty. All of us who got on that Dreadnaught went aboard knowing that whoever made it back was going to face harsh consequences. That's the point this war is at." She took a breath as we slid past a few floors before continuing. "More planets have been pulled into it by the Halgred in the past, others were destroyed and/or taken over. Yours is unfortunately the latest and it won't be the last."

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