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"You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" ~Dr. Seuss

"Why'd you decide you wanted to go to this again Sky" Topper scoffed pulling up by the boneyard for the kegger the brunette Conley girl had forced the group to go to. "Um because I've had a long day at work and need to get drunk" she smiled jumping out the car by holding onto Kelce's hand that he held out for her.

"You were drunk last night" Topper mumbled rolling his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair while looking out down to the boneyard where people crowded. "I'll catch up with you later, got some people I need to speak to" she smiled to the group of three who stared suspiciously at her as she appeared to be in a more chipper mood than usual.

"Harper answer you" Skylar questioned walking over to where JJ and John b were stood passing beer out. "She'll see me tomorrow at 12" he smirked passing a red solo cup to her however as she went to grab it he took it back. "Not to much to drink tonight" he warned having seen the state the girl was in last night. Sarah had to carry her back into the house after she practically collapsed onto Rafe from how drunk she was.

"Whatever you say dad" she laughed grabbing the drink from his hand looking over to where Topper was basically manhandling Sarah down from having any fun whatsoever. "What does she see in that douche anyway" JJ commented following the brunette girls gaze over to the pair who were now dancing with each other. "He can be sweet sometimes" she shrugged although she couldn't defend the pairs relationship too much because she knew how much of a dick Topper could be when Sarah didn't give him what he wanted.

"You want one" she asked pulling out a packet of cigarettes realising she hadn't had one all day because of all the work she'd been doing, or at least that's the reason she'd like to think. JJ shook his head surprised to see that the girl still hadn't given up smoking as she lit her cigarette up placing her plump lips round it. "You still haven't given that habit up" he raised his brows watching as the fumes surrounded her, her head throwing back in pleasure as all the stress released from her.

"You sound exactly like Ward Cameron" she teased knocking into his side gently as the two looked out into the ocean, each of them silently wondering what would happen if maybe they just took a boat one day and disappeared, letting the ocean guide them to wherever. "What a beautiful compliment" he laughed rolling his eyes when he noticed Topper and Kelce looking over at the pair judgment flashing over them.


"Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah! Sarah can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage" JJ offered holding out the red solo cup he was about about to hand to John b, quickly changing his mind when he noticed the blonde girl walking along the beach with her boyfriend. "No, thanks" she declined politely, Topper puffing his chest out to appear intimidating, although it was really working.

"Come on. Is it not fancy enough for you" he sniggered stepping closer towards her while looking at John b who laughed at his best friends comment. "Hey, you know what. I'll take it. I'll- thank you man. I appreciate it" Topper nodded his head reaching his hand out to grab the drink but JJ moved it back from his reach.

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you. If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't" JJ shrugged his shoulders, looking across the beach at Skylar who noticed the commotion and began to walk over to the group. "Oh but pretty please" Topper repeated himself continuously while JJ once again attempted to hand Sarah the drink.

"She doesn't want it" Topper snapped smacking the drink from the blonde boys hand making it splash all over him. JJ immediately grabbed onto the boys shirt pushing him back as Sarah and John b scrambled to get the two of each other. "Hey S, you okay" Skylar asked running over quickly when she saw the little fight break out between the two boys.

"No Sky she's not okay. You know why because your little pogue boyfriend here just put his dirty hands on me" Topper practically spat in the girls face, Beckett coming over when he noticed the aggression come from Toppers mouth towards his sister. "Everything okay here" he asked placing a hand on his sisters back glaring Topper down which quickly made him back away.

"Yeah, let's just go" she sighed turning round to walk off with her brother hearing Topper laughing as she did so. "We all knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from him for a whole year Skylar. Your just dying to get back into his pants aren't you" he shouted across at her, alerting John b, JJ and Beckett all of who stormed over to the boy. "You shut the fuck up" her brother warned pointing his finger at him while John b shoved into him, Pope and Kie grabbing him off reminding him about being incognito.

"Babe, babe" Sarah attempted to grab hold of Topper but he was too quick, punching John b across the jaw causing him to collapse into the sand. "Hey John b, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright" Topper warned kicking him into the sea as though he was a football. "Beckett" Skylar looked up at her brother desperate for him to do something to help John b who right now looked pretty helpless.

John b stood up slightly as Topper turned round to face the crowd giving him a chance to wrestle Topper into the water with him. They flung themselves around in the sea for a minute before making there way back onto dry land, breaking apart while walking round in a circle facing each other off. Once again John b was punched in the face knocking him back, Beckett running a hand through his hair.

"Go stand with Sarah" he ordered pushing his sister over to where Sarah was stood, almost crying from the result of her boyfriends actions. "Hey Topper" Beckett's voice sounded walking over to where Topper and John b.

The blonde boy turned round hearing his name being called only to receive a harsh punch across the face. "Not what I meant when I said help Beckett" Hazel cried watching her brother now somehow get involved in the fight while John b scrambled away over to his friends. Kiara knelt down beside him placing his head on her lap as he knocked in and out of consciousness.

"Beckett" Skylar screamed watching him get slammed into the water. He rolled around in pain as Topper let some sort of psychotic episode wash over him holding his friends head under the water. "Topper stop" Sarah exclaimed watching as her best friends brothers head was held under the water, his hands grasping up to get help.

"Topper" Skylar was now currently begging the boy to let go of her brother when she realised soon it would be too late and Topper would've killed him. "Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski" JJ put a gun up to Toppers head turning off the safety. The crowd around started to run off when they noticed what it was held up against the boys head.

"JJ put the gun down" Sarah tried to speak as calmly as she could, putting a hand out in front of her as she cautiously got closer to the blonde boy. "Did you say something princess" he spat pressing the gun further into her boyfriends head. "We're good, we're good" Topper held his hands up in surrender stepping away from Becketts unconscious body.

"Kie, can you check your psycho friend please" Sarah shouted over to the girl, hugging into Topper tightly. Skylar looked over at the blonde Cameron girl who right now only seemed to be bothered for her boyfriend. She didn't seem to care that Skylar's brother could of died because of him, nor did she care that he was currently hurt.

"Okay everyone listen up! Get the hell off out side of the island" JJ raised his gun into the air before letting off two gunshots causing people around to scream and shout, running from the boneyard in fear. While JJ was told off by his friends and Sarah and Topper ran off, Skylar ran over into the sea falling down next to her brother.

"Beckett" she tried to shake him, panicking when he wouldn't wake up. She grabbed a phone from her pocket beginning to dial for an ambulance until JJ and his friends came running over. "You can't do that, JJ has a gun" Kiara cried grabbing the phone from the brunette girls hand switching it off.

"What do you want me to do. He's hurt" she cried looking up at the group who stood looking down at her and her brother. "Get him up" Pope ordered pushing JJ over to help Skylar get him up from the ground. "Put him in" he pointed over to the Pogue van telling the two to put him in the back of it.

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