CHAPTER 7 - down to make out in my bmw later?

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a/n - please voteeeee

y/n's pov , monday , 7pm
i sit at a vacant table, taking out my phone and scrolling on it. i go onto instagram, seeing i gained another 20k followers. i chuckle to myself, seeing i was at a million followers.

after about ten minutes, i look up, seeing olivia walking towards me. we smile at the same time, and i put my phone down. "can i sit here?" she asks. "yeah, 'course," i say. she sits down across from me, placing her phone on the table. "are you meant to be sitting here?" she asks. "i've finished my shift for today," i explain. "don't you have a room where employees go? or home?" "yeah, but i was waiting for you," i say. she chuckles, pulling her chair in, "how cute. sorry i came so late, would've texted you but i have you on nothing." "that's right, do you want my number?" i ask. "yeah, that'd be good," she says, picking up her phone, "one second." after a few seconds, she hands me her phone. i put in my number, tapping onto the contact name. i think for a second, smiling and typing it. i hand her phone back, and she laughs at the name. "hot barista," she reads. "yep! now you'll know it's me," i smile, "by the way, did you wanna order something?" "you've finished your shift," she says. "well, how about we go and eat? i haven't had dinner," i smile, "if you want to, obviously." "yeah, sure," she smiles. "perfect," i smile. we both stand up, tucking our chairs in. "come this way," i say, going behind the counter.

olivia follows me, and i open the door to the back. "i'm gonna leave now," i tell jess. "okay," jess looks at olivia, "olivia rodrigo." "hi," olivia chuckles. "nice to meet you. are you two going somewhere?" she asks. "we're going out to dinner," i say, unlocking the door. "oh! have fun guys!" jess smiles. "thanks," i laugh, holding the door open for olivia. "thank you, it was nice to meet you," olivia smiles, walking out.

i unlock my car, opening the door for olivia. she gets in, saying thank you. i close the door, getting in. "where are we going?" she asks. i start up the car, "good question. no idea." olivia chuckles, buckling up. "do you have any recommendations?" i ask. "not that i can think of," olivia says. "we'll drive around, hopefully a place comes in mind," i say, reversing out.

i eventually find a place, and i park on the curb. i look at olivia, and she was bending down, tying her shoelaces. i get out of the car, walking to the other side. i open the door, waiting for olivia to finish with her shoelaces.

we walk in the restaurant, getting a table for 2. i pull olivia's chair out, and she sits down, chuckling. i push it in, sitting down. "you're treating this like a date," olivia smiles. "i'm being polite," i smile. 

we order, the waitress walking away. "any updates on your boyfriend?" i smile. "the guy i was on the date with?" olivia asks. "yeah," i nod. "adam and i are still kinda texting," she shrugs, "i don't know. it's weird." i shake my head, smiling. "what?" she chuckles. "you could do better," i laugh. "like who?" she asks. "literally anyone," i say. "give me options," olivia says, crossing her arms. "me," i smile. "okay," olivia chuckles, "why're you so invested in my love life anyways?" she swiftly changes the subject. "i'm not," i half lie, "just making conversation." "okay," olivia smiles at the table, "sure it's nothing to do with you having a total crush on me?" i laugh, "you wish." "then what's this?" she picks up her phone, showing me a picture. i laugh, seeing the cup i got her, that said her name with a heart. "oh, i do that all the time," i lie with heavy sarcasm. "yeah? like you have dinner with people who get stood up?" she leans her cheeks on her palms, leaning her elbows on the table. i do the same, and we smile at each other.

"i do," i say, "sometimes i even just go up to a random person studying and have breakfast, lunch or dinner with them." "sure... sure it's got nothing to do with the little heart?" she smiles. "did you want me to draw a vagina?" i smile back. "are you making things sexual, y/n l/n?" she lowers her voice to a lower register. "pretty sure i would've wrote 'down to make out in my bmw later tonight?'," i chuckle. "um...maybe next time," she says, politely smiling. half-rejected again. i chuckle, leaning back on the table as our food arrives. 

i pick up two forks and two knives, getting a napkin and wiping it on there. i hand a knife and fork to olivia, and she says thank you.

after dinner, the waiter places the folder for our bill on the table. i pick it up before olivia could, opening it. i take my card out, placing it in. "thank you," i tell the waiter, handing it back. "y/n," olivia says. i look at her, "it's okay, i got it." "thank you," olivia smiles. "better than that adam guy," i chuckle. "i know," olivia chuckles too.

we get back into my car, having to drive back to the cafe as olivia left her car there. i park behind her car, turning off the engine. we both get out of the car, and olivia meets me on my side, since she was facing the road. i lean against my car, smiling. "thanks for dinner, y/n," olivia smiles. "any time, olivia," i say. "can i hug you?" she chuckles. "of course," i laugh, opening my arms. she smiles widely, walking into my arms. she wraps her arms around my neck, and i wrap my arms around her waist, still leaning against my car. i smile, closing my eyes.

we end up staying like this for around 5 seconds, before olivia pulls away. "i'm gonna go home now," she smiles. "yeah, me too," i smile back, "drive home safe, olivia." "you too. not too fast, okay?" she giggles. "only because you say so," i chuckle. "good," she says, starting to walk to her car slowly, "i'll see you later." "see you soon," i say. she smiles, unlocking her car and getting in.

she starts up her car, and i push myself off my car, opening the door. i get in, driving away.

olivia's pov
i tell iris all about the dinner. "oh my god, how do you not have a massive crush on her! she's hot, and she's got an amazing personality," iris laughs. "we're... just friends. i don't know, it was just dinner. we flirted a little, but i don't know if she would consider it as flirting, i kinda suck at it," i admit. "what part of the 'down to make out in my bmw later tonight?' didn't you get?!" "i feel like she said that as a joke," i say, "we didn't actually make out in her car." "are you gonna see her tomorrow?" "she's not working tomorrow," i say. "right," iris laughs, "day after?" "i've gotta go to the studio, but i'll see if i can drop by," i smile. 

i lay in bed, scrolling on twitter. i refresh my timeline, eyes widening. 

'olivia rodrigo and barista y/n l/n seen cuddling!'

i tap on the photo, seeing multiple paparazzi photos taken when y/n and i hugged against her car. one was taken as i asked her for a hug, both of us smiling widely as y/n laughed. i skip a few photos and a smile forms as i see y/n had her eyes closed, smiling as we hugged. you could just see half my face in it, smiling too. "shit," i whisper, going through the comments.

a/n - can yall please comment names to call olivia besides my love/love? im running low bc i don't wanna use the ones i used in my previous books😭

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