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'It is the things we love most that destroy us' ~president snow

Warning- mentions of abuse and violence

Hannah tried to sneak away from the midsummers aftermath before Rafe caught her but she was too late. He noticed her brunette hair in the wind along with the lilac dress she wore and instantly knew who it was. He took no hesitation in grabbing her wrist back harshly slamming her body against the side of his car.

"Fuck" she groaned her eyes looking up at the Cameron boy who was filled with rage. "You wanna go join the pogues now as well" he questioned slamming his hand loudly next to her. "You were gonna kill him Rafe" she cried reminding the boy that Kelce had him in a headlock and if she hadn't distracted the group with her being there and the security coming in JJ wouldn't be where ever he was right now.

"Oh relax Hannah I wasn't going to kill him, you think I'm a nut job" he laughed his chest heaving up and down as growing angrier. "You want me to answer that" she scoffed flinching when he tightened her grip around her wrist pushing her slightly. "JJ was messing alright, he wasn't supposed to be where he was" he sighed putting his head against the car breathing over the girl who stood as still as she could hoping he'd calm down soon.

"Okay, okay I know" she gave in her eyes closer tightly as she tried to hold the tears forming back. "You don't though because you defended him. You defended the trash Hannah" he cried pulling the girl back as he opened the car door. She knew what was coming and attempted to resist getting in the car but it was useless.

Rafe was a 6 foot nut job that refused to let anything get in his way. He picked her up from the ground as she kicked around restraining him slightly. "No Rafe, get off me. Get off" she screamed desperate not to get in the car. Everyone was pretty much cleared off from the parking lot and those that weren't had no interest in the pair thinking it was just a stupid lovers tiff.

"Shut up" he gritted his teeth together smacking her arm and grabbing onto her legs to stop them from kicking. "Stop it please" she begged but it was too late, he'd managed to get her into the car and shut the door, racing round to the drivers side so he could lock the doors to stop her from getting out.

"It didn't have to be like this you know, you just needed to listen to me" he banged continuously on the steering wheel as she whimpered trying to open the door to get out. "I'm sorry Rafe please. I love you just let me go" she pleaded trying anything and everything to get the boy to snap out of his high.

He drove down a road until he stopped down a dark backroad, Hannah's lip trembling as she expected the worst from the Cameron boy. "Just shut up for the love of god" he scolded opening his car door to walk round to her side she grabbed onto the door handle preparing herself to open it.

She waited until he was basically in front of the door throwing it open and slamming it into his body several times until he was rolling around on the ground in pain. She took her shoes off leaving them in the car before starting to run off falling into the mud when he reached to grab her leg to stop her from leaving.

She brought her foot to his face kicking him back which caused him a bust nose. "Help" she screeched knowing that even if she was in the middle of no where there was still a small chance someone would be able to hear her. Rafe pulled himself up from the ground charging towards her and shoving his hand against her mouth to shut her up.

She bit down on his skin causing him to snatch his hand away staring down at the bite marks on him. "You fucking bitch" he spat watching as she started to run further into the woods him following behind wiping the blood from his nose. "Help please somebody" she screamed cupping her hands over her mouth so her voice would appear louder.

Rafe brought his fist up to her face and she instantly felt it hit her. She felt the blood rush from her head as she fell dizzy but tried to stand refusing to let him win. "Come on Hannah, you want some more" he mocked watching the brunette girl look around at her surroundings. She wasn't taking her chances in trying to cause the boy more harm and instead made it seem like something was behind him before she started up a run again lifting her mud covered dress up so she wouldn't trip.

She noticed the Twinkie and prayed someone was in there, even Skylar and Beckett because she just wanted to escape. She ran round to the side of it to see it was empty, her heart instantly dropped. "Skylar" she exclaimed knowing if the Twinkie was there they'd be somewhere close by. "Hannah" she heard Rafe say from behind and she spun her head round looking down at the gun he held in his hands pointing it at her.

"Rafe" she breathed taking small steps back as her eyes didn't leave the sight of the gun he had turned from safety. "Shout one more time and I shoot" he warned his shaky hands rising up so the gun was pointing at her chest. "Rafe put it down, please."

"Just come back to the car Hannah, it'll be fine" he assured holding out his other hand for the other girl. She stared down at it and started to walk towards him but as she was just about to take his hand she wrestled the gun from his hand letting it go off into the sky causing her to scream slightly at the noise as the pair fell to the ground the gun ending up at the other side of them.

She didn't waste a second instantly crawling towards the weapon, Rafe following closely behind. Her hands reached for it and she quickly locked her fingers around it scrambling back away from Rafe. "Stay the fuck back" she shouted holding it out in front of her body staring the Cameron boy dead in the eye as she did so.

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