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"And if you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love is actually all around" ~love actually

A trail of smoke left Skylar Conleys mouth as she finished her second cigarette of the day. 'Smoking kills' she could almost hear her fathers judgemental voice tell her in the back of her mind. But wasn't that the point. To die. She had nothing left to live for, she was just choosing to leave the earth quicker than most.

She stood on the porch of Sarah Cameron's house with dozens of rollers in her hair waiting for her to get changed. Her parents were out of town so she thought she'd throw a party just in time for Hurricane Agatha which was sure to stop parties for a while.

"Skylar, so good to see you. Starting to cut back on the cigarettes yet?" Ward asked as she lit up her 3rd cigarette turning to face him and blowing the smoke into his fake, causing him to cough as he batted the fumes away.

The brunette girl was and never will be fond of Sarah's dad for a number of reasons. 1. She didn't like how he treated Rafe, sure he had his problems but didn't everyone. 2. She doesn't like how Sarah is too scared to do things in case of disappointing the man. 3. Something about him screams off to her.

The man wasn't too fond of the girl himself. He thought she was a bad influence on Sarah, thought she was trouble because she had a thing with a certain blonde pogue a while back, had something weird against her father, judging every movements she and her family made. Skylar had her flaws but Ward Cameron was the only Kook to ever judge her, to her face, everyone else either did it behind her back or not at all.

"Sky, dad" Sarah skipped out to face the two who stood facing each other in silence, Skylar being saved for snapping out a snide remark to the man. "Third one today Mr Cameron, see you later" she smiled sweetly at the man as a cloud of smoke circled her as she and Sarah walked off towards her house.

There was no denying that Skylar Conley threw the best parties in the obx. Best house, best alcohol, best music and the very best people. There were times where she'd let pogues turn up for the odd drink or two before kicking them out but it wasn't very often considering to her they weren't the politest of people.

Sarah threw herself down on the couch watching as her best friend ordered delivery men around, while applying a thick red lipstick to her lips. "Do people just not listen to me, the speakers go over there" she screamed when the men failed to place them where she'd asked them to several times every time losing more and more patience.

"God sometimes I think I should just do things myself" she stressed wrapping a pearl necklace round her neck that suited her summer golden glow perfectly. "Sorry Miss Conley" one of them mumbled as they scurried of out the house as if the sixteen year old girl was about to skin him alive.

Skylar took a puff of her cigarette to let out some stress leaving red lipstick marks around the rim of it. "Your party's starting in 20 minutes and your still not dressed" Sarah pointed out realising the brunette was in a pink silk dressing gown with a short baby blue nightgown on underneath.

"Oh Sarah, sweet Sarah. Clearly you don't know the number one party rule of mine. The host is never on time to their own party" she tapped the blonde girl on the nose before walking off to her room to prepare herself for the night ahead, first taking out her hair rollers so it wasn't too difficult to get her dress on.

Brown bouncy curls fell nicely just above her waist making her smile before spraying cherry scented hairspray around herself. The noise of people entering her house made her face erupt into a smile knowing her plan to be late was going to work.

She pulled a small black dress out her wardrobe the right side of it hanging with silver tassels which sparkled when the light hit it. She kissed her teeth before deciding to apply a little bit more red lipstick finally settling at that when she realised she'd been fussing around for almost 45 minutes.

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