Chapter 47: Military Training

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Chein spent the first 3 days of travel setting things up for when the Ambassadors arrived at the Military Consortium. The last time they were on a ship in space, they were attacked. They also were on four legs, two "feet" in Enakai's case. Chein had commissioned a military escort as well as armed guards aboard his own ship, which wasn't as utilitarian as the military vessel the Ambassadors had been on before.

It had a Victorian style to it, grand shapes and colours, but it wasn't gaudy. There were touches of brass and bronze looking metals that finished long sweeping shapes, one of which was the double staircase in the docking bay which looked like it fell out of a Disney movie. The entire floor looked like it was carved out of marble with lines cut into it, hinting at some kind of modularity or transforming capability. The stairs looked like coloured frosted glass with marble swirls in them which seemed to flow all the way up the landings. Two massive chandelier's floating effortlessly high above their heads, the crystals hanging from them looked like water droplets from the clearest ocean you'd ever seen.

When they entered the bulkhead door at the top of the staircase, which rolled into the wall to open, the hallway was beset on both sides by brass looking railings that seemed to float next tot he walls which were magnificent swirls of metal and marble. The soft light from the floating lamps was just bright enough to see every nook and crannie. The ceiling was vaulted and it's glass panels gave you a view of the stars.

It was a minute or so before arriving at their quarters, a corridor which split into two offering a total of 12 rooms.

"I'm aware of your affinity to be close to each other after what happened before. You may pick any of the rooms to my left and right, all the rooms on my ship are modular and even have bunk-beds; if you wish. Bunk-beds are so fun."

Chein said leaning over to Kyung. The Liaison's 8'5" frame didn't seem at all cramped in the hallway. He could probably stretch his arms out to the sides and still not touch the walls.

"Um I guess safety should be addressed. If we loose gravity and you happen to not be in your room, there are vests scattered throughout the ship."

"Chein walked over to the wall and tapped it. It opened immediately letting him pull out one of the 4 vests inside."

"Auto-adjusting these are. All you have to do it grab this clip and slap it on the railing."

He did as much and two arms popped out of the wall on either side of the clip to keep it from sliding. Chein comically tried to pull the vest up and down the railing to no avail, using his foot for leverage at one point to show the effectiveness of the nearly magical railing arms that came from nowhere.

"As you see, the system will keep you from flopping about too badly if things go to shit."

"So much for mincing words." Ioana spoke under her breath.

"I thought you'd appreciate it." Chein winked with a sly grin at her and she felt her cheeks getting warm.

"Right! So all that's left to do is pick your rooms and relax! Welcome to my home, I hope you enjoy your stay!"

He bowed, flashed his big grin and back-flipped before walking away, speaking to himself in a sing-song cadence. "I just LOVE when I have company!"

Star looked at Ade with bewilderment, which was scribbled on all their faces.

"Panzer wasn't lying about him, was he."


When they arrived at the military Consortium after 2 weeks of travel, the sight was unbelievable. The Consortium was an Engineered Star System, E.S.S. for short. The Consortium was an Engineered Star System, E.S.S. for short. 6 planets whose orbits were synchronized, as well as massive space stations in-between the planets. There were 7 massive rings immediately around the star with what looked like fibres of light stretched taught between them and some of the space stations closest to the star. Chein's Hyper-Design transport ship didn't look as out of place as you might think. As they got closer there were all manner of crafts and ships, civilian and military alike, docked and sailing about the highly active system. There were a few Dreadnought's docked at ports which were furthest from the planets only because dreadnoughts are the largest space ship to ever exist. By comparison, Lancieta's Shinimorte with it's 9, 5 mile long arms which tunneled into Earth would've been the smallest. Star and Jaina were only able to count 7 of these massive "mobile planets" as they were sometimes called.

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