Chapter 9: Anguished Determination

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As the Water Dragon God came into their view, Team Natsu prepared for their first biggest fight of their mission. "Erza, Lucy, Gray! I'm adding a dragonslayer enchantment to your magics! Dragon Slayers Crest!" The guild marks on the three non dragon slayers changed once the spell was activated. "With this, all of our magics can damage a dragon!"

(Y/N) rose above the dragon in her Water Goddess Armor, "Water Dragon's..." she raised her two hands over her head and created a large sum of water, once it reached its humongous size she threw it at her target, "Grand Splash!" The attack slammed one his head but it didn't seem to affect him too much.

And just like that everyone used their strongest techniques...

"Fire Dragon King's Demolition Fist!"

"Ice Cannon!"

"Heaven's Wheel Blumenblatt!"

"Star Shot!" "Hello!" Sagittarius assisted.

"Sky Dragon's Roar!"

After their relentless efforts, the water dragon god dove into the water. "He went into the sea!" Natsu said. An intense sound erupted from below, "What is this sound?" Erza looked around.

Quickly, the water god emerged but then the water from the ground lifted to the top, making the sea be the new sky.

"How strong do you have to be to do something like that?" Lucy questioned. "Putting the sea in the sky...This truly is the power of a dragon god!" (Y/N)'s hope was slowly diminishing.

Another roar from Mercphobia shook all of Ermina.

"Did he raise up the sea...with his magic?" Erza couldn't comprehend what she saw. "That's crazy," Gray agreed.

"How in the world are we supposed to fight something like that..." Lucy tensed.

The water from the sky started to swirl rapidly, creating several whirlpools. (Y/N) caught onto what was about to happen, "Here it comes! Brace yourselves guys!" A ray of water shot down, creating an explosion on impact. The force of the blast pushed everyone back, even Natsu and (Y/N) who were in the sky. "Ahhh!" she screamed. Then one by one each beam was set off from the whirlpools, like a time bomb every single one of them went off.

"The city...The city of Ermina is being destroyed!" "The anger of the Water Dragon God is going to send this place to the ground!" the townspeople cried.

"Stop it!!!" (Y/N) raced to Mercphobia. She faced her palms towards him and water spiraled from each hand and hit Mercphobia in the face, this distraction allowed her to fly under his chin, "Water Dragon's Iron Fist!"

"(Y/N)! Be careful!" Wendy yelled. "Don't push yourself!" Erza cried.

(Y/N) had tuned everyone out, and flew to Mercphobia, "Water Dragon's-" before she could finish he used the water from the sky and shot out at her, she quickly inhaled the water. "Nice try! That won't work on me!".

This time the Water Dragon God did something different, he released a roar from his mouth instead. The roar was powerful and held his godlike magic power. It blasted at (Y/N) at the speed of light, she froze in place, everything happening in slow motion.

'What should I do? Dodge it? No, it could hurt one of the civilians or my teammates...This is my fight, I have to do this! I HAVE TO!' she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "(D/M) please lend me your strength!'

(Y/N) braced herself in case it didn't work, as the water came flying to her face, she took a deep breath almost emptying out her lungs before inhaling every last drop. Her teammates looked at her with worry, the townspeople only hoped for this to end.

"Please," Caramille prayed, "Please save him (Y/N)!"

After she swallowed the magical water, she exhaled deeply and paused as she waiting for the shoe to drop. Then it happened, her body shook and all of a sudden she felt like her it was overflowing with pain. "Gah!" her stomach screamed in pain.

The water dragon slayer fell and landed on the top of a nearby building, her heartbeat pounding loudly, so loudly she felt her whole body move with it. 'Breathe! Get up!' she yelled at herself.

Black spots clouded her vision and the sound of her friends calling her was the last thing she could hear before the darkness took over.

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