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"The dance is a poem in which each movement is a word" ~Mata Hari

JJ wrapped one of his hands round Skylar's waist while his other one stayed intertwined with hers. "Just let go" he mumbled rubbing his hand over her back causing her body to fall a little. The weight she carried dropping in an instant of his touch.

Her laugh vibrated through his body as he lifted her feet from the floor spinning her around until he got dizzy and then he caught her in his arms their faces landing inches apart from each other.

She felt his breath on her face and vice versa. It only lasted a second until she was dropped to the floor but that one little second caused butterflies to form in her stomach, her heart to erupt and her cheeks to flush a shade of pink.

She hadn't felt like this since forever. Every little hook up she'd had since last year was just something to be forgotten about the next day. The boys that her parents had lined up for her didn't make her feel like this. The only person that could ever make her feel like this was JJ Maybank.

People, JJ Maybank, come into your life all the time and you never really know how much they're going to mean to you. How much of an impact they are going to make on your life and how much you'll make on theirs good or bad. One person can make such a change in your life to the point where you don't know life without them.

Where it makes you think how was life before this person ever fell in front of your eyes. Makes you wonder if things would ever be the same after them, without them. Some people get lucky to fall in love with these people and get to have a magical experience one that you would think was only possible in movies and books.

A love that is indescribable to others and a passion so intense you feel like your heart is on fire when you see their face or hear their voice. A love that never has its complications and is like a fairytale.

If you're ever lucky to find someone like Skylar did like that, chase them, hold them tight and never let them go like she did. Don't miss out on any chance you may have because it may never come again. The regret you face afterwards will last you a lifetime of internal misery and guilt.

The love may fade or you like Skylar did can ruin things with this person you love so much. It will feel like a piece of you is always missing with them gone and it could feel like someone you knew all your life is gone. Don't miss out on chances with the ones you love so all you have left are memories. Because that is what Skylar Conley did and right now, in that moment, she isn't sure why she did what she did.

She wasn't sure why she let her parents run her life, why she cared what other kooks thought of her relationships, why she cared if one person gave her a little judgmental look. She just did.

JJ was her person and she knew that. Before JJ she was a mess. She was depressed, scared, lonely, a drunk mess that ended up passing out in the bathroom over the toilet most nights. Then there was during JJ. During JJ she was different, some described her as reckless but she wasn't reckless she just knew how to let go.

She barely ever smoked because she didn't want to die, she rarely had a drink because she always felt happy enough around the Pogues, she felt alive and happy. And finally there was now. After JJ. Drunk almost every night even if she wasn't partying, reckless and not in the way she was with JJ and the pogues, angry all the time, smoking at least 3 cigarettes a day, depressed.

Maybe this time would be different. Maybe she'd stand up to her parents, maybe she wouldn't care what people thought, maybe she wouldn't get into screaming matches with the boy every night over people's judgment, maybe she'd stop drinking, maybe she'd stop smoking. Maybe she'd let go of everything.

"I missed that laugh" JJ commented bringing her out her trance her eyes finally locking in with his. She didn't respond to him but putting her head on her shoulder while wrapping her arms around his body told him everything he needed to know.

Skylar Conley wanted back in. She wanted her old life back. Skylar Conley was starting to break away from the bubble wrap.

JJ's hand ran through her hair gently as she closed her eyes taking in the scent of the boy. Somehow he made the mix of weed and the ocean smell good together. "I'll stay the night but you gotta promise me one thing" Skylar removed her head from JJ's shoulder staring up at his eyes admiring them.

"You gotta drop me off really early because I've got to go to this dinner party" she huffed suddenly remembering the rant her mother had given her this morning about having to go to a dinner party where for some reasons the Cameron's, Thorntons, Carreras and possibly Kelce's family were invited to eat.

They all hated each other but for some reason Skylar's mother had insisted on doing it, claiming it would be a good way to bond everybody closer together during this difficult time. This difficult time being that Evelyn hadn't landed her job in New York and was not running across the country to pursue it while leaving the rest of her family behind.

"Looks like I'm everyone's chaperone tomorrow. I'm dropping Kie off for it as well" he commented remembering earlier when Kie was going on about some lame dinner she had to go to tomorrow because her parents had gone absolutely nuts about it. The Carreras worked pretty hard to get up to the top and sometimes they still weren't fully accepted, they like to blame Kiara for it because she hangs out with the 'wrong crowd', but really it's just because her father was a Pogue once, and many thought Kiara's mother had a couple of secrets hidden about her teenage years.

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