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"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting" ~Peter Pan

JJ's face fell which caused Skylar to panic, rushing over without giving it a second thought. "What's going on" she cried, Harper shooting out her chair when she heard her sisters voice speak out in a panic. "Hold on, what. You two don't speak anymore, why are you here" Harper exclaimed looking at the girl who stared at her sister in disbelief, thankful to finally see her face.

"You messaged JJ and not me. Why" Skylar asked her eyes filling with tears at the sight of the girl. JJ stood himself up from the table moving away to give the two sisters some time to speak. "Sky, I'm in trouble, I can't see you" she sniffed placing her hands on her sisters cheeks softly. "You can't tell anyone you saw me. Not even Beckett" she ordered knowing how close her, Skylar and Beckett used to be.

"But Harps, you have to come back home. We miss you" the brunette girl begged confused as to what was going on with her sister. Why was she acting so weird? Why wouldn't she come home? What had she gotten herself into this time? "I can't. Not yet anyway. I'm going back to the mainland in an hour" she told her sister not wanting Skylar to get attached to her appearance back in the obx.

"You'll call though right" Skylar asked hope filling her, desperate for her sister to make at least some sort of contact with her. "Of course" Harper smiled falsely at her sister trying not to give her a false sense of hope knowing it would just lead to Skylar feeling hurt and betrayed all over again.

"He's treating you right isn't he Harps" Skylar questioned realising since her sister had arrived she hadn't once talked about the boy she never used to shut up about, the boy she was head over heels for. "Tyler? Of course not" she laughed as if her sister had made the most craziest accusation she'd ever heard. "Harper" the brunette girl raised her brows looking at her sister in worry, seeing right through the laugh she was doing.

"Oh god, look at the time. I better get going" she switched her phone on to see the time which read 12:30. She still had half an hour until she had to catch the boat to the mainland but obviously the conversation about Tyler caused the girl to flee. "You've got ages" Skylar deadpanned but Harper was practically out the door before the other Conley girl could even say her goodbyes to the girl.

"I can't lie. I regret ever messaging her back from your phone" Skylar scoffed starting to realise that her sister was never going to change, turning to face JJ who gave her a sympathetic smile stuffing his hands in his pockets. "She'll come through soon" Maybank tried to sound positive but he wasn't too sure how well he sounded.

"We should probably start heading back, see if my brothers finished flirting with Kie" Skylar shuddered unable to bear the fact that her brother liked the Carrera girl who used to be her best friend. "Can't lie, I've never seen Kie like that before" JJ laughed walking towards the exit of the Wreck as he remembered the girls reaction to Beckett just introducing himself to her.


JJ and Skylar walked round the chateau to see Kiara and Beckett were still in deep conversation with each other, John b and Pope a distance away from them clearly sick of hearing there constant flirting. "Beckett you about done" Skylar huffed rolling her eyes when she noticed Kiara laughing at something he'd said.

"Beckett" she snapped causing her brothers head to shoot round to face her taking a minute to realise who was actually shouting his name. "Oh hey Sky, have we been a while" he questioned standing up from where he sat brushing the pieces of bark from his legs. "Oh no, don't stress it Beckett, you've only been around 2 hours" Skylar laughed sarcastically glaring at her brother while she did so.

"Well, I've got your number. I'll message you later" he winked at the Carrera girl her head bowing as she attempted to hide the blush from him and everyone else around her. "Now Beckett" she ordered realising if she didn't start shouting he'd never leave Kiara's side again.

Beckett jogged after his sister his face falling when he realised he had to walk back from the cut. "What the fuck are you doing with Kiara fucking Carrera" she hissed linking arms with him so the Pogues didn't catch on that she was arguing with him about whatever it was between him and Kie.

"I could ask you the same about you and JJ Maybank" he fired back letting the girl know he wasn't stupid and noticed the tension occurring between the two. "I don't know what your talking about" she scoffed flicking her hair back out her face as she tried to remain calm not letting her brother know that maybe, even if she didn't want to believe it, there was still some feelings there for the Maybank boy.

"I won't tell mom and dad if you don't" Beck agreed remembering how much the pair freaked when they found out about Skylar and Maybank for the first time. They'd go into cardiac arrest if they found out the two siblings were both hanging around with the pogues. "Agreed" she smiled shaking her brothers hand before the pair walked through the gates up to the house only to see Zach and Elias sprinting out the house with a box that read Christian Louboutins on the top.

"Rafe brought this round for you" Elias panted practically tripping over his feet as he and his brother handed the girl the box eyes looking up at their sister before down at the box waiting for her to open it. "Rafe" she exclaimed instantly ripping the box open to reveal the black Louboutins with the red bottom heels inside it, the shoes she'd been desperate to get for months.

"Oh my god" she gasped her hand shakily taking one of the shoes out the box admiring it. "Holy shit" Beckett choked, his eyes almost popping out his sockets when he realised what shoes she was holding in her hands. She took her shoes of her feet replacing them with the Louboutins her foot sliding straight into them.

"And Rafe has officially reached the stage of being an absolute nutjob" Zach sniggered reading the note he'd left for the girl in the box. "Dear Skylar, I hope you love these it took me ages to find them, hope to see you at the party tomorrow. Love Rafe" Zach read the note out making fake gagging noises as he threw the note back into the back as everyone started to laugh at his note.

"It's kind of cute" Skylar cringed wondering if maybe she should give the shoes back to the Cameron boys. "Should I give them back to him" she asked the three boys, each of them instantly shaking their heads diving for the box to rip it up so she couldn't send them back.

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