Chapter 32: Court

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As he walks into the massive court room Panzer notices the beautiful glass dome acting as the barrier between them and the vacuum of space. A cross-section of the Milky-Way is stretched across it as seen from Earth, to signify where the Ambassadors are from. The walls of the court room seem to be nothing but hovering bleachers with the myriad Delegates sat on them. He catches more than a few dirty looks and from that moment his thoughts were on Lancieta and the other Androids' fates. People had kept hinting that there was no hope for them and that they'd be executed as war criminals regardless of the pleading he and the other Ambassador's might do. The Seven sit down and the proceedings start immediately.

"Ambassador... Steegle, was it?"

"Yes that's my last name."

The Proceedings Director snidely continued.

"The information states that you are suffering from a pretty extreme form of amnesia due to the actions of former Captain Lancieta Steegle?"

Panzer stood still and said nothing, glaring directly at the Proceedings Directors.

"Do you need me to repeat the question?"

"I need you to rephrase it so as to not make me answer a question designed to suggest rogue action by Captain Lancieta."

His response caught everyone in the Stadium off guard, a notion Ioana picked up on.

"What's wrong? Are the barbarians from Earth smarter than you anticipated?"

"Please don't put words in my mouth Ambassador Ioana."

"Then don't force your words out of us." Jaina quickly shot back. Silence echoed throughout the Stadium followed quickly by a low murmur. Someone stood up in their seat and immediately showed up on the main screen for everyone to acknowledge them.

"If I may, Ambassador Steegle?"

He nodded and the Delegate continued.
"I motion to change the head director, otherwise these proceedings, as they are now, will go on for days."

Enakai flapped his wings to grab everyones attention. "How long will that take exactly?"

The large Delegate nodded to the question before answering. "Not to sound boastful, but we've all been members of this Stadium for a while. I apologize for our choice of Head Director. We do have a system in place to change these things when necessary; because of how long this Stadium has been operating. So do we have permission from the Ambassadors of Earth to select a new Head Director of Proceedings?"

The seven from Earth spoke among themselves for a few moments then Panzer relayed their answer.

"We agree. So uh... do we adjourn or is this a live and direct sort of thing?"

"I'm... not sure what that means but judging on the personality chart updates we'll each choose the best and votes will be tallied right here and now. It shouldn't take too long."

The seven nodded and the entire Stadium went silent save for the sound of light tapping. Each of the Delegates reviewed the personality charts and made their choice for the one among them who would serve as Head of Proceedings.

A few uncomfortable minutes passed by as the seven spoke amongst themselves.

"This is curious." Star said lazily.

"Do you think the General who picked us up did something like this when the elections were held on Earth?" Ade asked.

"It's possible, but the more we assume, the more we'll seem ignorant."

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