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'friends are the family you choose" ~Jess C. Scott

Skylar tiptoed across the landing into Becketts room desperate to apologise to him for earlier only to find he was gone with the window left wide open, his curtains blowing from the wind that was picking up outside.

She could only decide he'd gone to find Kiara who was most likely at the summer movie night down near the cut. She grabbed a hoodie of his from his bed throwing it over her body before stretching her leg over the window sill until eventually she was outside jumping down from the garage.

She'd left her phone in her room and she soon started to realise maybe walking down wasn't the best when she didn't know who was wandering round at this time of night. She lifted a plant pot up from her porch walking towards Zack's bike. For some reason, teenagers this summer all wanted a bike.

Rafe, Kelce, JJ, Beckett and Zacharia all owning one and Barry if you even counted him as a teenage boy, or even human. She took a deep breath as she put the helmet on over her head, getting herself on the bike before turning the engine on.

She'd rode on JJ's once a couple nights ago and she and Sarah stole Kelce's a couple of weeks ago but other than that she really wasn't that confident riding one. "I'm going to kill this boy" she mumbled to herself, panicking when she heard the front door open to reveal her father's figure.

"Skylar Grace Conley is that you" he bellowed walking towards the bike the girl was on. "Shit" she cursed quickly riding off, Andrew jumping back when she almost ran over his feet. "Skylar" he screamed chasing after the bike soon giving up when people started to walk out their houses to see what the commotion one and he realised he was never catching up to his daughter.

"What's going on" Evelyn questioned wrapping her dress robe round her body to see what her husband was screeching on at. "Skylar and Beckett have gone" he panted storming back inside the house, grabbing a gun and some money from the safe.

"What are you doing" she hissed staring down at the gun the man was stuffing into the back of his shorts. "I know exactly where they're at and it's not happening this time. I'm putting a stop to it before it's too late" his eyes turned dark as he spoke, Evelyn's eyes widening when she clicked onto what her husband was doing.

"Their kids Andrew, don't be stupid" she begged following him out the house, standing in front of the car when he started the engine up trying to shoo the woman out the way. "Move out of the fucking way Evelyn" he screamed sticking his head out the window impatiently.

He moved the car a little bit thinking it would move her out the way but she remained where she stood. "Mom, get out the way" Zach cried running out the house after seeing his parents arguing from his window. He quickly wrapped his arms round his mother's body, wrestling her to the floor just as Andrew drove off, nearly hitting the pair.

"What was the about" he whispered while almost yelling at the woman who rushed into the house in a panic. "He's going to kill them" she cried dialling 911 but stopping when Zach took the phone from her hand, knowing his dad wouldn't do that, he'd just threaten it. "Kill who" he remained as calm as he could holding on the phone tightly as she sat down at the table, putting her head in her hands.

"Them pogues" she admitted grabbing a bottle of wine from the table not even bothering to pour it into a glass and just gulping it down.


Skylar lost control of the bike when she turned back for a second to see her dad following her. Technically she was sort of in luck for where she lost control because she managed to crash down to where Kelce had JJ in a headlock, Topper was punching the shit out of Pope and Rafe was kicking the living shit out of Beckett while Hannah stood back doing nothing, Kiara searching round in JJ's bag to find something to stop them.

The group of teenagers all dived out the way as the bike came crashing down, slamming into a tree as Kiara set fire to the movie screen causing the viewers to all run off screaming. "Shit, Kelce get off him" Kiara grunted helping the three boys up before following Rafe, Kelce and Topper over to the tree where Skylar had crashed.

"Sky" Beckett almost questioned stepping closer towards the girl who laid on the floor. "What" JJ perked his head up at the mention of Skylar's name forgetting about sorting the hat on his head out charging over to where the brunette girl was. "Don't step any closer" Andrew sounded from behind the group cocking his gun.

"Dad" Beckett pieced his brows together, grabbing ahold of Kiara's hand tightly as he pushed her behind him. "I'll give you kids 200 bucks each to stay away from my kids" he bargained pulling out the wad of 800 bucks from his pocket shocked to see John b wasn't there.

"Excuse me" Beckett choked out his eyes widening, his dad had gone fully insane at this point. "Dude I thought my dad was mental" Rafe sniggered bumping shoulders with Beckett who shoved him back harshly. "Shut the fuck up" he spat looking back at his sister who hadn't yet made any noise that indicated she was even alive.

"Yeah your daughter's worth a lot more than 200 dollars so I'll pass" JJ scoffed going back to checking over the Conley girl panicking when he noticed the cuts and scrapes that covered her. "1000" he shouted which caused JJ to stop what he was doing turning round to face the man.

"I don't care how much you pay me. Nothing will make me change my mind" he finalised pulling his phone out his pocket to call for an ambulance and possibly the cops if Andrew didn't disappear soon. "I need an ambulance please, there's been an accident" he spoke into the phone hurriedly before placing his head down near the girls mouth to see if he could hear her breathing.

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