Chapter 12: An Understanding

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It took a while for us to figure out how to get me into the two-seater. With all the work Lancieta did to it, extra seats didn't make the cut and Roisin questioned the non-upgrade.

"That would've been a nightmare. The materials humans use for vehicles are crude."

I growled my protest from the open trunk.

"Don't give me that. I'm an Android who traveled across deep-space. You can't say I'm wrong."

I grumbled my protest before laying down in the open trunk; front paws hanging out, head resting on top of them. Roisin asked a second question as the motor hummed to life.

"Seeing as we have a passenger, whom can fall out, I guess you'll be driving slowly - back to Section 6?"

"I guess I have to. I can't have Panzer fall when I get airborne."

"Oh good." Roisin nodded to herself and sounded a sigh of relief as Lancieta took off. Given the slow pace, the ride back was uneventful enough. I stared at the passing scenery as a newborn child. The shadows slowly stretched longer and longer as the sun got closer to the horizon.

"Hey Panzer."

I snorted to show I was listening.

"I think I have an idea for helping you communicate. Better than scribing words into the dirt." Lancieta turn around to see my response; I nodded. Roisin was looking in a book she brought with her and tapped on the trunk of the car.

"Have you eaten recently?"

I looked up at her and shook my head no.

"Not comfortable with killing your food yet?"

I put my head back down and stared at the ground rushing out from beneath the buggy. I had come to terms with killing for food but after "the incident" I had been turned off to the idea. Every animal I looked at made me feel guilty. It was a sentiment that's hard to convey when your only means of communication are grunting and writing in the dirt with an inarticulate limb.


When we arrived at what they called "Section 6" my jaw dropped open. The ground around this massive space ship was cratered and there was clearly a large amount of the ship that was beneath the surface. Then something finally hit me. The way I am now was because of these people. I felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. When I was in the hills the trees obfuscated my view but now the massive feature was undeniable. I leapt out of the car causing Lancieta to stop almost immediately. She looked over the back of the car confused and got out as fast as she could. She walked closer and I growled.

"What's wrong?"

I motioned towards the ship and bared my teeth. I felt the fur on my back spike up. Roisin understood right away. "Captain, he thinks we did this to him on purpose."

"Oh! NO! We didn't, it was..."

I roared at them and it echoed through the forest behind me. The emotions rushed back to me, the emotions I had been ignoring. I turned them all into rage and aimed it at these two standing in front of me.

"Panzer, calm down. This wasn't our..."

I roared again, louder, filled with ferocity. I could have sworn it shook the forest. Lancieta's face changed. It wasn't as kind and caring as it had been before when she hugged me. She started walking towards me as another strange looking person walked out of the ship and spoke in a language I didn't recognize.

"(@97410 57408 64(6! *3'5 9^57 4@ 4<>!*41!"

"Shut up Yora! He's not an animal!" She yelled at the new person.

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