CHAPTER 110 - deep massage

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i wake up, rolling off olivia. "morning," she smiles, looking away at her phone and at me. "good morning," i yawn. olivia rolls on top of me, hugging me around my waist, "i love you. so fucking bad." i laugh, rubbing olivia's back, "i love you so fucking bad. like, the worst... in the best way." olivia laughs, looking up at me.

i sit at the breakfast table, scrolling through my camera roll. "ew!" i laugh as olivia burps next to my ear. she blows it into my ear and i lean out of the way, olivia laughing. "you're so gross," i chuckle. "what're you doing?" she asks with a laugh, wrapping her arms around my neck and leaning her chin on my head. "i am... going to post on instagram, actually."



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liked by oliviarodrigo, madisonbeer and 93,494,495 others

spiderwoman   in new york!!! brooklyn bridge!!! hmu!!!

view all 14,249,553 comments

spiderwoman   i also brought the wrong suit bc i was packing at like 3am we all make mistakes

oliviarodrigo   HIT U UP??? you have a gf😖
spiderwoman   TO HANG OUT.


user1   in new york for liv heeheh

user103   sexy


i walk into olivia's room, seeing her writing in her composition book. she starts to hum a melody, huffing angrily. "are you... okay?" i ask. olivia looks up at me, "yeah. just... stressing a little." "writing?" i ask, standing behind her. "yeah," she says. "is there a deadline or something?" i ask, starting to read the words on the page. "no," olivia answers, putting her pen down. "well... how can i make your day better?" i ask, making olivia turn around on her chair. "just... tell me to stop writing," she laughs. "stop writing," i smile, putting my hands down to her. she takes it with a small smile, and i pull her up, letting go of her hands and placing them on her waist.

i walk olivia backwards, laying her on the bed. "tell me what you need," i say, "and i'll give it." olivia looks at my lips with a chuckle, "a deep massage would be amazing."

i start to massage olivia's back as she lays naked on the bed, stomach down. i start to massage olivia's neck, and she lets out a muffled moan, face in the pillow. smiling, start to make my way slowly down, making sure to massage every part of olivia's body.

i get to olivia's ass, and she laughs as i dig my finger into it. i start to massage her body again, doing this for about twenty minutes.

"still awake?" i ask. olivia lets out a tired groan. i smile, bending down and kissing up and down her back. "gonna flip you," i say, holding olivia's waist.

i flip her around, and smile at her. "thank you," she smiles, "really needed that." "not done yet," i say, bringing my fingers and running it along her body.

i start to massage her neck, then arms. i move my hands down, looking up at olivia as i touch her thighs. her eyes were closed, so i look back down, sliding my hands closer to her core.

i rub small circles on olivia's clit with my thumb as i slowly slide my middle finger into her. olivia lets out a deep breath, arching her back just a little.

i reposition myself, laying in front of olivia's core. i replace my thumb that was on her clit with my tongue, starting to do small flicks up and down quickly. olivia lets out a moan, wrapping her legs around my neck.

i do a long hum against olivia's clit, and she moans loudly starting to twist around. i press my free hand on her waist, pushing her down lightly. 

liv lets out one more moan as she releases onto my fingers, and i take them out, replacing it with my tongue. i let olivia ride out her orgasm as i slowly eat her out, licking my fingers after.

i climb on top of olivia, hovering over her. "are you okay?" i ask. "so good," she smiles, "best massage ever." "i'm glad," i chuckle, pressing my lips against olivia's as i rub up and down her waist. 

she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down. "you know what i've been thinkin' about?" i ask, pressing my nose lightly against olivia's. "what?" she asks, rubbing the back of my neck. "if i didn't tell anyone i was spider-woman, i could join the olympic sports that require a good jumper or runner, or a good arm or leg," i smile as olivia laughs. "well, i think they'd be really suspicious," olivia says. "i won't make it too obvious," i say, "obviously if it's long jump i'm not gonna jump to the other side of the sand pit." "create a time machine," olivia suggests. "nah, it's okay," i say, "rather stay in present time with you." "talking about present time," olivia says, "would you rather die right now or be immortal?" "die right now," i say. "oh same," olivia answers, "glad we're on the same page." 

i smile, "we're always been on the same page."

olivia smiles softly, pecking my lips before she nods. "alright," i say, kissing olivia's neck once, "let's get up." 

2 days later
i cup olivia's cheek and kiss her on the forehead. "thanks for driving me here," i smile. "of course," olivia says, "have a safe flight, love. i'll see you in.... 2 weeks!"

y/n's birthday , 10:41pm
i lay in bed after hanging out with friends and family. without olivia. olivia had to go back to new york the day after our six year anniversary - which was amazing - then come back after a day. she said she'd be in la yesterday morning, but clearly not. i've sent her a few texts, but she hasn't answered any of them.

my heart jumps as i hear the garage door open, then close. i close my eyes, being too tired to get up. i hear the bedroom door open. "y/n, i am so sorry," olivia says, hearing her suitcase and her quick footsteps to the bed. i open my eyes as olivia kneels on the floor and looks at me.

"you almost missed my birthday," i whisper. "i know, i'm so, so, fucking sorry," olivia says, moving my hair that draped over my neck. "i- i was busy moving that day, then i lost track of the time, then i missed my flight, then i got a new flight and it got postponed to the next day, my phone died and again, i've been so busy moving that i realized i packed my charger in one of my boxes and my laptop," olivia explains quickly. "moving?" i whisper. "yeah. moving back here," olivia says, "i've sold the house and sold most of my stuff except the things i brought back here." i slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes.

olivia sits on my lap as my eyes struggle to stay open. "i'm so sorry," olivia wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me. my arms go around her waist loosely. "so... you're staying here now? forever?" i ask, rubbing her back. "yeah," she says, "i can't stand being away from you for a few days, let alone three months at a time." 

i don't respond as my eyelids start to fall. "y/n?" olivia says as she looks at me, moving back. i lay back onto the bed, and olivia sighs.

she gets off me, sitting on the side of me. "y/n, i am really sorry," she says. "i know," i whisper, "i'm just... really tired right now." "can we please do something? it's... we've still got a bit more than an hour to celebrate," olivia says, "i have your presents. i really put my heart into it this year. i k- i know i always do, but you... you can open them now. i want you to open them." "liv, i-" "please, y/n." 

i open my eyes at olivia's desperation. she has never sounded this desperate.

i blink a few times, sitting up, "okay." olivia's face brightens up, and she practically scrambles out of bed and runs downstairs. "thank you so much!" olivia yells as i hear her run down the stairs.

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