Chapter 29: Bombastic Infiltration

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The light turned a red hue and Panzer knew that something went wrong. He rushed out of the Wing of Solace and immediately made his way to his mother and the other Androids, this time he traveled via the hub room. He walked through and saw that the hallway looked untouched. The guards were still standing at their post and one yelled to Panzer.

"Ambassador! Please get to your room and lock the door. An enemy ship has engaged our Frigate."

"Engaged? Shouldn't we be shaking and falling all over the place?"

"What? Why... Our shields are military class, they'd need to disrupt them before we felt their attacks. Please get to your room for safety Ambassador."

He nodded his head feeling stupid for asking the question as he made his way to the room, locked the door and immediately hailed the other Ambassadors. They had all gathered in the General's quarters.

"Is everyone ok?"

Kyung answered.

"Yeah we're fine. It's strange though. They said that we're under attack but it doesn't feel like it."

Enakai spoke immediately after. "I think someone said it had to do with kinetic dampening and the way the force field deals with impact? I don't know, it was future-space-talk, man."

A soldier appeared behind them in the doorway and looked startled.

"Ambassador's please! You cannot maintain communication while we are under siege!"

The feed cut out and Panzer finally felt on edge.

"Screw this I'm going into the prison."

When he stepped out of his room he was berated instantly.
"Ambassador Panzer, please, for your safety..."

"That part of the prison has only one access point right?"

"Yes but... good point sir."

The guard on the right moved to the panel and dropped the field for Panzer to walk through.

"Why don't you come on this side? No one can get through this thing."

"Our job is to prevent anyone from getting close to the prisoners or you."

"Meaning we're staying right here."

The field activated again and all Panzer could do was stare down the hallway waiting for someone to walk around the corner 50 feet away. The ship lurched to the side, throwing Panzer off balance and he slid towards the field of Yora's cell stopped just short of melting his head off.

"Holy shit dude don't stay so close to the locked cells!"

Panzer stood up, eyes wide with the thought of what almost happened. He moved backward, away from the locked cells and again concentrated on the hallway waiting for the first millimetre of someone to come around the corner. Then a series of explosions seemed to be moving towards them but Panzer couldn't tell from where. He heard what sounded like a female voice but supposedly there were 5 feet of highly reinforced infrastructure between the hallway and the floor above it. Footsteps were heard running away and the guards were looking carefully at the ceiling, unsure of what to make of the sounds. A few tense seconds passed by before a high pitched sound rang throughout the area and the ceiling in the hallway exploded downward knocking the two guards off their feet.

"Be careful!" Panzer yelled as a Halgred crashed through the ceiling and fired a grenade at the ground in front of the field, essentially decimating the guards standing on either side. Panzer stood dead still while the smoke cleared, unveiling the new red walls and the Halgred who was most likely here for his mother.

"Hello kitty, you think you're going to protect your master?"

"Actually I think you might taste good for dinner."

Her scales changed shade from silver to a dark purple as she roared, shaking Panzer to his core. Soon enough someone would notice this Halgred had made it on board. She fired another grenade at the wall and when the field didn't go down she loosed a volley of 6 more shots which finally broke down whatever it was that was creating the field. That section of hallway was now peeled back to its support beams and wires. The Halgred walked forward with purpose while reloading her launcher and sneered at Panzer as she popped in each grenade, which resembled golf balls. She leveled the launcher at Panzer and pulled the trigger. It rocketed through the air and seemed to take forever from Lancieta's point of view. It made contact with it's mark and the Halgred immediately moved her attention to the cells.

"Time to shut down, Automaton's!"

"HEY! I'm not done with you yet!"

The Halgred's face twisted in confusion as she looked to the crater where Panzer was and sure enough he was still standing there, teeth bared with death in his eyes. He barreled towards her and not knowing how to handle something that wouldn't blow up she held down the trigger of her grenade launcher, hoping it would make him stop moving. He moved ever closer running through the grenades like they were a light drizzle of rain. The frigate shook again throwing Panzer of course but he readjusted and instead of going for her neck he grabbed her wrist and bit as hard as he could. Using his weight and momentum he tossed her into a wall and started clawing at her face.


The Halgred kneed Panzer in the side but it felt like hitting a lead wall. She grabbed him by the neck with her free hand and flung him into the open cell just next to them but his fangs tore through her wrist as he was whipped through the air. With blood in her eye the Halgred stumbled to her feet. Just then the ship pitched hard, sending everyone off balance.

"Aww shit."

She shuffled her feet, trying to get them under her but another volley from the Halgred ship rocked the frigate again the opposite way and sent the would be assassin into the field of Roisin's cell, vaporizing her entire top half, startling then sickening Roisin who was pressed against the metal bars trying to watch the fight unfold.

Panzer leapt out of the cell but when he saw half of the body of his opponent he immediately threw up. It took 4 minutes for reinforcement's to arrive, it wasn't too long after that when the red hue disappeared.

Panzer looked to Reil who was the first to arrive and Reil nodded. He looked at what was left of the would-be assassin and saluted Panzer.

"If I may be so bold Ambassador, I'd like to apply to be one of the guards on your security team for when we dock at the Political Stadium."

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