Chapter 24: The Immortal

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"Kor! Jora! Get inside! I'll deal with Xiloch."

Jora was trying to pull his sister into the ship as she yelled her refusal.

"I can grab a Guardian and come back to help you!"

Xiloch charged Jinrai as the siblings stumbled over each other. The two warriors' eyes were deadlocked. Their arms collided in a maelstrom of thunder, until the dizzying display was paused by their hands locking grips as Jinrai's heels dug into the ground. His muscles swelled with combat enhancers normally stored in his gut; which made him look like a chubby old man.

"Get inside and tell the others! DO NOT COME OUT UNTIL I TELL YOU TO!"

"I'll be the one to end you, Immortal." Xiloch grumbled as he matched Jinrai's strength.

Xiloch forces their locked hands down to their sides and the two Titans head-butt each other. They slide back from the impact and Jinrai throws off his cloak revealing his bodybuilder physique. He ignites his energy blade, which resembles an over-sized claymore and swings at Xiloch. The Halgred ducks under the blade, igniting his own and aims for Jinrai's gut. Before it can make contact it fizzles out.

"That's the thing about being an Automaton Xiloch, I can get upgrades."

Jinrai grabs the hilt of his own sword with both hands and brings it down onto Xiloch's head, muscles bulging as he connects. Xiloch's chin slams into the cracked, dirt-covered asphalt, bouncing up from the impact like a volleyball. His vision blurs and he barely manages to grab Jinrai's ankle to center himself and inverts his body, kicking the Android in the chin with his heel just before the claymore sinks into the ground behind him.

Jinrai reels back grabbing at his chin; his claymore, still crackling in the ground. Xiloch used the kick to propel himself into the air, shaking the daze off as he lands sure-footed. He looks to the claymore next to him, yanks it out of the ground and hurls it at Jinrai. It sails towards the old Android, spinning like a deadly boomerang. Jinrai raises his fists, forearms prominent, and squares his stance. As the blade comes into contact with his disruption field, plasma shoots off in all directions like fireworks. The claymore's hilt lands on the ground behind him, begging to be activated again.

Jinrai charges the snarling Halgred and round houses. Xiloch ducks under the kick but sees Jinrai's other heel just before it connects with his snout. He tumbles backward, roaring at the pain of his broken snout. Jinrai charges again, looking to land a fist on Xiloch's jaw but at the last second Xiloch side-steps. Grabbing his arm, he uses the Android's momentum against him, burying his head in the ground with a devastating throw. Xiloch tackles Jinrai's torso, bending his neck backwards and slamming his body into the ground. Xiloch rolls off the Android and leaps into the air, aiming to bury his knee into Jinrai's completely exposed neck. Jinrai kicks up, his head still in the ground, making contact with Xiloch's side, sending the Assassin into the side of Section 7. Using the momentum from the kick, Jinrai frees his head, landing on his feet. He dusts his beard as Xiloch regains his bearings, staring at the new dent in the dreadnought's hull.

They square off, death in each other's eyes backed with a raging hatred. An alarm sounds from Section 7 and they explode toward each other at blinding speed; dirt kicking up behind them from each step. Only those with the keenest eye would be able to make heads or tails of the punches and kicks being thrown and blocked in rapid succession.

Inside the ship Kor and Jora are trying to hail the other sections but have only received an answer from Rould.

"Rould! Jinrai's fighting Xiloch outside right now!"

"Yes, I know twins. Lancieta and my brothers are currently engaging Gridt. The Stroms and Layrok are fighting someone whom I believe is named Korth. Talved and Altruis repelled another but neither of them would be able to get to you in time to help."

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