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"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it" ~a walk to remember

Skylar was sat on her bed staring at the shoes Rafe had gotten her feeling guilty for keeping them. She felt nothing towards him, in fact if he didn't have such a troubled family she'd probably hate him. "Sky, what going-" Sarah burst into the Conley girls room her mouth falling agape when her eyes landed on the heels.

"Wow" she managed to choke out cautiously walking over to them and running a hand over them. "Who got you them" she questioned oblivious as to what her brother was spending his daddy's money on. "Your brother" Skylar blurted out, Sarah blinking at her best friend over and over again unable to process the fact Rafe had spent $500 on some shoes for a girl that never showed an interest in him.

"He must really like you" she laughed joining her best friend on the bed, tilting her head to look at the shoes from another angle. "Yeah well I don't like him" Sky cried burying her head in her hands as she contemplated on what to do with the shoes.

"Look Sky, when Rafe gets his mind set on something or someone, it takes a lot for him to move on. Just give him some time" Sarah smiled rubbing a hand on the brunette girls back supportively. "I've given him 2 years" she exclaimed wondering if she was ever going to manage to get Rafe of her back. She even began to think that if she moved away he'd somehow track her down one way or another.

"Find a girl Sarah. Find a girl to get him of my back" she turned to face the blonde Cameron girl desperately, her hands forming into a prayer gesture as she begged Sarah to find someone, anyone, to distract Rafe. "Your my only friend" Sarah deadpanned bringing it back round to the fact Sarah and Skylar only really had each other.

Sure they had girls they'd interact with at parties but they didn't like them. They liked each other and that was it, everyone else was just a backup option if the other one wasn't there for some reason. "Well go outside and make some more" Skylar ordered pointing out of her window which looked out to the beach where people crowded desperate to catch some good waves to surf.

"Rafe isn't interested in anyone else Sky, he's interested in you. I don't think any girls going to change that" Sarah admitted trying to calmly reveal to her best friend that maybe Rafe Cameron was in fact in love with Skylar Conley. "There is always another girl" she hissed standing up from her bed, walking towards her window to see if there was any girls that stood out to her.

"Maybe I should leave you to your girl hunting" Sarah smiled standing up from the bed, attempting to sneak out the bedroom before Skylar could drag her into it but the brunette girl was too quick. "No. We are going to the beach, we are finding a girl who looks like me and we are taking her back with us" she exclaimed her hand wrapping round Sarah's wrist as she pulled her along out the house with her.

"Let's find Rafe Cameron a distraction. Maybe we should advertise" Skylar suggested biting her lip as she thought about it. "Advertise what, a date with my brother" Sarah questioned seriously starting to worry about how insane her best friend actually was. "No, advertise being friends with us" Skylar scoffed as if Sarah should've understood her without having an explanation given to her.

"This is so stupid" Sarah groaned as Skylar scanned the beach for a girl with brunette hair and blue eyes. "Shush" Skylar snapped putting a finger up to her lips getting frustrated at Sarah. "Hey Sky, Sarah" some young girls smiled as they passed them on the beach, hair blowing in the summer breeze.

Skylar didn't stop to acknowledge them walking straight past them while Sarah stopped to talk to them and compliment almost everything about them because Sarah was just that type of person. "Sarah" Skylar exclaimed realising her best friend was no longer by her side looking for a victim to seduce Rafe.

"Hannah" Sky mumbled to herself noticing the brunette girl sat on the sand with Becky. Sure Hannah didn't have a lot of Skylar's looks but she did have brunette hair and a warm summer tan than could replace every other aspect Skylar Conley carried. "Hannah" Skylar called walking down to meet the two girls, Becky instantly offering up a warm welcome while Hannah made no attempt to get up, in fact she stayed sat down with her back to the Conley girl.

"Hannah" Skylar snapped once more clicking her fingers in the girls ears impatiently. "What do you think of Rafe Cameron" she blurted out running round so she was stood in front of the two girls who stared at her as if she was delusional. "Sarah Cameron's brother" Becky questioned piecing her brows together as she attempted to understand what Skylar was up to.

"Becky shush" Skylar smiled turning back to face Hannah who looked over at Becky in surprise. "I mean he's nice to look at" Hannah shrugged feeling uncomfortable having this conversation with the girl who Rafe Cameron absolutely adored. "That is great" she clapped her hands together loudly causing the two girls to jump in shock.

"Why is that great" Hannah looked the brunette girl up and down wondering what in the hell had gotten into her. "Because, you- you have brunette hair and blue eyes. You can get Rafe of my case, talk to him. Flirt with him. Sleep with him. I don't care as long as it gets him to leave me alone" Skylar spoke at the speed of 50mph the two girls trying to keep up with.

"You want me to sleep with him" Hannah cried, Skylar instantly shaking her head, sitting down next to the girl running a hand through Hannah's hair. "He bought me a pair of Louboutins, I need you to just distract him. Get him onto a new girl. It'll be a healthy change" Skylar smiled patting Hannah on the back supportively.

"You want me to distract him because he bought you some Louboutins. I'm sorry Skylar but I don't really understand. He just got you the present every girl dreams of" Hannah scoffed, Skylar had made her cry the other night and now the girl was making her feel like crying all over again as she complained about the Cameron boy who always succeeded in showering her with gifts.

"No, I think you're failing to understand what's going on here. It's weird. He's obsessed with me" she hissed getting up close to Hannah's face desperately. "Fine but I'm not making any promises" Hannah gave in realising that maybe if she didn't agree soon Skylar would turn fully insane. "Thank you" she squealed diving into the girls body, hugging her tightly. "You're hurting me" Hannah gasped for air as the sand she had been wrestled into blew into her mouth and hair.

I wasn't actually going to make Hannah a main part of this story, should I make her Rafe's love interest though?

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