Chapter 12: Port of Blessings

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Ermina City

Their walk was silent and slow. The sound of the waves filled their ears. Approaching a park bench, Mercphobia made an action of beckoning (Y/N) to sit down, he took his spot next to her slowly. They faced the sea and (Y/N) noted how beautiful the scene was.

"I apologize for not saying anything before," he broke the silence. "Believe me, I did have plans of speaking to you personally. I just didn't find the right time."

"There's no need to apologize. With everything that's happened recently, I can't exactly blame you." she shrugged. "I'm just glad for the confirmation. When I first saw you...I don't know what that feeling was. It was like a natural comfort I had. And then your dragon form also reminded me of her..."

"Consider it a sense of familiarity," He clarified for the girl but she knotted her eyebrows not understanding what he meant. "I agree, when I too first saw you, there was this sense of warmth. But afterwards, I quickly deduced're (D/N)'s child. Your scent gave it away." He said to the dragon slayer.

" did you know her?"

"Well, I'd known her for years. She taught me many things. (D/M) was a powerful being who earned her title, The Empress of Water. She used her magic for good and never harmed a fly. A beautiful soul who was loved by dragons and humans. Her heart was forever endless." He smiled in recollection. The memories of someone he held dear clouded his mind.

"And...She was my older sister."

(Y/N) was astonished, her eyes widened and she suddenly sat up from her previous leaned back position. "What? (D/M) was your older sister? I had no idea..." she looked at the ground in thought.

"How could you? I'm sure she never would've mentioned me. I believe the dragon who I knew and the dragon who raised you are two different beings. She was raising you to become something great. And looking back on your journey up until now...I'd say she completed her mission."

(Y/N) smiled "Thanks."

"You're welcome," his smile slowly turned into a frown at what he said next, "Though, I can't say that I always agreed with what she did. When she told me the news, I didn't want to believe it. I thought it was a suicide mission. There were very few good dragons left in this world and I didn't want to lose one so special." Mercphobia thought back, "But I couldn't stop her from leaving."

"She's always been headstrong. I think that's where I get it from." (Y/N) joked. "Yeah, she definitely proved me wrong," he added.

"My mother was special." (Y/N) looked up at the sky as she reflected on her early childhood, before she joined Fairy Tail, before (D/N) disappeared. "I think about her every day almost. She's the one who taught me to use my magic for good, and never abuse it."

"I remember those words," Mercphobia spoke softly, "That is why I feel ashamed at times. My only regret is the monster I became. If (D/M) were here, I know she'd be disappointed in me, the atrocities I've caused...I will live the rest of my human life in regret and knowing I let her down."

Silence passed by for a few moments. The wind blew through (Y/N)'s face. She made a mental note that it was cold and rubbed her shoulders.

After gathering up her thoughts she was the one to break the silence this time, "I don't agree." The water god looked at her but she was staring forward, still looking at the beautiful sight in front of her. "Although I can see her being upset with you for your sins...I think she'd understand in a way. She was always introspective, always thinking of everyone's side..."

"...And it's like you said before," she met his eyes "'It was the age where the strong hunted the weak', and you were only trying to survive. Maybe you took it took far," she nodded. "But I can see you truly care about your past actions and want to change. And if I can see that, so can she." (Y/N) finished with a gentle smile.

Mercphobia digested what she said and then smiled as well. 'She reminds me so much of you, (D/M). Strong, beautiful, smart, and above all else, kind. You did a good job raising this one.'

"Thank you for that." "No problem," she hugged him. He wasn't expecting this act of love and froze but then, carefully hugged her back, dropping his crutch on the ground and using both hands.

"I guess this means we're family now!" the water dragon slayer pulled away to picked up his fallen staff. She offered it to him, which he graciously accepted.

"Yes, I guess it does." He calmly said.

"Hm, my great uncle, Mercphobia, the Water Dragon God. Has a nice ring to it."

"Well it's just Mercphobia now. But, my brilliant niece (Y/N), the Water Dragon has a nice ring to it as well." The two shared a laugh.

"We should head back, it's windy and I'm getting chilly." (Y/N) stood up and held out a hand for him.

"Indeed." He walked beside her, "I wanted to speak with you and your team when we got back."

"Okay, I'll make sure to grab everyone and let them know."

"No need. They've been here the whole time."

"What?!" (Y/N) looked around frantically.

"Behind that tree," he pointed and (Y/N) did in fact see a fluff of pink with a ball of blue on top. "Natsu! Happy!" she yelled. "Did you guys seriously follow us here to eavesdrop!"

"Don't blame us!" Natsu walked out with his hands up like he was surrendering and Happy flew off of him. "It was Lucy's idea!"

"Yeah, she made us come!" Happy defended.

"Lucy! Don't tell me you're there too." (Y/N) sighed.

"Um," The blonde came out of her hiding spot behind the same tree. "I was just curious." She said nervously. "Seriously, you two! Just gonna throw me under the bus like that!"

"Why didn't you say anything?" (Y/N) looked towards her newfound uncle.

"Oh, well, I just assumed they were only looking out for you. I wouldn't be too upset if I were you."

"Yeah, (Y/N), don't be mad." Happy said.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "I guess it's okay then-" the shaking of a bush caught her attention and the sound of hushed voices. "I can hear you too, Erza and Gray!"

The two poked their heads out on opposite sides of a different tree. "Oh Gray!" Erza turned to him, "I told you we shouldn't be here and that it's an invasion of her privacy."

"Me?! Don't try and bring me down to save yourself!" he said back to the requip mage. When he turned his head to (Y/N), he was met with a death glare, " least this saves you the trouble of telling us later." the ice mage said, shyly scratching the back of his head.

"Does anyone else want to come out of hiding?" (Y/N) said annoyed.

Wendy and Carla and...Caramille? Appeared behind another tree with their heads down, "We're sorry." Wendy said. "What we did was inexcusable." Carla added. "I-I just wanted to make sure Lord Water God was okay." Caramille stuttered.

"Unbelievable." (Y/N) facepalmed and sighed.

"If you ever get sick of them, there's always a place for you here." Mercphobia placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks but...I think I'm stuck with these idiots." she chuckled and shook her head at her nosy but caring friends.

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