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'the one I would've taken a bullet for was the one behind the trigger'~j.b.

Beckett sat at the side of his sister's hospital bed his hand in her hers as he pleaded for her to wake up. Andrew had gone home as soon as JJ got off the phone to the ambulance threatening to call the cops if the man didn't go soon.

The noise of the girl grumbling caused him to lift his head up from the bed shooting up to check the girl. Her fingers twitched lightly in his hands and he quickly let go walking out the room to call for a nurse for doctor.

"Is she awake" JJ questioned awakening when he heard the boy rushing down the hospital to grab a nurse. The nurse followed his lead walking into the room unwrapping the stethoscope from around her neck to check the girls heart beat. "Hi Skylar I'm nurse Monroe, you've had a bad accident but I'm sure with the help of us you'll be good to go soon" he smiled down at the girl who began to open her eyes squinting at the sudden light.

She nodded her head as she took in what the man was saying to her. She tried to get some words out but couldn't speak properly from the migraine she was suffering from. "I'll get JJ" Beckett squeezed her hand knowing it would do his sister some good to see the Maybank boy who had stayed in the hospital all night surviving off little sleep on an uncomfortable hospital chair.

She looked to the side as she heard JJ thumping into the room while stuffing his mouth with crisps. "I'm gonna go find Kie" Beckett winked closing the door behind himself to give the pair some privacy.

"Hi" JJ mumbled sitting down beside her bed offering her a quick cheesy smile. "Hi" she smiled back at the boy who sat next to her fiddling with his rings anxiously. "I guess Beckett told you guys what happened" she gulped remembering back to last nights antics. She knew Beckett would have gone to see Kiara to explain the message Skylar had sent her from his phone she just didn't know JJ would be there as well, presuming he'd heard everything.

"We'll talk about that after" he assured her although his face appeared to grow a little agitated at the mention of it. "I'm okay JJ you can tell me how much of a bad person I am" she laughed brushing the hair from her face and lifting herself up, wincing slightly but trying not to show too much signs of pain around him.

"I just have one thing to ask you and that's it" he huffed his leg bouncing up and down while he chewed at his nails nervously. "Do you think you'll ever change"

Skylar's face fell. She'd been told so many times by the people around her that she wasn't capable of changing. That maybe for a little while if she was bored she'd change but that would only last a short amount of time before she'd eventually fall back into the routine of being an average bitchy, stuck up Kook. She'd been told this so many times that she actually believed that maybe she wasn't capable of changing.

"I should go" JJ cleared his throat standing up from the chair he had just been sat in. He hesitated for half a second, hoping that maybe the girl would say something to stop him from leaving but she remained silent, turning herself over so she was now looking out the window instead.

"Is she in there" Sarah panted running towards the door that JJ had just walked out off. He looked up at the girl stunned, her blonde locks were absolutely soaked, her makeup was running down her face and she was in some striped dress that clung to her body tightly because it was so wet.

JJ nodded his head trying not to gawp at the Cameron girl anymore than he already was. She disappeared inside the room and JJ looked in front of him to see John b in a suit the exact same look as Sarah going on. "Woah. Someone's been macking on a certain kook" he teased walking towards his best friend slinging an arm round his shoulders bringing the boy into a headlock and ruffling his hair.

"Hey I'll catch up with you later. I'm gonna stay, make sure Sarah's okay" he shook the grip away from his best friends breaking out of the headlock. "Sure" JJ winked turning his cap so it was backwards and walking out the hospital sticking his thumbs up at the Routledge boy.


"Hey, Pope, someone here to see you." Heyward walked into his shop his brows creased as Shoupe appeared from behind him a not so happy look on his face. "Evening, Officer." Pope gulped lifting his head up in a panic, looking back at JJ and Kie who both stood with widened eyes.

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property. Keep your hands on the counter where I can see 'em." Shoupe ordered pulling the handcuffs from his belt as he walked towards the Heyward boy as the three teenagers all stood with their hands in the air.

"Woah Shoupe, what'd he do?" The older Heyward man exclaimed as he watched his son get handcuffed. "Look at the warrant." Shoupe deadpanned pushing the boy out the shop towards the car.

"You're arresting him?"

"You're just arresting my boy?

"Be careful!"

" Shoupe, are you listening?"

"Anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney." Shoupe spoke over the shouting of the distressed group around him who started to follow him outside desperate to protect the boy who wouldn't dare do something that would put his scholarship on the line.

"How much did they pay you, man?" JJ cried running a hand through his hair, biting down in his lip as he shifted around uncomfortably. "It wasn't him!" The words fell from his mouth before he realised what he was actually saying. "It was me."

"He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he'd just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit." JJ explained watching as Shoupe stopped dragging Pope towards the car turning to face him in surprise while Pope tried to mouth something to him telling him to stop whatever it was he was doing.

"I can't let you take the blame for somethin' I did. You've got too much to lose." He laughed stepping towards Pope and Shoupe, Kiara shaking her head in disbelief. "JJ, what are you doing?" Pope hissed knowing fine well what would happen if JJ took the fall for him.

"I'm tellin' the truth. For once in my goddamn life, I'm gonna tell the truth. I took his old man's boat, too." he admitted deciding now was the best time to tell the truth on everything he'd done wrong recently. "What the hell?" Bobby scoffed looking at the Maybank boy and then back at his son unsure who to believe.

"JJ, come on."

"Just shut up, Pope! Just shut up. He's a good kid. You know where I'm from. Yeah. This was all me." JJ sighed looking down at the ground desperate for Shoupe to take the handcuffs from his friends. "That's the whole truth?"

"Whole truth, swear to God."

"I know what you think, damn it, I'm asking Pope." Shoupe looked over to Pope who looked at JJ hesitant on what to say to the officer. The blonde boy nodded his head slightly trying to falter a smile to show the boy he'd be okay.

"Yeah, that about covers it." Pope finally speaks the handcuffs getting taken off him and put onto JJ. Shoupe puts him in the car before slamming the door behind him, looking back at Kie and Pope who watched their best friend get driven away.

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