Chapter 22: Report and Respond

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There was a double crescent in the sky over Halgred, Home-Planet of War King Draconisis. One crescent resembled a frown and the other a smirk, each pointing in their respective orbit directions. The diorite-like floor of the balcony seemed to eat all light that touched it. The emerald railing that was lining the edge is seated atop its deep-red, wooden legs which were planted seamlessly into the floor. Draconisis' claw tapped rhythmically on the arm of his chair which was made of cold, rough metal. The War King often enjoyed this view from the balcony of his palace. Tonight was exceptionally wonderful. Since the moons rose he was here, in this chair, enjoying the rare celestial sight. Hours of pleasurable silence were broken as a Wyvern slithered up behind him with some papers in her hand; he acknowledged her before she could think to speak.


"Recon has provided information from investigating the effects of the weapon intended for us, on Earth and its inhabitants."

Draconisis sat silently, his gaze never leaving the double crescent. The Wyvern waited a few more seconds before continuing.

"Most of the population fell to the weapon."


Draconisis stood up immediately, a grin on his face, joy in his voice.

"Those barbarians are tougher than I thought!"

He started laughing, sounding jolly and intrigued. The Wyvern smiled back, it was rare for Draconisis to show joy so openly.

"The recon team also reported a small number of automatons survived the crash as well."

The smile evaporated from Draconisis's face at the word.

"Captain Steegle was amoung them I'd wager."

"Yes, as well as Jinrai The Immortal."

"Oh. I forgot he was mentioned in the original report. What was said about injuries?" The War King's left arm appeared from beneath his wings, which were draped around him as if they were a cloak, it rubbed his chin in curiosity.

The Wyvern opened up said report in front of her and turned on a projection so Draconisis could read for himself. His eyes darted furiously over the pages as he read and took in each and every detail. He even read the highly detailed biological data on the changes to the human's physiology, all in the span of about 2 minutes.

"Interesting. These seem to be a tough group of automatons. Captain Steegle chose her warriors well."

"Do you wish to send a battalion to finish off Earth?"

Draconisis turned around again to gaze at the moons. He was silent for a while as they glided slowly across the sky, an optical illusion thanks to the time of night it was. The Wyvern waited silently and viewed the moons as well. Everyone knew it was unwise to badger The Unifier's Descendant when he was enjoying himself.

"Send Xiloch and 4 of his choosing to Earth to deal with the remaining automatons. That should be enough to deal with the artificial filth."

"What about the humans who've survived?"

"They've earned the right to live. Leave them to their new lives on their Feral World. We will neither protect them nor aid them. They will reach the stars on their time."

"Enjoy the moons War King."

"Thank you daughter."

The Wyvern slithered off the balcony and closed the doors behind her making sure they were shut before she spoke to her comm.

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