CHAPTER 137 - the news

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a/n - please vote!! chapter you guys have been waiting for

i swallow, looking at the two vertical lines.

it can't be. i drop it onto the counter, tearing open the new box.

my heart beats faster and faster as i read the small screen.

2-3 weeks

i take a deep breath, running my hands through my hair. 

i kiss y/n as she walks into the house. "hungry?" she asks, pulling away. "um... a little," i say. how do i even tell her? i mean, both the tests are in my back pocket. what if she gets mad? what if she leaves?

 y/n smiles, walking to the kitchen. i follow her, swallowing. "y/n?" i blurt out.

she turns around, seeing my stressed face, "what's wrong?" 

y/n's pov
olivia walks up to me, sighing. "i don't..." olivia starts. "what?" i chuckle. olivia reaches into her back pocket slowly. 

my heart drops as she shows me the two tests. it wasn't possible. not... with me. 

i look up at olivia, "what... what's this?" "it's... i took a test- two, today," she whispers, "i haven't got my period. i've been waking up in the middle of the night, like, every night to go to the bathroom. i haven't done it with anyone else. just you." i swallow, walking past olivia.

she follows me as i unlock the fabricator room. "what're you doing?" she asks as i sit on the chair, turning on the computer. "i'm... checking," i say, quickly moving the screen around.

there it was. 

20% chance of getting pregnant with the device.

"it wasn't there before," i whisper. "are you mad?" olivia asks, "what- what if, i'm not even pregnant? what if it's all just... i don't know. not real?" i turn the machine off, standing up and looking at olivia. "it's possible that you are," i say, "with... with me. how could i be mad?" olivia cracks a smile.

my heart lightens a little as i look at her lips. "olivia," i whisper, placing the tests on the table, "what if you are?" "y/n... i've thought so much about this," olivia admits, "i always hated how i couldn't have a baby with half me, and half the girl i love. but i... we have it, y/n." a tear escapes my eye, and i wrap my arms around olivia. "tears of joy... or disappointment?" she asks. "joy," i whisper, closing my eyes as a tear falls down my cheek. i feel olivia's tear fall onto my shoulder.

1 week later
i laugh as iris hugs me tight after olivia had told her she was pregnant. "you guys!" she exclaims, "you're a genius, y/n!" "mother olivia and y/n!" conan exclaims too. we pull away, and i smile at olivia, before looking back at iris. "thank you for getting me the tests," olivia hugs iris tight as i hug conan. "god, i'm so excited," iris squeals. "you guys have to call me 'uncle conan' now," conan grins, "gotta get into character."

we go out for dinner, getting into my car. i smile at olivia as she buckles her seatbelt. she looks at me, smiling too. she takes my hand in hers, placing it in my lap. "hashtag married couple with a baby!" conan exclaims from the backseats.

"have you guys thought of any names?" iris asks. "no, better question. do you want it to be a boy or girl?" conan asks. i look at olivia and she says, "i think y/n and i are such girl moms." i chuckle, nodding. "oh, i see that," iris smiles, "any names if it's a girl?" "we've kind of agreed on jada, but it's still really early, it could change."

1 month later
i wrap my arms around olivia as we lay in bed. "liv?" i ask. "yeah?" she responds. "are you scared?" i ask. "of what?" "what if... something's wrong with the baby? this is the first time it can biologically happen," i say my thoughts out loud. "everything's gonna be perfect, y/n," olivia whispers, "i promise." "are you scared of carrying the baby?" i ask another question. "a little," olivia says, "but... i think that's the beauty of it. we're finally gonna have a little us. and they're gonna be in my uterus, and i'm gonna take her everywhere for nine months. isn't that beautiful to you?" 

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