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"One may smile, and smile, and be a villain" ~William Shakespeare

Hannah Colby. The girl who was always forgotten. The one who was always left on the side lines. The forgotten child, forgotten friend. She was almost invisible to everyone around her unless they wanted something from her. She was almost like the lost child.

The lost child is the invisible child after all. They try to escape the family situation by making themselves very small and quiet. They disappear into the woodwork or escape into their own minds. This child avoids interactions with other family members and is often found daydreaming, fantasising, reading a lot of books or watching a lot of Tv.

They are withdrawn and aloof. They deny that they have any feelings. They deny getting upset. They will be the last child the parents attempt to help because they go unnoticed.

However there is only so much one child can take until eventually they snap. They seek vengeance. Seek attention from other people. They become a person someone fails to recognise because the things they do is so out of character for them.

Hannah walked up to the Cameron's house clinging onto the bag that was slung over her shoulder. She noticed Rafe stood by his bike cleaning it for the seventh time that day, she'd hit her jackpot. Rafe Cameron was her culprit and she was about to bring him down with herself.

"Hey Rafe" she smiled walking past him as if she was going somewhere else, trying not to show him too much attention. "Hey. It's Hannah right" he questioned jogging after her slightly until he was stood in front of her a light smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah" she blushed tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You off somewhere" he quizzed having never seen the girl round here before. "Oh I was just looking for Sarah. Is she here" she asked trying to appear uninterested by the Cameron boy, staring down at her nails while her eyes slightly looked up at him to see if he was looking at her.

"Um no. No I don't think she is" he gulped picking the cloth back up from his bike going back to wiping it. "Shame" she pouted grasping onto her bag that was slung over her shoulder turning round to walk back from where she'd came from.

"Wait" he called and she stopped in her tracks letting a light smirk come to her face before she turned back round with raised brows. "We should hang out sometime" he tilted his head to the side allowing his eyes to run over the girls perfect body.

Hannah Colby finally felt happy. A boy. But not just any boy. Rafe Cameron had asked her to hang out. The boy everybody thought would be in love with Skylar Conley for the rest of his life. The boy everybody said no other girl would be able to distract him. Harper Colby had succeeded in this challenge.

"Sure" she answered back simply putting up a show to appear she wasn't too bothered about the offer knowing full well she'd go home soon and scream into her pillow with excitement. "Rafe get back into the house it's late" she heard Ward call from the house giving her the queue it was time to go.

"I'll catch you later" she brushed her hand against his shooting it back, pretending it was an accident. "Actually my dad won't be too bothered if I disappear for the night" he decided revving the engine of his bike making the girl jump, her eyes widening when he handed her a spare helmet to put on.

"You up for the ride" he asked with a smirk putting his own helmet over his head sitting on the bike. Hannah contemplated it for a second before she decided she had nothing to lose. Her hands wrapped around his torso as his bike sped off away from the Cameron household.


Skylar shot awake when she heard the door of the chateau open and shut revealing a tall, blue eyed blonde boy. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you" he apologised looking outside to his friends who all started to play fight with each, the noise of their laughter bringing a smile to his face.

"I always forgot that smile you did" Skylar commented lifting herself up with her elbows. JJ pieced his brows together not understanding what the girl had meant. "The smile you do. It only ever comes out when you look at them all, love. Family love" she explained watching him shake his head but choosing not to make a comment to the girl.

Skylar knew about his home life. His mom walked out on them, his dad was a piece of shit and JJ was never there because he was so scared of the man. She knew that he didn't count Luke Maybank as family, he counted the group outside as family. And maybe once he counted Skylar Conley as his family as well.

"It's really late, I should probably go" she sighed turning her phone on to read the time realising her parents would freak if they found her bed empty and untouched in the morning. "I'll drive you" JJ removed his head from the fridge looking over at the brunette who slid her feet in her shoes.

"You've been drinking" she reminded him. She didn't know how much he had but she knew she didn't want to get in a car with him. "So have you" he commented his eyes averting down to the several cans of beer on the floor, a lot more than he'd had.

"I'll be fine. It's not to far plus the roads will be empty at this time" she shrugged picking up the cans, throwing them all in the trash before JJ could judge her anymore. Her foot tripped over air on her way to the door causing JJ to quickly catch her before she fell flat on her face.

"You can barely walk Sky, why don't you just stop here for the night" he huffed still holding her in his arms as he stared down at her in worry. "You're so cute when you worry" she gushed, pushing herself up of him as she did so, smiling up at him cheekily.

"Mhm and you know when your cute. When your not drunk" he whispered to her sending shivers down her spine, trying not to look up at the blonde boy knowing if she did she'd fall into the trap of not being able to leave again. "I'm not drunk" she cried stumbling slightly when JJ removed his hands from her challenging her to walk in a straight line, which she almost instantly failed to do.

"Uh huh. Your staying here tonight" he scoffed turning the tap on the pour her a glass of water. "Well you better find some ways to entertain me or I'm leaving" she fired back crossing her arms over her chest watching as JJ grabbed her phone from the futon.

He knew her password from last year knowing she hadn't changed it because she'd had the same one since she was 6. "What are you doing" she questioned watching as he typed something into her phone before a song started to play.

"Do you like dancing" he asked raising her brows at the girl who stood there in shock.


"Oh" he said surprised unsure what to do watching as she chewed at her lip. "Ask me anyway" she countered while a smile tugged at her lips. JJ hesitated for a second before holding out his hand while bowing at her, his usual role of sarcasm he liked to do around her.

"Will you give me the pleasure m'lady" he smirked and she connected her hand with his laughing when he spun her around.

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