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'For you I would ruin myself a million little times' ~Taylor Swift

Skylar heard the bedroom door of her brothers shut which instantly caused her to walk out her own bedroom bursting into his without even knocking. "They saw you Beck" she cried showing him the photo that had been sent around of Beckett and Kiara.

"What" he creased his brows together taking the phone from his sister's hand staring down at the photo of him and the Carrera girl kissing. "They stopped round last night, you were stood making out with the girl on the decking outside, how stupid could you be" she shouted giving the boy a dumbfounded look as he tried to figure out a way round it.

"You gotta break things off with her" Skylar ordered desperately. She wasn't doing it because she was jealous or because she meant it maliciously, she was doing it to protect the both of them. She noticed how much Kiara struggled fitting in at the Kook academy when she went, how much people would pick her apart, Skylar didn't want the Carrera girl to go through that again.

And Beckett. Beckett was her brother and she cared about him so much. She knew dating the girl would risk him losing everything including his family, which right now wouldn't be an awful shame, but it would still hurt.

"So what I break things off with Kie while you and JJ still sneak around" Beckett questioned harshly feeling pretty upset with his sister right now who was acting completely different to the girl yesterday at dinner. "Fine you break things off with Kiara and I won't see JJ again" she sighed knowing it would be hard to stay away from the Maybank boy who always managed to bring her in just by looking at her.

"What no Sky, I'm not asking you to do that" Beckett exclaimed, he wasn't stupid, he saw the look his sister and JJ shared whenever they looked at each other, he noticed his sisters mood change whenever she'd been with JJ and he noticed his sister become a better person in every way possible.

"No Beck, we're doing it, break things off with Kie, I won't speak to JJ again" she ordered passing him his phone from the bedside cabinet to message Kiara before either of them got in too deep. "Now" she snapped as her brother stared down at the keyboard hesitantly.

"I can't do it Sky" he cried switching his phone off refusing to break anything off with the Carrera girl for the sake of his public image. "I'll do it for you then" she huffed snatching the phone from his hands typing the message to Kiara and hitting send before Beckett could take the phone away to stop it all from happening.

"I thought after your argument with everyone yesterday you'd stop being a bitch S, but clearly you aren't capable of change" he scoffed walking towards the door of his room pointing for the girl to leave, unable to even look at her at the moment. "Beck" she started but he just shook his head grabbing her wrist harshly before pushing her out the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Fuck" she cursed under her breath running a shaky hand through her hair when she realised what she'd done. She'd let the Kooks get into her head once again, she'd let them manipulate her into becoming someone she didn't want to be, manipulate her into thinking the pogues were bad news.

"You okay" she heard a voice ask from behind her turning round to see Harper stood in her pyjamas a worried look on her face. "I'm good Harper, nothing for you to worry about" Skylar sniggered walking off to her room, unable to even look at her sister who had managed to ruin this family far too many times.


"Skylar, get down here" Evelyn called from the stairs, the brunette girl taking her headphone off slamming her phone down on the bed to see what her mother wanted. "Family meeting" the woman ordered walking away into the family room where everyone else was already sat round in a circle.

"This is so stupid" she laughed sitting down by Elias who for some reason didn't look at her. She narrowed her eyes over to Beckett who pulled a spiteful look at her clearly the cause of why Elias wasn't speaking to her.

"I don't know what's going on with you kids but you all need to sort your problems out. We are a family" Andrew announced pointing at every single one of his kids who all stared down at the floor their arms crossed over their chests moodily.

"Have you thought that maybe Harper being back is the cause of all this. Everyone's emotions are heightened because she's back ready to destroy everything again" Zach spoke up glaring at his sister from across the room who was sat staring down at her nails feeling out of place in the room her family were gathered in.

"No Zacharia we haven't because even before your sister was back both Skylar and Beckett have been acting out. Why" Evelyn shouted at her son turning to face the other two siblings who remained silent refusing to give anything away.

"You think I'm stupid. I know fine well you've been hanging around with them pogues again. Everyone has seen the pair of you two. Skylar, you were seen at the Wreck with that Maybank boy several times and Beckett. There's a fucking photo of you going around making out with Kiara Carrera" the woman screamed, the 4 teenagers sat around the room all staring wide eyed at Beckett who gulped.

How the hell had his mother seen the photo. As far as he was aware only Skylar and the group she was with last night had seen it. "You showed her the photo" he blurted out standing up and looking at Skylar who creased her brows together in confusion.

"Why would I show her, you think half the island hasn't seen it yet. Sort your head out Beckett your the talk of the fucking island" she Skylar exclaimed standing up, facing off with her brother both their chests heaving up and down as they stared at each other their faces full of anger.

"Sit down" Andrew roared slamming a glass down on the table, the two teenagers jumping apart, sitting back down where they were before. "Your sister did not show Ev the photo, then three polo boys did" Andrew huffed rubbing his forehead from the stress the teenagers were causing him.

Skylar looked at her dad waiting for him to expand on polo boys before it finally clicked. Topper, Rafe and Kelce. Of course it was them. She was stupid for thinking the previous night was going to be any different in the morning, because then three boys weren't capable of change.

"You two. Your grounded" Andrew finished off before him and Evelyn walked out the room leaving the teenagers to do whatever. "But it's the movie night, I'm supposed to be going Sarah" she cried bursting up from the couch waving her arms around drastically.

"Your such a fucking dick" she snapped her shoulder shoving harshly into Becketts arm as she stormed off upstairs to her room, the door slamming behind her making a few of the picture frames hanging on the wall shake.

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