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"I feel like I've lived most of my life in my imagination" ~Euphoria

"You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this?" JJ offered his joint up to Pope who looked at him in disgust pushing the joint away from him. "I keep the signal clear." He scoffed watching as Skylar turned round holding her hands out to take a hit of his joint which he happily gave her.

"Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? If you got creative, then..." JJ started to go on to Pope with his usual rant he did almost every night but luckily for everyone in the van John b interrupted him, "Look, I... I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right? And wrong about everything else going on. But I... I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something." he told the group, Skylar still as confused as earlier having not been told anything that was going on.

JJ threw open the slide door revealing a graveyard that had no light to it whatsoever. "After you" he smiled bowing sarcastically to let Skylar out the van first. She hesitantly walked out the van looking round at the place, shudders running down her spine. "John B, what are we doing?" She hissed crossing her arms over her chest, the warm breeze from earlier no longer being warm but being absolutely freezing cold. Especially for someone who was only wearing shorts and a tank top.

"Shut up." He snapped at her before turning back to face Kie while Skylar glared him up and down. It wasn't often the girl was told to shut up and she didn't enjoy it very much. "You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it? So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right? But it's not a place. It's a person." he explained stopping outside of a grave that was larger than all the rest, Skylar and JJ craning their necks up to look at the large structure stood in front of them,

"See, my great-great-grandmother Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name. Help me with the door. Come on." He ordered clicking his fingers at Pope and JJ who quickly stepped forward trying to heave the door open while grunting continuously. "Are you pushing?" Pope questioned when the door didn't budge a single bit. "Yeah, I'm pushing." JJ bit back his patience running thin when the door still refused to move at all.

"This door is like 700 pounds. It's not gonna budge." Pope huffed removing his hands from the stone door shaking of the pain. "We didn't come this far to get this far, all right?" JJ exclaimed encouraging Pope to make another attempt to which he did but quickly stopped when Skylar started screaming. "What" John b exclaimed directing his eyes over to what she was pointing at.

"That's a moccasin, all right." JJ shouted the three boys quickly moving away from it as JJ started to bark at it making Skylar slap a hand over her mouth realising wherever she was she was most likely going to die with these four idiots. "JJ, shut up. Shut up!"

"You're gonna wake the dead, man."

"They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that, man." JJ deadpanned looking to all of his friends who panicked trying to shut him up, someone had probably alerted security after hearing Skylar screaming but that plus JJ's bark was bound to cause a reaction from somebody.

Wait, hold on. "If there's one, there's probably dozens. All around."

"Stop. You're scaring me." Kie cried as JJ started barking around at the grass once again, John b running a hand through his hair wishing he'd just come on his own, "Stop barking at the snakes."

"We're not gonna get in there, all right? It's not budging. We should probably just go." Pope tried to break the news to John b while JJ carried on in the background, Skylar shining her torch up to the small hole at the top. "I can get through." She told the group causing all of them to fall silent their eyes following her gaze up to the hole.

"What? No, no, no, no. You think you're gonna fit through the hole? That hole?" JJ scoffed raising his brows at the girl who ten seconds ago was almost in tears over one snake. "Are you calling me fat" she smirked knowing he wouldn't resist to her going up there after she'd come up with that.

"I'm gonna boost you, all right. I've seen it in the movies several times. Ready?" JJ sighed pressing his back against the stone door holding his hands in position for the brunette girl to put her feet on. "Remind me what we're looking for." She looked to John b who gave her a grateful look, not only had the girl saved his life today but she'd also managed to get herself involved in whatever it was they were looking for. "You'll know when you see it." He smiled taking the flashlight of her while JJ gave her a boost up.

"All right, so put your hands right there. Yep. Foot...Your foot. All right, on three." JJ instructed directing her of where to put her feet but she was already fully aware of what she was doing, boosting her body up slightly crawling into the hole slightly. "Okay, never mind. Just forget about three." JJ huffed as John b passed her up the flashlight, Kiara holding her thumbs up at the girl trying to give her some kind of support.

"You alive? You got, like, a... a heartbeat and everything?" John b called up as she crawled further inside moving cobwebs out her way trying not to get distracted by them, ignoring the fact that there was probably so many insects in there. "So far." She gulped squinting her eyes when she realised she didn't have enough light to see anything.

"Uh... I need some more light." She shouted down to the group John b lifting his light up to the crack in the rock. "Yeah, yeah, here. Yeah, I gotcha." She fell silent her eyes widening as she looked down at the thing in front of her, "Did you find something?" JJ called up noticing she had gone unusually silent, "Is there gold?"

"Oh, my God." She laughed slightly out of shock shining her flashlight down on it.

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