Chapter 4: Slaying Blade

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(Y/N)'s POV

We had withdrawn into some nearby deep sea tunnel. "I can't believe the fish ended up chasing me..." Happy said sadly. "It's probably payback for all the fish you've eaten up until now." Carla teased him.

"The moment we brought up the water dragon god, their attitude changed." Erza noted. "They must really worship him..." Wendy said next to me.

"But weren't we told that they once worshiped him? Does this mean that the religion of the Water God Dragon continues even now?" Lucy thought aloud.

"But there's something else bothering me," I think back to what the fish manager said. "It seems there were other human visitors here before us. If so, where are they and what are they here for?"

"Who cares?! If I see someone else trying to get in on our job, I'll roast 'em!" Natsu said.

"Yeah, yeah, because there's so much you can do in the water, fire dragon slayer!" I say with sarcasm, crossing my arms.

"We'll deal with that later, right now we have to figure out why the fish reacted that way." Erza said.

"These fish are probably just following what their religion tells them. They didn't really seem particularly evil or anything." Lucy said. "Even the one who tried to take your top?" Natsu asked. "No! That one's definitely evil! If it weren't for (Y/N), I'd be swimming around topless! When I find it, I'm gonna write 'pervert' on their forehead!"

Gray spoke up, "I admit that they don't seem evil. I mean, they wouldn't have given us that potion for underwater breathing if they were."

Erza cupped her chin, deep in thought. "True. If they saw us as their enemies, they definitely wouldn't have done that."

"But we're here to defeat the Water Dragon God. Whether these guys like it or not, that's our job." Natsu sternly said with a settled look on his face.

"That's just the thing. Do you remember exactly what Elefseria told us?" Lucy turned to him.

"Seal the Five Dragon Gods." I answered and she nodded her head. "Exactly."

"So defeat them, right?"

Lucy answered, "No, Natsu. Seal. Which can mean many things. Exterminating them, neutralizing them, imprisoning them, literally even sealing them with a seal. All can be considered 'sealing' them."

"What do you mean?" Gray asked.

"Basically we weren't told the specifics of the 'sealing' we were asked to perform. For example, let's just say the water god is a rampaging, angry god. If we convince him to quiet his anger and calm down, then that's technically 'sealing' him, right?"

I smiled in understanding of what she was saying, "So, there might be a peaceful way to resolve all this!" I notice Natsu had slumped by my side, "Stop looking so obviously put out," I nudge his shoulder. "You and me both know that not all dragons are evil. We fight to survive them, not defeat them."

He huffed, "Fine, I get it! Until we figure out what exactly each of these dragons are, I won't hurt them. But if they so much as put a scratch on any of my friends, I swear...I'll slay them all!"

"You and me both, Dragneel." I smile at him.

"Now that that's decided, let's go get some questions answered." Carla said.

"But how can we? Did you forget we're basically public enemy number 1." Gray crossed his arms.

"Leave that to me!" Lucy smiled mischievously.


'Here goes nothing', I swim by Kashima and Sameko to test my disguise. Once I make it past them, and their arguing, I know that Gemini's transformation magic worked. I had my doubts though since we still have our faces, just on little fish bodies. But I guess with all the chaos happening they didn't really notice, or they're just that dumb.

"Okay guys, let's split up and gather intel." Natsu said and we all broke off from each other. Lucy and I stuck together. "Hey, I smell humans over there" I nod towards a different direction. "Let's check it out!" I swim down the path with her following behind me.

Once we get closer I spot a cell and what looks like a woman trapped in it. Her arms were cuffed and she looked to be unconscious, "Geez I didn't think these guys would go so far as trapping someone?" I say as I look at her. "She must've been the human who was looking for Mercphobia."

The woman wore a two piece swimsuit as well, she had long blonde hair and a bang that covered her right eye.

"That crest on her shoulder...She must be in a guild." Lucy pointed out. I swim closer inside the cell and for a better look, then I noticed she smelled like a dragon, "I think she's a dragon slayer". I turned to Lucy and said.

Then, a voice spoke, "You two, you're humans, are you not?" It was the mysterious woman who I thought was passed out. "I would stand back if I were you," Suddenly, a noise caught us off guard. Looking up we see a huge...dragon!? "Is that the Water Dragon God?!" Lucy screamed.

"Your sacrifice is over here!" the woman taunted. Then her shackles broke. "NNGH!" She stretched her muscles and licked her lips. "I've been waiting for you, water dragon." Slicing the cage in half effortlessly, she swam towards the water serpent. A blast was shot her way which she dodged, but the attack made impact with the ground instead and caused an explosion.

"She's been waiting for the water dragon god?!" I said in disbelief. "Does that mean...She let herself get caught?!" Lucy shared my look of shock.

The two continued to battle, "Is this all one of the Holy Pentadrakes can muster? Enough! I shall slay you." All of a sudden I felt this gust of magic power. The strange blonde created two long blades that extended from her hands, "Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Blade Dragon Sword Dance!", with that one move, the water dragon god was sliced to pieces.

Lucy and I were frozen in place, "No way, that couldn't have been Mercphobia, right?"

"I get that she's a dragon slayer defeat the Water Dragon God so easily..." I couldn't believe it.

After her fight, she grabbed onto one of the sliced pieces on the ground and...ate it?! "She's eating it?!" Lucy screamed.

"This thing was not the Water Dragon God. I have been duped." The woman turned and faced us. "I don't suppose you two would help entertain me?", the look on her face spelled trouble.

"Lucy! Change me back into my normal form," I quickly said. Once I was changed back, I readied for her attack. The woman quickly came at me with one of her extended blades, but I met it with a blade of my own. My water sword clashed with her, "You receive my blade, yet remain unharmed? I knew it. You smell the same as them."

"Who are you!" I demanded as I was able to use my strength and push her back. She made a look of shock at how I was able to overpower her but quickly replaced it with another smirk, "Since you seem like a worthy opponent, I'll tell you."

Even though I managed to put us at a distance, I still made sure to keep my guard up. As I turn my head to the side, I see Lucy, also back in her original form. Noticing that she was okay, I turned back to my opponent.

"I am a dragon slayer. I hear that those who were bequeathed their power directly by the dragons are called the first generation. Those who had a lacrima implanted inside them are the second generation. Those who both were bequeathed power by the dragons and had a lacrima implanted within them are the third. And, in some far off land, those who were created by magic power alone, to serve only as weapons, are the fourth."

"And which one are you?" the celestial mage asked.

"Hm, if that were so...then we are the fifth generation, those who ate the dragons and took their power! The dragon eaters!" My eyebrows furrowed at her response. I never would've guessed that's how she became a dragon slayer.

"So you guys eat dragons to become stronger?" Lucy asked, completely bewildered.

"Yes, me and my guild of only dragon eaters. The mage guild Diabolos. I am the Blade Dragon, Kyria!"

'An entire guild of dragon eaters...these guys are definitely gonna be a problem'

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