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"You're on your own kid. You always have been" ~Taylor Swift

Skylar stormed towards the door swinging it open, not looking to who it was. Instead she left it open walking back towards the dinner table watching as everyone's face fell. Skylar creased her brows together thinking they were staring at her. That was until Evelyn and Andrew stood up tears welling in their eyes.

"Hi guys" a voice sounded from behind the girl causing Skylar's head to snap round to see Harper Conley stood there. Bags in hand. Tear stained eyes. "Oh my god" she muttered to herself staring at her sister in shock.

She'd only seen the girl last week but Harper seemed pretty adamant she wasn't coming back anytime soon. "Zachariah pull a seat up for your sister" Evelyn ordered wiping her eyes while taking a deep breath sitting back down.

"We'll talk after dinner darling" Evelyn smiled sweetly smoothing her dress out as she tried to keep composed and calm. The two sisters walked round to take their seats, the previous argument that had just occurred dying down as they all sat there, once again in silence.

"How's school" Harper asked Zacharia who gulped. The girl was like a stranger to the Conley family now. They never thought she'd be back yet here she was about to destroy the families life. "Forgive us Harper but after you ran off last year and failed to contact us we don't really want to talk to you" Elias scoffed jabbing into his food while Skylar sat her leg bouncing up and down anxiously.

"Oh come on. We all know I needed to get away for a while. It was best for me and you guys" she laughed looking around the table at her siblings to see them all starting down at their plates as if they were in competition to see which one looked up at the girl first.

"I'm sorry, are you still talking" Beckett spoke up for the first time since joining the table when he started to feel the chair next to him shaking from his sisters leg that was continuously bouncing up and down. "We don't want you here Harper. Has Tyler broken up with you, is that why your back" Elias questioned knowing there was no way the same girl from last year was coming back to spend family time.

"Or is it that he found you in bed with another man" Skylar blurted out everyone's heads snapping up looking towards the girl who had just put her phone down on the table, clearly having just finished reading something. "What" Harper choked out her eyes scanning the room to make sure non of the parents were listening in.

"Yeah, Tyler isn't very subtle with his sad little Instagram quotes of the day" she remarked turning her phone round on the table for everyone to read. "If I remember correctly it's the third one today. Allow me to read them out to you"

Skylar cleared her throat putting a hand on her chest as she got into character. "Quote no.1. 'while I was so full of love you were simply full of shit.' Quote no.2. 'Cheating is the most disgusting, hurtful, and disrespectful thing you could do to someone you say you love.' And finally ladies and gentlemen quote no.3 and although this quote does relate to the hurt poor Tyler is feeling it also speaks for the rest of my family. 'You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow that didn't stop you..'" she started to put on fake tears making her voice crack every so often as she spoke.

The group of teenagers all turned to look at Harper who sat, her mouth opening and closing like a fish as she tried to get some words out. "Cat got your tongue Harps" Skylar mocked taking the phone from Topper and Sarah who were still reading over Tyler's account.

"I need a drink" she huffed holding her glass out for one of the staff members to fill up, Skylar rolling her eyes while she laughed mockingly at the girl. "Always a pleasure"

"Bring on desert" Beckett called out when he noticed the plates of chocolate cake being carried into the room, everyone livening up a bit more taking themselves out of the uncomfortable silence.

"You okay" Kiara whispered to the Conley girl shuffling towards her a little bit to offer her a comforting hand squeeze, Sarah looking at the two with narrowed eyes. She wasn't aware Skylar had gotten so close with the Carrera girl and was extremely confused over this newfound friendship.

"I'm sorry, is there something going on here" Sarah blurted out, letting her emotions get the better of her, pointing between the two girls who seemed way too close to be mortal enemies. "She was asking me if I was okay" Skylar huffed knowing what Sarah was like when she started to get jealous of something.

It was the reason the two were best friends. Neither of them really liked any of the other Kooks so they always ended up with each other at any event. If one wasn't going, it was likely the other one wasn't either it's just the way they worked. So when Sarah saw her cosying up to the girl she hated, it struck a nerve.

"Last I knew, you two hated each other" the Cameron girl scoffed downing the drink she'd refused from Topper earlier. "Last I knew, you were in love with Denny" Skylar fired back bringing up Sarah's boyfriend from a couple months ago that she'd cheated on.

"Woah okay, Skylar can't you see what's going on here" Topper spoke up holding his hand out to stop the two girls from going on further. "What's going on Topper. Please enlighten me" she smiled leaning back in her chair as she waited for the boy to say exactly what she already knew he was going to say.

"These pogues. There a bad influence on you Sky, look at yourself" he cried looking her up and down in horror. "You're like a stuck record Topper. I'd rather sit and read Tyler's pathetic little quotes all day than listen to you say the same boring thing all day" she laughed spitefully picking her drink up to finish it off but paused when Topper  opened his mouth to speak again.

"Well why don't you run along and take your pick of Harpers sloppy seconds" she looked down at her drink before smiling sweetly at the boy. Her chair scraped across the floor and she started to walk off with her drink in her hand. She walked round to his side of the table tipping the red wine over him marking his suit.

His burst up out his chair standing over the Conley girl who shrugged her shoulders looking at him innocently. "Sorry Top, I tripped" the parents turned to face the group of teenagers who were all stood in a huddle screaming at each other.

"Oi" Andrew's voice echoed round the house and the group broke apart turning to face the man whose face had turned red from anger. "What the blazers is going on here" he questioned looking along the line of teenagers who all stood with their heads down.

"Skylar" he cried grabbing her chin so she could look at him properly. She remained silent pursing her lips while Andrew remained glaring at her. "Room now" he ordered pointing over to the stares. She silently celebrated walking off with a smirk up to her room.

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