CHAPTER 123 - i saw that coming

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i place my lips gently on olivia's stomach, inhaling through my nose and blowing out through my mouth. olivia wakes up from her nap, laughing at the feeling and sound. i laugh too, "good morning, pretty girl." "good morning, dimples," olivia grins. "ever do that to a baby? they laugh their heads off." "i have," olivia laughs, "it's the cutest thing ever." i smile, blowing onto olivia's stomach. she laughs, and i laugh too, sitting up. "do you ever want kids?" i ask. "yeah," olivia says, "since we can't have kids, i'd wanna adopt." "well, that's our best bet," i say. "do you want kids?" olivia asks. "yeah," i smile, "i think we'd be great moms." "i agree," olivia smiles back.

wedding day , may 21st
my eyes already start to water the second i see olivia walking down the aisles. her hair was out, she held a flower bouquet, wearing a white, long, flowing dress."oh my god," i whisper, chuckling breathlessly.

"y/n, look into olivia's eyes," brent, the marriage officiant says. i widen my eyes at olivia, smiling. olivia smiles wider, squeezing both my hands. "olivia is giving to you, her life love and devotion, because you are the woman she wants to spend the rest of her life with. do you promise to her your undivided love and devotion? if so, say 'i do'."

"i do."

"when we first met, i never realized that i'd be lucky enough to marry someone so caring, selfless, passionate, and funny as you," i sniffle, "these past six years have flown by, and i've loved every single second of it. i feel so lucky to be by your side, watching you be this person that you aspire to be, watching you achieve so many things in your life. waking up next to you every morning has felt like a dream... i wouldn't change it for anything. i'm always gonna be there for you, through thick and thin, and i'll never take our love for granted. i fall in love with you every single day. you've always loved me for who i am, even if i wasn't showing the best versions of myself at times. everything that we've built from the second i met eyes with you in the cafe is something i'll always be proud of..." 

"olivia, look into y/n's eyes," brent says. olivia smiles at me, and i keep a smile on my face, jaw hurting. but that was the least of my worries. "y/n is giving to you her life, love and devotion, because you're also the woman she wants to spend the rest of her life with. do you promise to her your undivided love and devotion? if so, say 'i do'."

olivia smiles, nodding softly, "i do."

"y/n, when you sat down in front of me when i got stood up on my date, i knew that we were gonna have something so special. it was such a pleasure to rewatch everything unfold and to see how you've changed my life. you offered to take me home after paying for our food. you opened the door for me, even though it wasn't even a date yet. from that moment, i knew the kind of person you are as a person. someone whose intentions are selfless, and focused on the happiness of others, and whose sweetness i didn't think existed in this world," olivia smiles at me as she looks up from her palm cards. i chuckle tearfully, listening to olivia read. "you go out of your way to be kind and generous, always helping strangers who need help. you've never once failed in the past six years to not open my car door for me. thank you for making me feel like a kid again when you take me out of the car when i pretend to sleep and tuck me in bed." we both laugh, friends and family in the audience laughing too.

i slide the ring onto olivia's finger, and she does with mine. "with the power vested in me, i pronounce y/n and olivia, wife and wife!"

i pull olivia into a kiss as the audience cheers and claps. we both smile as olivia's arms wrap around my neck, pulling me closer.

i wave to my mom and friends as olivia and i walk down the aisle together, arms linked. i was truly the happiest girl on the planet.

"when y/n and olivia started dating, i was like," iris clicks her tongue as she nods to the audience, "'i saw that coming'. and then they got engaged, and i was like, 'i saw that coming'. eventually, liv asked me to be her maid of honor, and i said, 'i saw that coming'. about a week later, liv comes up to me and goes 'hey iris! how's the maid of honor speech going?' i didn't see that coming." olivia and i look at each other, laughing along with the audience. "i forgot that i was supposed to talk! i was like 'oh no! i'm the maid of honor, how could i forget the maid of honor speech?!'"

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