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Most Na'vi already know the story of the legend Jake Sully, or rather as everyone knows him by, Toruk Makto.

Jake Sully was born as a Sky person. A human. What they didn't know at first, is that he only accepted to connect with Pandora in the first place because he was a vulnerable disabled man with no hopes and dreams for himself. His salvation, however, was his strong heart that held a will to learn everything about the new and fascinating world he stumbled upon years later in his life.

The Na'vi tell his story like a children's tale. The story of a brave man who sacrificed his first life as a human to become one of them in order to save and protect their home from chaos and destruction. He was loved and adored, especially by everyone who fought alongside him.

He was a respected Olo'eyktan, and he would always be treated by his people like some sort of mighty being. It was like, Eywa would always be their great-mother and the entity made up of all living things that consist of the entire biosphere on Pandora, but the man would always be the savior and protector that would sacrifice himself from any rising danger.

The Na'vi say that all living things live in Eywa and Eywa lives in them. Eywa was their 'God', it was like Eywa in the sky, and then Toruk Makto on the ground. Who of course was far more accessible than their All-Mother at times.

But even with all the support he had, a lot of the Omatikayas, especially the elder ones, never forgave him for his betrayal in the first place and hated that he'd been forgiven so easily. But even then, 'Eywa' had forgiven him for it by allowing him to connect with his avatar permanently, and them being the puppies that most human-Na'vi hybrids thought they were, accepted him anyway because of it. You'll understand the motives of the hybrids' hatred for the Na''vi later.

They say Toruk Makto was a hero for saving not only their forest but other clans from the sky people.

For a lot of them, he was seen as a blessing from Eywa for saving them.

However, he certainly did not save everyone.

Before he was Na'vi, before he even met Neytiri, Jake Sully already had interlaced feelings for another woman.

She was both a mechanic and a doctor. His doctor. A normal human being who couldn't fight, wasn't really aggressive or confrontational, had a hard time rebelling against the rules, and could even be considered a little naive and gullible. She was in more practical terms, the complete opposite of who his apparently chosen mate, Neytiri was.

Jake Sully and Olivia Castillo ended up hooking up twice before he actually started caring about the forest, and that's even without his legs and all. But by the time she could tell him about the later consequences, it seemed like he'd already been almost fully converted by the life he held in Pandora— not looking back to anything he might've left behind.

During all the chaos and the war, Scientist Easton Maverick had been doing his best to salvage years of his hard work with the help of Miles Quaritch, in a slight project apart from the actual RDA's mission to obtain the extremely valuable Unobtanium.

Easton Malverick was the smartest scientist the government had. Besides working for them, he had also been doing his own personal study that consisted of the differences between Na'vi and human beings.

Why should they be two worlds apart? Why couldn't they just live in peace as a whole? His intentions were in the right place, but his actions certainly weren't.

For five years, Quarich and Maverick had in possession more than fifty different Na'vi women, a few non-warrior Na'vi men, and even normal human women that they'd either shipped them off from Earth, or just plainly kidnapped them from the facility. The scientist had dedicated half of his life to finding a way to mix both DNAs. Instead of creating an avatar and just controlling it once you deeply connect with it, he wanted a species that could pass as both human and Na'vi without needing to ever 'disconnect'.

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