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'I want a love that would make Shakespeare blush' ~Bridgett Devoue

"JJ" Hannah hissed looking at the blonde boy who burst into the locker room trying to break into one of the toilets but they were all locked. "This is the boys" JJ deadpanned turning to face the girl but not having time to question it anymore when Rafe walked in with his two minions behind him, Hannah jumping at the sight of him.

"Hey Hannah, JJ. What you guys doing in the locker room" he exclaimed walking towards the pair who weren't stood close but close enough for Rafe to get to the pair of them. He grabbed JJ pushing him towards Kelce who wrapped his arm round his neck holding him.

"Hold him still. What... what do you think? A four iron, right Hannah? Alright keep his head still, I'm gonna line this up" Rafe ordered pretending as though he was about to hit a golf ball towards the Maybank boy. "Rafe just leave it" Hannah begged trying to place a hand on his arm but he quickly snatched it away almost elbowing her in the face as she stumbled back.

"Very Rafe of you man. Five on one?" JJ panted as he struggled to break free from Kelce's grip. "Looks like you take it out on Hannah as well when you've got no one else to beat" he spat nodding his head towards the brunette girl whose chest was rising up and down heavily.

"If you could please stop talking. It's very disrespectful when I'm trying to hit a ball" he scoffed going back to what he was doing while Hannah scanned her eyes round the room finding something to help JJ.

"Your face looks really bad. Starting to look like your dad a lot more" Rafe mocked crouching down to get a closer look at the blonde boys beaten face. "Rafe" Hannah cried trying not to show that she was scared of the boy while his friends were around.

"Will you just shut up you little bitch" he spat turning to face her which allowed JJ to kick the Cameron boy in the back of the legs unable to do anything else when security walked in, Kelce throwing JJ off him, "gentlemen, is there a problem."

"Oh. Pardon me officer. No, there's not an issue. I just... oh actually yes. No, there is an issue. Uh, we got a criminal trespass in progress here. Beep! Call it in right? Blatant disrespect for private property. I'm in violation of all kinds of shit sir" JJ started creasing his brows together when he heard a commotion going on outside but choosing to ignore it.

"But these young gentleman uh caught me sir, and they're about to take me away. And that's what you should do, escort me out of here. You got me" JJ held his hands out for the man to take. "Better fix that tie son. You're looking spiffy too. You Powerpuff girls have fun" he called after them as he was dragged out the locker room, Hannah sneaking round the other side to follow him out before Rafe could get to her.

"Tell Skylar she looks pretty hot for a slut" Rafe spat knowing fine well it would get to the boy. JJ tore his hand away from the man charging towards the Cameron boy who stood there with a smirk, the security quickly chasing after him and grabbing him before he could do any harm.


"Andrew Conley you are under arrest for the unlawful possession of a firearm used to threaten minors" Shoupe announced walking towards the man who was stood beside Evelyn. "Excuse me" he spluttered staring down at the handcuffs the man was pulling out his pocket to put on him.

Beckett and Skylar joined sides as they walked towards their father whose eyes instantly fell on them when he pieced together who had told. "We're supposed to be family" he shouted slamming his hand down on the table unable to believe that his children were the ones that had caused this.

"Family don't pull guns on each other" Beckett shrugged holding his hand out for Kiara who instantly grabbed it, locking it in with him as if it was perfect. "Evelyn, tell him this isn't true" Andrew begged turning to face his wife who was pushing Zach and Elias behind her not wanting them to see their father being took away.

"Do what they say Andrew" she huffed subtly trying to thank Shoupe. Harper ran over to the commotion her eyes falling on Andrew before she turned to face her sister. "What are you doing" she exclaimed. She couldn't face her father being arrested because she knew with him being gone Evelyn would actually stand up for herself now and scold her daughter for disappearing without any contact.

"Don't start trying to pretend your family now Harper, you don't know anything" Beckett snapped rolling his eyes at the girl who stood with tears in her eyes trying to understand what was going on. "Please move out the way" Shoupe ordered pushing the man through the crowd of people who shortly started to turn their attention towards JJ, Hannah and the security guard.

"It's okay everybody. Do not panic! Let's leave it to the men and women in uniform. Let's hear it for them" JJ started to cheer and clap as he was grabbed away from the party by the man. "Rose! You look like Lady Liberty! It's good to see you again. Hey, buddy, can I have one of those"

"Let go of him" Kiara shouted over causing the two to turn over, Beckett squeezing her hand while her parents tried to tell her to stop causing more of a scene, "you can't just boot him"

"I invited him here. I'm a member of this club" she announced which caused the security guard to be distracted loosening his grip on him. JJ pushed him into a group of people quickly apologising sarcastically. "Hey mandatory power hour at Rixon's. Kie, Beckett, Sky. Pope you as well alright" JJ pointed over to the group of teens who stood watching him with smiles.

Evelyn tried to grab onto her daughter's arm to stop her from going but she refused to listen. Beckett and Kie had already escaped, Pope trying to get JJ to leave but he refused to without Skylar.

"Come on Sky" he called as she started to run towards him. He held his arms open for the girl and she ran into them wrapping her arms round his neck as he spun her round. "Later losers" John b called back as the group of friends ran off away from the scene of Kooks.

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