Chapter 21: God Seeds

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Water Dragon's Slash!" I cut five more tree uglies down.

"Seriously! These things are everywhere!" Laxus punched one.

"At least it's a good workout! I'm getting warmed up again! Ready to take down Aldoron!" I dodged a wooden hand that came at my face.

Suddenly, all the tree uglies withered into nothing. "Thank Mavis!" I huffed, "Honestly that was getting boring."

"Yeah," Laxus agreed.

"I'm gonna go see if anyone else needs help. Will you be okay on your own?"

"Yeah, go ahead. And don't die!"

"Is that your way of saying be careful?" I chuckle.

"Just go," he rolled his eyes at me.

"Bye, big bro!" I yelled as I ran back into the city.


Wendy's POV

"Wendy, what is that thing?!" Carla screamed. A small wooden tree-like child with a leaf covering and dark colored boots approached us. The wicked smile on his face unnerved me.

"It's a wooden human!" Happy yelled.

'What do I do...? I have no magic left. And I still have to protect them.' I looked at Touka and the White Wizard with worry.

"My name is God Seed Doom. Those who rebel against Aldoron are fated to die. Let's play! Let's play!"

"Wendy is practically out of magic power. I don't have any choice." Carle says transforming into her human form.

"Be careful, Carla!"

"Maybe if I change into a huge cat or something..." Happy said next to me.

"YAAH!" Carla punched at the God Seed but her foot was caught before she made contact.

"Whee! You'll be the first fated to die! Yippie!" Spores began to fly towards her and cover her body. "Wh-What is this?!" She tried to shake them off, but they didn't move.

"Carla!" I screamed.

"AHH!" She fell to her knees, coated in spores and frozen in place. A single sprout grew on top of her head with five petals.

"One of the petals of fate will fall everytime you count to 60. When all the petals fall, this girl will die." the wood child said happily.


"There are five petals, so...five minutes?!" Happy shook in fear.

'I have to save her!'

"Abdormal Status Cancellation: Raise!" I used my enchantment. My heart dropped when nothing happened.

"This isn't a change in status, it's the fate of death. Thank you for playing with me, kitty girl."

"You're just bluffing, right? Carla...stay with us!" Happy began to cry.

"Oh no..." I shook helplessly.

"Who will play with me next? Come on, tell me!"

'I only have enough magic for a few more enchantments, and not enough to attack on my own. If I enhanced Happy's strength...No, we wouldn't have a chance to win. What do I do...? Irene has gone back to sleep...No, I forgot! She said she has no magic left, either!'

"Okay! How about I try this?" Doom gleefully jumped up and down. "Spore Snow!"

"Spore Snow?!" Happy looked up. Spores rained down from the sky and stuck to our skin.

"This is the Fate of Death too!"

"WAHHH! It's sticking to my body!"

I frantically tried to wipe them away. "Don't tell me these spores are...!"

"They have the power to suck up your life force! Yippie!"

The spores took over my body and made it harder to breathe. "My body..." I whimper weakly.

"I can't move..." Happy fell down, quivering.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Doom laughed.

"Water Dragon's Roar!" A familiar voice yelled. A beam of water hit Doom and knocked him over.

I turned my head and almost cried at the sight. "(Y/N)!"

"Yay! (Y/N)'s here! We're saved!"

"You okay, Wendy?!" She kneeled next to me. "What happened to Carla?"

"You have to hurry!" I point to the last petal, "If we don't defeat him, Carla will..."

"I got it. Don't worry, Wendy, I'll save her." She held my shoulders and gave me a hopeful smile. I always feel so safe with (Y/N), I'm so glad she's here.

"Yippie! Another person came! Now we can play some more! Spore Stream!" A spiral of spores released from his mouth, coming at us quickly.

(Y/N) shot water from her hands that nullified his attack. "I'm not even gonna waste my time on you!" (Y/N) ran up to him and raised back her fist, "Water Dragon's Iron Fist!"

He flew back, hitting his head on the ground first as he fell down with steam emitting from his body. (Y/N) must've used hot water.

"Water Geyser!" A beam of sizzling hot water was shot up from beneath him. The water was so hot it made me feel like my skin was burning even though I wasn't the target. "AHHH!" the God Seed Doom screeched as his body disintegrated into the water, leaving nothing left.

"You did it, (Y/N)!" Happy cheered.

Carla broke out of her spore shell, "Huh...I'm...?" I ran to my best friend and hugged her. "Carla..." I cried with happy tears

"What happened to me?" She looked around, confused.

"It was (Y/N), she saved you!" Happy explained and Carla smiled at her.

I ran up to (Y/N) and hugged her too, "Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" Her warm embrace made me feel comfort, causing me to smile.

I'm glad everyone is okay.

"Okay," (Y/N) pulled away from me. "Can you explain why the White Wizard's here and...who this is?" She asked, pointing at Faris.


3rd POV

Aldoron halted at the knowledge of another God Seed being defeated. "Has the Fate of Death been thwarted...? This cannot be."

"There!" Natsu predicted the next attack in time to successfully dodge it.

"Grrr..." Aldoron fumed in anger.

"I don't really get it, but...did your magic get a little weaker?"

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