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"So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday" ~the notebook

Skylar rolled over in bed her head banging from the day before. The party ended earlier than usual but that didn't stop the girl from getting drunk. It never did. She needed to be up soon for work. Hurricane Agatha had caused many people to camp out in the hotel while it ruined everything in its tracks.

"Skylar Grace Conley, what the hell is this" she heard her mother scream from the bottom of the stair case causing the brunette girl to quickly shoot awake forgetting all attempts of a short lie in. She wrapped a robe round her body before walking down stairs to see smashed pieces of glass from an extremely expensive vodka bottle all over the floor.

"That- that is something. Something I don't know about" she managed to eventually stutter out as her brother, Beckett, made faces from behind his mothers back, impersonating the woman. "Well it wasn't anyone else, your brothers were at the hotel, me and your father were away and I'm going to assume your sister Harper hasn't made a surprise return" Evelyn snapped, placing a hand on her hip, tapping her foot as she waited for answers.

"You know what mom, as much as I'd love to talk about this I have to go. Dad called, says he needs help at the hotel" she smiled taking her dress robe of revealing a slip dress, she threw on some sandals before quickly rushing out the house, aware she was still in nothing more than her nightwear. The mention of her sister sparked an emotion in Skylar, a negative emotion.

The two sisters were best friends. They did everything together, told everything to each other, they never left each others side. That was until Harper met a boy, a boy that no one had ever heard of nor met, and left OBX with him, no letter, no message, no phone call. Nada.

To this day her family still hadn't heard a single thing for her. Whether she was dead or alive the Conleys liked to pretend as if they didn't care anymore.


"What. What is this" her father cried as her daughter arrived outside the hotel in a small pink slip dress, her hair still a mess. "I was just so eager to help out today dad" she grinned slinging an arm round his shoulder, pushing him inside. "Morning Lisa" she greeted passing the older woman who always gave the girl cookies she'd baked the night before.

"Morning sweetie, how's the house" she smiled, although she looked worn down and stressed. "It's good. How's yours" Skylar moved to help the woman fold up towels and bed sheets much to her objection after she sensed the woman had been here all night.

"It's alright, just a couple smashed windows" she shrugged attempting to show she wasn't too upset over what the storm had caused. "I'll come by later to drop some food of" Sky winked at the woman leaning in to rest her head on the shoulder of the woman's.

"I'll have some cookies baked ready for when you do" Lisa chuckled patting the brunette girl on the head. Skylar always had a soft spot for the older woman, having never had a grandma, Skylar looked up to her, admired her kindness she had towards every person on the island even if they were awful to her.

"Your admirers here" Lisa blurted out looking towards the entrance of the hotel to see a tall figure enter, scanning the room in search of the girl. The brunette girls head snapped up to see Rafe stood with a basket in his hands, his face lighting up a little more when he saw her.

"Got you some food to keep you going for the rest of the day" he passed the basket to the girl before stuffing his hands in his short pockets waiting for her to open it. When she realised he wasn't going anywhere she eventually opened the basket up revealing some bottles of water and some cupcakes he'd bought from Heywards, or someone else bought from Heywards because there was no way Rafe was stepping foot inside that shop. "Thanks" she mumbled flashing him an appreciative smile, placing the basket on the counter besides her.

He remained stood there waiting, almost as if he was waiting for Skylar to dive into his arms to show how much she appreciated the food. "Is there something else you need" she huffed leaning her body on the counter, watching as he nervously bit the skin around his nails. "Uh no, no. I'll just- I'll get going. See you around" he stumbled over his words flustered over the girls abrupt attitude towards him.

"What a sweet boy" Lisa gushed hobbling over to grab some food from the basket hungrily. "That's one word for him" Sky scoffed stuffing a cupcake into her mouth before storming off over to the lost property basin her dad had told her to get some spare, appropriate clothes from. She found a black cropped vest top and some black denim shorts that she quickly threw on herself, stuffing her slip into the bottom of the basket Rafe had brought. 

"Great okay, you can help them two boys over there with changing the bed sheets" her dad ordered pointing over to a blonde and brunette boy who seemed to be too busy messing around and wrapping themselves up in the bed sheets to have any idea of what they were doing. "Really" she groaned dragging her feet along with tiled floor over to the two who, as she started to get closer towards them, looked more and more familiar.

She shot her head back round to make sure her dad definitely meant these two. He rubbed his forehead as he gestured his hand for the girl to hurry along. "Your doing it wrong" she cleared her throat, the two boys attention turning to face her, the bed sheet dropping onto the floor as they realised who she was.

"Apologies Miss Conley" JJ rolled his eyes sarcastically bowing to the girl as he picked the sheet up from the floor beginning to walk away from her with John b until she shouted after them. "I'm helping you, my dad told me to" she smiled awkwardly at the two who's mouth hung agape, speechless.

JJ may have had a short interaction with her yesterday night at the party but that had been the first one they'd had in months plus they were both too drunk to exactly remember the events from last night. John b however hadn't spoken to the girl for a whole year, somehow managing to avoid her a lot of the time considering her and Sarah were joined at the hip and he cleaned her dads boat.

"Well come on, let's go" she clicked her fingers in front of the two ordering them to pick up the sheets to throw them in the trolley, before she led them over to the elevator waiting silently for it to open. "What floors have you done" she asked as the three stood there waiting for someone to speak. "Uh none" John b gulped watching as Skylar's face fell when she realised it was going to be a long, awful day with the two boys.

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