Chapter 48: Back Water Reconnaissance

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Lancieta seemed to be enjoying herself as the head of a ship for the first time since the Shinimorte crashed.

Tavoittelu Lunastus.

A combination of Finnish and Estonian which roughly meant "Redemption Quest". The first place we'd go would be to one of the few stations the Androids still had friends at. If Earth was going to join the war we had to get a clearer story than we were officially told and if the chaos at the Political Stadium taught us anything, Space is as corrupt as Earth used to be and, realistically, would become once again.

"Greed is a great force."

The thought left my mouth on it's own. I was clearly lost in my own head again and Emmeth saw to let me know.

"You're thinking out loud again."

"I what?"

"You're thinking. Out loud. Again."


"You're still so similar to the old you."


"That's not entirely a compliment. You were always making bad decisions and too easy to read. Something tells me those aren't good qualities for where we're going."

He looked at me with both eyes before letting his gaze drift to the window.

"... That's why you guys are here."

Emmeth exhaled slowly like he was annoyed and leaned on the window sill, staring at the enhanced visuals it provided.

"This shit's cool though."

"The display?"

"Yeah. I could learn so much by just staying on this ship and just zoning out like you do."

"I'm usually just thinking really hard on something when I do that."

"Yeah I know, I was just teasing... that time." Emmeth tapped on a star and started mumbling the information to himself as Nik walked in.

"What up bitches!"

"I'm reading, you living loud speaker."

"Alright shit, no need to get angry about it. I'm just excited to be in space! Aren't you excited Emmy?"


Nik's smile faded quickly as Emmeth rushed him, ready to slam his head into the ground. I almost stopped breathing. There was so much rage in his eyes. Emmeth looked like he could've killed Nik right there and wouldn't care.


"S.. sorry man I..."

Emmeth's fist was about to meet Nik's face but something invisible stopped it mid-flight. Catty de-cloaked, her stripes changed to a silvery green-blue.

"Calm, the fuck, down, Emmeth. We've all lost people!"

He glared at her for a few seconds before the switch flipped and he looked horrified with himself. Before any of us could say anything he walked out of the room, the tension leaving with him. A few seconds passed before Catty spoke up.

"Losing someone like that, then waking up to this... there were only two ways for him to go. He doesn't know who to be mad at. He should save that anger for the Halgred. If he can't control himself he could die the first time he meets one. 'Anger doesn't belong on the battlefield'."

"Where's that from?" I was surprised, Catty wasn't the type to quote people.

"I dunno, some book. I'll go shadow him and make sure he don't tear someone's throat out."

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