𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟭𝟬𝟰 - 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁

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a/n - please vote

three months later
"i'm so nervous," olivia laughs as i pull up to the 'first we feast' building. "you'll be okay," i smile, "good luck!" olivia squeals nervously as i park the car.

i stay in the parking lot, getting messages from olivia. 



my liv💜





just make sure you brush
your teeth before you kiss me
when you come back pretty😁

omg come pick me up
i'm so scared




bye!! i love u !!!

lmk if you need a ride home🤍


olivia's pov
i stare at the chicken wings as sean introduces me. "olivia rodrigo, welcome to the show." "hi, i'm so nervous," i say, "but so excited." "now, you know that this is a mini series, with a twist! instead of eating the wings one by one, i'm gonna ask you a series of questions. if you choose not to answer, you take a bite of the wing," he explains.

"now, we'll start of easy with the wing on the left," he says as i look down. "first question," sean says, "also starting up easy." "let's do it," i chuckle. "now, you released a whole album for your girlfriend y/n l/n, also known as spider-woman," he says as i nod. "can i read the last conversation from you guys?" he asks with a smile. "honestly, yeah," i take out my phone from my pocket, unlocking it and tapping onto y/n and i's conversation. 

i hand my phone to sean, and he starts reading it after he laughs. "you said, in all capitals, 'y/n i'm so nervous, i haven't even gotten in yet'. y/n said 'hahaha, you'll be okay. just make sure you brush your teeth before you kiss me when you come back pretty'," he says, "aww, that's sweet." i laugh, nodding. "then you said 'omg come pick me up, i'm so scared. OKAY IM GOING IN PRAY FOR ME. GOODBYE I LOVE YOU I'LL CALL YOU AFTER'," we both laugh. "'OH DONT WORRY IM PRAYING. bye!! i love u!!! lmk if you need a ride home' with a white heart," he says, "and that's the end of the conversation, you didn't even reply to her!" "oh my gosh, i didn't even see it," i laugh. "you guys are so cute," sean says, "are all your texts like that?" "yeah, i feel like it's pretty chaotic! you can read the one above that, i can't remember what it is, but i'm sure it's fine," i say. "alright," he laughs, "your last conversation from last night." i wait as he responds a little bit in his head, before reading out loud. 

"so first, y/n sent a selfie of her in her spider-woman suit, holding up a box of four donuts," he explains, re-jogging my memory. "right," i giggle. "and she said 'some nice lady got these donuts for me!', and you said 'those look so good!', she said 'yep! i've saved three for you to have at home, i'll be back in about ten minutes'. then you said 'thank you, i love you! see you soon', smiley face, y/n responding with an 'i love you' and a smiley face too." i chuckle again, "yeah, it's nothing too juicy. we talk, like, twenty-four seven at home, so there's not gonna be too much information on texts." "what's it like, living and being in a relationship with her?" sean asks. "it's really, really amazing," i fiddle with my fingers, "we've been through thick and thin and she's been so, so supportive of me and my career. i could go on for hours about her, but yeah. i'm so happy with her, she's seriously the best person ever." "with her being spider-woman, does it make your life easier? like, if you're in a hurry, does she swing you there?" sean asks, chuckling.

i smile, nodding, "yeah, sometimes, actually!" "is it, like, scary? because i could only imagine," sean says. "it used to be, but it's so fun now." "we should get her to create an app like 'uber' and swing people in a hurry," sean laughs. i laugh too, "yeah, i'll definitely pitch that to her. um, i'm pretty short, so if i need help with something tall, i'll get y/n to stick to the wall and get it for me or use her webs to pull it down for me. it's actually so helpful, so props to y/n."

i get into the car, y/n closing the door. i wait until she gets into the drivers seat by buckling up. "how was it?" she asks, buckling up. "so spicy," i laugh, "should've saved a wing for you." "no thanks," y/n smiles, starting the car, "thanks for the offer, though." i smile, reaching over and placing my hand on her thigh.

i lay my head on olivia's chest as we lay in bed. "can i ask you a question?" olivia asks. "anything," i chuckle, closing my eyes. "if i lost my memory, what would be the first thing you'd tell me about us?" olivia asks a rather deep question. "i'd tell you how we met," i answer, "gotta start from the beginning." "that's true," olivia says, "how would you describe how you feel about me to someone else?"  "well, i know that answer from you because you talk about me in every interview," i say, making olivia laugh. "but... i would describe you as the prettiest girl ever," i answer. "be serious, my love," olivia says, rubbing my shoulders. "i am," i smile, "but i would say that. i'd say you're the best person alive, and they'd be really lucky to be your friend." "okay, good answer. another one," olivia says, "for you, what was our most memorable kiss?" "oh my god," i chuckle, "let me take a think. obviously all of them." "a specific one." "well... our first kiss was really great," i say, "you know, when you got into my car and made out with me before i could even get a sentence out." olivia bursts out laughing, "it was pretty hot, right?" "really hot," i smile. 

olivia tries to think of more questions. "what's one thing in the world that you'll never get tired of doing?" olivia asks. "talking to you," i say. "it can't have anything do to with me," olivia laughs, "but thank you." "uh... probably swinging around or just being spider-woman," i say. "i was hoping you'd say that," olivia says, "after all, you're spider-woman." "i know," i laugh, "these questions are really good by the way." "i'm looking them up," olivia laughs. i open my eyes, looking at her phone and laughing. "oh my god, i thought you were coming up with them on the sport!"

olivia asks, "what's a little thing that makes you happy?" "seeing you happy," i answer. "y/n, you gotta stop answering the question with me in it," olivia laughs. "but it's true! i do love seeing you happy," i smile, "what about you?" "honestly, you know what? same," olivia says. "not including me." "well... i think when you say my name," olivia answers, "i don't know, i just really like it when you say my name." "olivia," i smile.

olivia massages my head as she looks for more questions. "do you feel like when we have sex it's more about you or about me?" olivia asks. i chuckle as i think, "i think it's about both of us, to be honest. but i really love when i make it about you." "yeah, i know," olivia says, "i feel like i'm a pillow princess, i feel so bad sometimes when i don't give you anything back." she laughs, and i smile, shaking my head. "no, you give back to me," i say, "but like i said, i do like to pleasure you, and i know you like it, and i honestly do like giving to you." "i do like it," olivia agrees, "thank you." "no problem," i smile, "any other questions?" "let me scroll..." she says, talking again after about a minute, "i can't find any."

i smile, rolling off olivia. "hey," she says, turning off her phone. "i have a question for you," i say. olivia rolls her back to me, and i move closer to her, pressing my body against her back. olivia hums as i ask my question.

another a/n - i keep punishing myself lol i read 'a thousand boy kisses' in one sitting... that was not a strong woman moment </3 cried 15 times but i loved it so bad. read it if you can!! honestly might do a little short book based off it in the short stories book i've been gradually writing here.

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