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"My heart is and always will be yours" ~sense and sensibility

JJ and John b stared at Skylar awkwardly as her phone started to constantly blow up with calls and text messages. She'd attempted to ignore it but when the same person called her for the 4th time she grabbed the phone from her back pocket, picking it up without reading who it was. "What" she snapped into the phone walking towards the door of the room so she could at least have a little bit of privacy.

"Oh for fucks sake, Rafe leave me alone I'm working" the two boys heard her hiss into the phone before hanging up, switching the phone off. "Okay um, so you just do this, then this" she explained showing the two how to lay the bed sheet out properly, in a way that wouldn't make someone want to not sleep in the bed or find somewhere else to stay.

"Right. Not sure how we didn't know that to start with" John b chuckled, his face burning red with embarrassment, feeling the tense atmosphere that surrounded him. He knew no one, including Skylar, wanted to be in this situation and felt bad for the two plus himself.

"Yeah neither am I" she huffed chewing the inside of her cheek continuously, she must've been making it bleed. "I'll be back in a minute" she quickly announced rushing out the room, slamming the door behind her making the two jump. She ran into the bathroom switching her phone on, clicking on Harper's contact.

Her hand hovered over the call button for half a second before she clicked on it listening to it ring. Over and over and over again. Then it went silent. Skylar's body lifted up a little when she thought someone had picked the phone up but it quickly fell again when someone read out that it had gone to voicemail.

"Hey Harps, please call me. I miss you" she spoke into the phone, covering her mouth as she started to cry. "Please Harper. I really need you" she whispered, waiting a minute before hanging the phone up. She splashed some water over her face before walking back outside only to be met with JJ Maybank's chest in her face.

"Ow what the fuck" she cried taking a step back before looking up at the smug blonde boy. "You've been crying" he pointed out, looking down at the brunette girl who quickly looked the other way when she noticed his face fall in realisation.

"No I haven't" she scoffed forgetting how much of a shit liar she was, especially in front of the boy. "Yes you have, I can tell" he deadpanned tilting his head to the side as though he was thinking about something. Before he knew it his hand was on her face and he was lifting her chin up to see her.

People passing by caused the two to quickly break apart as if they'd been caught doing something they shouldn't of been doing. JJ leaned his body back to make sure the group of people had gone before grabbing the girls wrist pulling her back into the bathroom which was a much tighter fit now JJ's body had been added.

"Has Rafe hurt you" he asked his voice deepening, Skylar noticing the anger rising up in the blonde boy. "What! No" she exclaimed shocked at the accusation JJ had just made, realising the phone call earlier must've sounded a lot weirder when he didn't know their relationship.

"He just doesn't get the hint sometimes, and he was worried about me" she lied rocking back and forth on her heels as she tried to pretend as though everything was fine with her. Deep down she wanted to break down in the boys arms like she used to but knew she couldn't do that anymore. After all they were strangers to each other.

"We all know where it leads to when people never get the hint Skylar, you and me both know that" he warned knowing how Rafe could be with people, scared for the girls safety. "We should go back, John b's been left by himself and the rooms probably been turned upside down now" she laughed awkwardly moving herself around the boy reaching for the door handle.

"We miss you" she heard him say her body freezing when she felt his hand land on top of hers lightly. "JJ" she mumbled keeping her back to him knowing if she looked at him now she'd fall right back in love with him. "Me, John b, Kie, Pope. We all miss you, it's not the same" he whispered running his other hand through his hair desperate for the girl to come back to them.

"We better go" is all she managed to get out turning the door handle to unlock the door, walking back into the room without looking behind her to see if JJ was following. "Hey you seen JJ" John b asked turning round to see the brunette girl walking in by herself. "No" she scoffed her voice sounding a little bit too defensive for someone who apparently hadn't seen the boy, throwing her head back, taking a deep breath after her conversation with JJ.

"Hey John, how's Pope and Kie" she asked hating the silence they were working in at the minute. "They're good. Popes on a scholarship if he keeps up everything" he smiled proud of his best friend who had managed to achieve so much over the past couple of months. "How's all your family" he asked remembering how crazy they were with 5 teenage kids all of who drove each other mad.

"Harps disappeared last fall, no one's heard of her" she admitted shaking her head when she realised who she was opening up to right now. "Oh shit Skylar, I'm so sorry" he flashed her a sympathetic frown, suddenly noticing he hadn't seen the two girls together in a while.

"Sorry about what" JJ asked bursting into the room making Skylar jump. John b looked over at the brunette girl who rolled her eyes starting to realise JJ had the worst timing ever. "Harper disappeared last year" she admitted avoiding eye contact with him, walking round to the other side of the bed pretending to tuck the sheets in.

"Harper Conley. Your Harper" he pieced his brows together as though he was confused about something. "No JJ, John b's Harper. Yes my Harper" she snapped huffing at his stupidity, looking up slightly when he scrambled around in his pocket for his phone.

"Harper Conley. Here. She messaged me a couple weeks ago asking to meet up" he turned his phone round to face Skylar who's face dropped as she read over the message at least 10 times to make sure she was reading it correctly. "You didn't answer her" her eyes glistened with tears, snatching the phone from his hands knowing he'd have power here because he was on figure 8.

"What are you doing" JJ and John b questioned at the same time scrambling to look over her shoulder as she typed into his phone. "Your meeting her tomorrow at the Wreck" she smiled putting the phone in his hand with a mischievous grin on her face. A grin neither of the boys had seen in months but had missed.

"What are you up to" JB squinted his eyes together looking at her suspiciously. "JJ is going to meet her, I'll be in the toilets until someone comes to give me a signal, then I'll be meeting her" she explained dusting her hands as if she'd just achieved something amazing.

"Hey there's the girl we missed" John b cheered slinging an arm round her shoulder as she laughed. A real laugh as well not one of them fake ones she used to doing around her friends. "You should come down to the kegger tonight" John b smiled happy the two had maybe got somewhere that wasn't working with each other in silence.

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