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I'm John b and I'm going to explain the story of Skylar Conley, the richest girl in the island.

Skylar Conley was rich. Her father owned the Sky Rivers Hotel (you can tell who the favourite child is) where dozens of rich people stayed for the summer in OuterBanks. She had 4 siblings in the family, 3 of which were all older than her. You can imagine the house was hetic when all 5 of them were there.

Now there's not much else to say about Sky other than the fact that she's best friends with Sarah Cameron and she used to have a thing with my best friend, JJ Maybank last summer. It was no surprise to anyone that they had a thing considering the fact they would almost always hook up at parties while pretending to hate each other.

She used to be a Pogue with us. Exactly like Kie. Biologically born Kook but turned Pogue because she knew that was the better life style. In fact she was the main reason the no Pogue on Pogue macking rule had been invented in the first place. The minute me, J and Pope hit puberty everything changed. That's when Kie decided to make the rule when she noticed the constant flirting we all attempted.

I mean no one could help it. Skylar had a natural charm to her, gorgeous brunette hair and blue eyes that felt like a trap the minute you looked into them. Truth was Sky Conley was gorgeous and everyone fell at their knees for her Kook or Pogue. Rafe Cameron in particular.

The Cameron boy had some weird obsession with the girl that wasn't reciprocated back in any way shape or form, unless Skylar led him on for her own amusement from time to time. I only know this because I work at her parents hotel where Rafe constantly followed her round like a lost puppy.

It was amusing to watch because one it was never normal to see Rafe so swooned over someone and two because when JJ was at the hotel volunteering, thanks to Kie who secretly signed him up for it, he looked so aggravated me and Pope would make bets on when he was finally going to snap and admit his feelings to Skylar.

The only real interaction we ever have with Skylar now is when she's giving instructions on something, or when she passes the odd smile over to us every once in a while. I won't lie to you I miss the old Skylar. The one we could call Sky without people looking at us funny. The one who didn't care what others thought, the one that adored the Pogues so much she would show them off as much as she possibly could.

Things were different now though. She avoided us and if she ever was with us she'd hide as much as she possibly could. Even at the hotel she seemed embarrassed to be working with people like us.

Everyone knew something died in the girl last summer. When my dad went missing at sea, her family changed for the worst, Rafe got addicted to drugs, Sarah cheated on her boyfriend and her and JJ started to hook up. Nothing ever went back to normal after that summer.

Everything went downhill, and that's how it will be for the foreseeable future.

Everything went downhill, and that's how it will be for the foreseeable future

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