𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟯𝟭 - 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲

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a/n - please voteeee

i smile wider, "you're my home too." "i'm glad," olivia chuckles, wrapping her arms around my waist, "i love you." i hug her tight, "i love you too. now let's go and get room service here, yeah?" "yeah, okay," olivia laughs, letting go.

i hand the brochure to conan, and we look at the menu. "what would you like, olive?" i ask. "i'm still looking," olivia says, leaning closer to me as we both look at the options.

i pick up the hotel phone, dialling in the room service number.

after getting our food, i hang up, placing the phone back down. i pick up my water bottle from the bedside table, unscrewing the cap. i take a few gulps, handing my water to olivia. "thanks," she says, drinking some. she hands it back to me, and i screw the cap back on, placing it on the bedside table again.

i open the door, seeing a lady with our food on a tray. "hi, room service?" she says. "yeah, that's us," i say. she walks in, pushing the tray. she sets the food on the bed, handing the drinks to us. i pay with my phone, and she walks out after we say thank you.

olivia hands me my ice-tea, "i'll transfer you now." "you don't have to," i say. "y/n," olivia looks at me. "yeah?" i ask. "i'm transferring you," she frowns. i sigh, "okay, thanks." 

i pick my a waffle fry, putting it in my mouth. "waffle fries," i whisper with a smile. "waffle fries?" olivia laughs beside me. "match made in heaven," i say, picking another one up, "try one for yourself." i place it in olivia's mouth. she chews with a smile. "yeah... waffle fries."

last day of hawaii , 10:02am , olivia's pov
"and she fucking picked it up and ate it!" mateo exclaims. we all laugh, and i lean into y/n. the bed vibrates slightly, and y/n picks up her phone. i look at her, and her eyes scan the text, smile fading. 

i sit back up as y/n stand up, staring at her phone. the laughter dies down when y/n walks to the balcony door, opening it and closing it behind her without a word. "is... she okay?" conan asks me. "i don't know what just happened," jess says, "should i check up on her?" "i think she just needs space," julien says, "who knows, it could just be a phone call."

about fifteen minutes later, y/n still hasn't came back in. "i think i'm gonna talk to her," i say, standing up. 

i walk out the balcony door, closing the door a little loud to signify i was outside now, although y/n could probably hear me. i walk up to her, looking at her as i lean my back against the railing. she stared at the distance, blank expression on. i look down, and y/n's index finger was sticking onto her phone as she swung it side by side the slightest bit.

i look back up to y/n. "are you okay?" i ask. she nods. "i know you're not okay," i say, "and it's okay not to be. i'm here when or if you wanna talk." "just... give me a minute," y/n says softly. "okay," i say, pushing myself off the balcony railing. i take a step to walk back, but y/n's hand holds onto mine. i feel the desperateness in her grip, but i could tell she was trying to not squeeze my hand too hard. 

i turn my head to look at her. "can you stay with me?" she asks. "of course," i whisper. she lets go of my hand, and i stand beside her. since y/n hasn't been like this, i take the time to learn more about how she is. she moves closer, wrapping her right arm around my waist. i lean into her, and she lets out a deep sigh.

tw : alcohol abuse

we stand in silence for around 4 minutes, before y/n speaks up. "um... when i was fifteen, my dad started to become an alcoholic. when he started drinking at home parties, my mom and i didn't think anything of it," she says, "until he started drinking every day." she looks at me, and i nod.  she looks back in front, "he would, like, gaslight my mom and i, verbally abuse us. my mom would always say 'at least he didn't throw a punch', but we both know that the shit he says hurts just as much," she sighs, "anyways, he would always yell at my mom, and then when i would try and resolve the problem, he would always tell me i'm taking my mom's side, that i don't love him, all this shit. after every fight that he has, he just leaves. gone. just... gets in his car and leaves for a few days without a word. sometimes he'd text me massive paragraphs on him acting like the victim, then come back a few days later like nothing happened." "y/n," i sigh, making her look at me. "you don't have to tell me anything," she says, "i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable." "it's nothing like that," i say, moving closer to her. she takes a tiny step back, and i take this to stand in front of her. she steps forward again, and i place my arms on her shoulders. "i'm sorry, y/n," i say, "is there anything else? i'm here to listen to you." "i don't know," she says, "he's been alcohol-free for like... more than a year. until now, i guess." "why doesn't your mom just... end it with him?" i ask. "because she knows that he's a good guy. and yeah, he is... when he's not drinking. they've been together for 20-ish years, of course she still loves him, she can't picture her life without him and neither can i," she nods, "it's just, gonna be hard to support my mom through this, especially when i've got a job and i don't live with them anymore." "how long do you think this'll go on for?" "months," she says. "has he tried rehab?" "he did, for a few months. he hated it, making him stay with other people and listening to their stories made him even worse," she says. "i understand," i nod. she says, "really shitty. my mom and dad have been really happy lately." "what made him start again?" "drinking for fun," she scoffs, "never such thing with him anymore. first mistake."

i listen to y/n for a few more minutes. god, wouldn't have believed something so bad was happening with her, she radiated happiness. "i'm here for you," i say, "you can talk about it to me any time." "thank you," she says, "i'm here for you too. talking of speaking about it, are we able to keep this between us? i haven't told any of them and i don't really plan to." "yeah, of course, my love," i say. y/n cracks a smile, which is a relief for the topic. "thank you."

i pull away after a quick kiss, "can you spend your last day in hawaii on a good note?" y/n gives a small smile, "yeah, i'll try." "okay good," i say, connecting my hand with hers and guiding us back inside.

we decide to go cliff jumping, and i put a bikini under comfortable shorts and a t-shirt. i walk out of the bathroom, sitting on the couch.

i place the paper plate on my lap, holding the knife with one hand and the apple with my other hand. olivia slumps down next to me, "hi love." "hi olive," i say, starting to cut the apple into 4 sections. "you okay?" she asks briefly, knowing madison was here, conan in the bathroom. "i'm okay," i say, "you okay?" "i'm okay," she chuckles. i hand her a piece of apple. "i don't feel like the apple skin," she chuckles. "i'll take it off," i smile, starting to peel it off. i hand it back to her. "thank you," she says. "no problem," i say.

i stop talking as olivia tilts her head to the side with a smile, a few strands of hair escaping the back of her ear. i look away. "why'd you stop talking?" olivia asks, chuckling. "nothing," i say quickly. "look at me," she says. i look at olivia. "your face is getting red," she laughs, "what's wrong?" "nothing's wrong," i laugh too, "you just..." "i what?" she asks, leaning closer to me. "you just look really pretty," i say quietly. "really?" olivia chuckles. "yes," i respond. "you're so cute," olivia laughs, hugging my arm.

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