Chapter 6: Cruel Diabolos

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Ermina, Temple of The Water Dragon God

Mercphobia brought us inside to discuss, "So what did you mean when you said you had something you must do?" Erza asked.

"My power as a dragon was stolen from me. By someone."

"Your power was stolen!" This made me very upset. "Was it one of the dragon eaters from earlier?!"

"No, they think I still have my power hence they target me. I must recover this power before I die. If it is misused, it will definitely bring forth calamities."

"A dragon's... No one of the Holy Pentadrakes powers..." Lucy said.

"Is it really possible to steal such a thing?" Wendy asked.

"Well, it has been done to me. By a person who calls themselves the White Wizard."

"White Wizard?" Natsu repeated. "Sounds like the opposite of Zeref," Erza says. "And with our luck just as powerful." I add.

"I want to regain my powers and use them to turn this city back to what it once was. Until then, I cannot afford to die."

"Then we'll-" Natsu was stopped by the gust of ash that began to spread throughout the room.

"The palace is filling with ash!" Wendy tried to blow it away but it only continued to spread more and more.

"Oh don't tell me it's them!" I grunted annoyed.

"Lord Water God!" Caramille ran into the room.

"Get back! Stay away Caramille! Get out of here!" Mercphobia yelled at her.

Four figures appeared up above from the ash, they all stood on a platform of it, "Nice to see you again." Madmole said. "Hey cutie!" Kyria winked at me.

"So these are the guys you two told me about. They certainly don't look strong," nother girl said, smirking down at us. I didn't see her last time but she has dark red hair in two low pigtails and has bangs. She looks pretty mischievous to me.

"So there's another two now?!" Gray said.

"We couldn't help but overhear you just now. Very interesting," The guy with the skeleton Halloween costume must've been the ash user. "I suppose we just need to eat the person that has your powers. This white wizard person."

"No, we're getting those powers back to the Water Dragon God. We won't let you get them." Natsu yelled.

"Get ready everyone. There may be fewer of them than us, but they're still strong!" Erza ordered.

"Ye who defile my palace, begone from here!" The Water Dragon God sent multiple spirals to the intruders but it turned to ash almost instantly. Mercphobia's eyes widened at the action.

"You are no longer the Water Dragon God. You're unfit to eat. Useless!" the red haired Diabolos member said. She used her magic to form these green ropes from the ground to wrap around Mercphobia. She made the action of clenching her hand which tightened the rope. "Gahhh!" he screamed.

"Be destroyed by Aira(Eye-Ruh), the Emerald Dragon!"

Anger took over my mind and my body moved before I could think. I jumped to where Aira was and kicked her in the face, knocking her off of where she was standing with her teammates. This caused Mercphobia to be released, he fell to the ground coughing and holding his throat.

"Lord Water God!" Caramille ran to his side.

"Lucy! Wendy! Protect those two!" I yell as I land in front of Aira who is visibly fuming in anger. "You guys take care of the rest," I turn to Natsu, Erza, and Gray who all nod back, then I put my focus back on the bitch in front of me.

"You're gonna regret that." She says as she creates a emerald green colored whip in her hand.

"No, you're gonna regret hurting my friends!" I take the initiative and launch myself at her. Although it didn't seem to falter her guard.

"Water Dragon's Iron Fist!" I land the first blow across her face and she stumbles back but quickly retaliates with a kick to my stomach. Before I can recover a similar green rope from before wraps around my waist and flings me into a pillar. My body screams in pain when I crash into it, but I'm not going to stay down.

"Emerald Dragon's Palm Strike!" with the magic gathered in her hand, a blast of deep green magic is shot from her palm towards me. "Water Domain!" I create a force field of water which disrupts her attack. "Water Wave!", with the swipe of my hand an enormous wave of water is sent at Aura at a tremendous speed.

She braces for the attack but it does nothing for her. The wave sends her flying through the wall into another room. She moans in pain and stands back up panting heavily. "I did not slay the powerful Emerald Dragon Amina, just to lose to someone as pathetic as you! I will use the power that I took from her to rip you apart!"

"Well I'm going to use the power that I gained from all the pain that I went through protecting my friends, to slaughter you!" I didn't even realize that I activated my dragon force, my hair turns (desired new hair color), glowing marks appear on my skin, my fangs have grown, and my power has risen. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art..."I raise my hand and create a huge spear made out of the water that was directly above where Aira is standing, "Deep Sea Spear!" bringing my hand down, the water spear comes down on her. She screams in pain and falls down unconscious.

"Whew!", I collapse on the ground. 'Did she really have to throw me around like that?' Panting in and out, I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my nerves.

The sound of screams brings me back to reality. 'That sounds like Wendy, Lucy, and Carla'

Once I make it to the scene, I spot the three of them on the ground, scattered in deep cuts. Along with Caramille, and Mercphobia who looks to be in even worse condition than before. Happy was knocked out on the side also looking badly wounded.

Kyria was just staring at them with a bold look on her face. Erza was kneeling at her feet, shaking in fear. "What did you do to them?!" I yelled at Kyria. She turned to look at me, "Oh there you are! Like what I did to your friend?" She said as she pet Erza's head. "I was hoping to use this spell on you, but she got in the way."

'What spell? Could it be why Erza is acting this way?'

"(Y/N)?" Lucy groaned and tried to move but paused when her body jolted in pain. Seeing my friends hurt like this only made my blood boil.

"Oh, you look mad," she giggled. "Round two?"

I form my water blade in my hand, ready to wipe that smile off her face. Lucy forces her body to sit up and she looks my way in fear, "(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!" she screams. Before I can even blink, a sharp edge pierces my right torso. My body shakes as I look down at the sword that has penetrated my body. The sword in the familiar color green is quickly pulled out and a foot kicks my back.

"Gah!" I yell as I fall down on my stomach. "Ah!" I gasp in pain and turn to the side, hugging my waist. Aira walks into my blurry line of vision holding the weapon. She glares down at me in silence.

"That was my prey, Aira!" Kyria angrily whined.

"Whatever Kyria, just grab the kid and let's go."

"No, I won't let you take Wendy!" Lucy yelled and tries to stand but fails. Aira goes to silence the her, "leave her. She's too weak. You'd be wasting your magic on a shrimp like her." Kyria says as she throws Wendy over her shoulder. "Now let's get back to the ship. And don't forget about that one." Kyria huffed, dragging Erza along with her.

Dark spots began to cloud my vision making it harder to see. And the rapid blood loss was making it harder to breathe. But I could make out a figure kneeling down next to me, I assume it's the conniving snake who stabbed me from behind. "Don't think you're special just because I haven't killed you yet. The second we get on the ship I'm going to torture you for the entire ride". 'Yep. Definitely Aira'

That's the last thing I hear before the darkness takes over, "Sneaky motherfu-", and I pass out.

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