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'if the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you' ~niall horan

Midsummers. The breeding ground of Kooks. Skylar would rather be anywhere else at this moment in time. Rafe was in shit because he hadn't walked out with the rest of his family and Sarah was throwing confused looks over to the girl because she'd just walked out with her brother.

"Mr Cameron, I assure you your son was just helping me out. Please don't shout at him" Skylar walked over to Ward who was in the middle of scolding Rafe for not being on time. "Helping you with what" Hannah questioned from behind the pair which caused the two teenagers to turn to face the small brunette girl who looked across at the two with tears in her eyes.

"No Hannah it wasn't like that" Skylar exclaimed reaching out to grab her from running off but she'd just missed. "I'll go" Rafe assured the Conley girl leaving her to be stood by herself watching Topper and Sarah argue from a distance, Kie and Pope stood serving the Kooks and JJ no where in sight.

"You still love her don't you" Hannah hissed turning round to face her boyfriend who had only just managed to catch her up, catching stares from people around who were interested to know what the young couple were arguing about. "Oh come on Hannah, don't act like you're in love with me or some shit. This isn't anything other than fucking" he scoffed his eyes darkening as he spoke to the girl who was almost cowering below him.

"Call me crazy Rafe but yeah I did think this was something because you fucking told me it was" she cried shoving a finger into chest harshly pushing him back. "Your fucking insane man" Rafe laughed beating his hand into his head as he tried to gaslight the girl into believing everything they had was never true.

"No. No I'm not. I know there was something, there still is" she cried grabbing his tux and pulling him closer to her almost as if she was begging him to stay, begging him not leave, begging him to love her.

"Don't fucking touch me" he spat grabbing her wrists harshly making her wince. "Talk to me when you come to your senses" he whispered into her ear as the grip he had on her wrist tightened even more which made her let out a small whimper. "Rafe your hurting me"

"Am I" he pouted almost mockingly and she nodded her head desperate for him to let go, but he didn't. She brought her knee up to his crotch not giving it a second thought and kneeing him in the dick. She ran off as he collapsed in pain, somehow finding herself in the male locker room that led into the restroom.


"JJ" Skylar muttered looking across the lawn to see the boy making his way over to her and Sarah. "JJ?" Sarah repeated her friend turning round to see the Maybank boy pass her a note, winking as if he knew something Skylar wasn't aware of.

"I got a, uh, note from Vlad." he danced around her trying to make it seem a little less suspicious as he handed it to her. "Yeah. From Vlad?" He repeated himself as Sarah's face broke out into a huge grin. She looked to Skylar who looked back at her quizzically having no idea what was going on.

As Sarah ran off, JJ moved next to Skylar locking their hands together almost as if he'd forgotten about what had happened in the hospital. "Some Romeo and Juliet shit going on there or something" Skylar guessed looking over to her best friend who had disappeared off round the corner to meet some guy.

"John b" JJ mouthed to her watching as he mouth fell open in shock. She'd never expect Sarah to have a thing with a Pogue but here she was sneaking around with one. "Huh unexpected but kinda not unexpected" she laughed placing her head on his shoulder listening to his breathing.

"Sorry I didn't make it in time to bail you out" she mumbled into his neck looking up at him hesitantly to see the state of his face. "It's fine" JJ assured her although she wasn't sure if he was referring to his injuries, her not making it in time or both.

She ran a hand over his cuts and bruises softly, his eyes closing as he took in the girls soft touch. "Oh yeah, meet at the Hawks nest at midnight. I've got a surprise" he winked twirling her round several times which made her throw her head back while she laughed.

"Promise you're okay" she asked crashing back into his chest her eyes falling into a trans when they connected with his. "Promise Princess" he placed a kiss on her forehead before grabbing his tray from the table and walking off leaving her with Becky who was in the middle of such a panic she couldn't get her words out.

"She's probably with Rafe somewhere" Skylar placed two supporting hands on the girls shoulder as she started to hyper ventilate. "You don't know" she whispered her eyes falling on Rafe who was now beginning to chase JJ through the building.

"Know what" the Conley girl creased her brows wondering if she'd missed something earlier with the pair. "Her neck. It's covered in bruises from where his hands have been" she revealed before stealing someone's glass of champagne from the table gulping it down.

It's a short chapter but I thought it would be a good place to end it.

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