𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟴𝟯 - 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸

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conan laughs, turning around, "thank you, you really look stunning." "thank you," i smile. "had dress as spider-woman for my outfit," he says. "maybe i should come up with a suit like this," i laugh, "it really looks amazing." olivia takes my hand, and i squeeze hers. "who have you talked to?" liv asks. "literally everyone," i laugh, "i've been trying to find you and everyone just keeps having a conversation. not that i mind, though." "look at you," conan says, "getting everyone's attention." "too bad she's mine," olivia pulls on my arm as she leans into me.

i tuck olivia in, and she says thank you. i look at conan, seeing he was smiling at me, "want me to tuck you in too?" "i'm okay," he laughs, sitting beside olivia. i chuckle, sitting on the other side of olivia.

i pick up the small name tag that had my name in cursive, smiling. i pick up the menu for what we're eating tonight, and olivia leans her head on my shoulder. "do you not have a menu?" i ask. "i do," olivia says, "just wanted to lay my head on your shoulder. is that okay?" "yeah," i laugh, "maybe i should ask those people if they need extra help catering. it's like... my specialty." olivia laughs, leaning her head off mine and looking at me, "you don't have to think about work all the time, you dork." "i was kidding," i say, looking at the people walking around with trays, "but you don't think they need extra help?" "it's the met gala, i'm sure they're fine," olivia answers. i smile, facing olivia. she smiles at me too. "you really do look amazing tonight," i tell her, "like... out of this world beautiful." "you're the star of the show tonight," olivia smiles. 

i watch the performance, holding the small ice-cream cup. i look down, scraping the sides of the ice-cream and eating it.

olivia and i stand in the met gala van, holding the hand grip. "i don't think i have it in me to go to this after party," i chuckle, "i'm exhausted." "you gotta go," olivia smiles. "i know, i literally have to since i've got everything ready," i say, "do you know what time they usually finish?" olivia takes her hand on the grip, placing them on my shoulders. "uh... pretty late," olivia admits. "great," i say. "you're having a good time though, right?" olivia asks, stepping closer as we go over a speed bump. "yeah," i smile, "only 'cause you're here." olivia laughs, shaking her head as she moves her hand to the back of my neck, "it's been really fun with you here, like, over the top fun." "the first hour of the cocktail was chaos," i tell olivia. "yeah, i know," olivia nods, wrapping her arms around my neck, "still alive though." "yeah, i'd hope so."

after the met gala after party, i fall onto the hotel bed next to liv. "so tired," i whisper to olivia. "me too," she whispers back. i get under the blanket, closing my eyes. "how much did gucci pay you to go and wear them?" liv asks. "uh, like, almost three million," i say, shocked at the price as i speak it. "that's insane," olivia chuckles. "yeah, i guess they have the money to spend," i say, "means more fancy dates for us. olivia laughs. "yeah. thank you for coming," olivia says, "i really appreciate it." "thanks for convincing me," i say, "had a blast." "not bad, right?" she chuckles. "not bad at all."

_______(pretend it's the met gala lol)________



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