Three // georgia

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I looked like complete shit. I've been up for the past 35 hours, trying to convince myself that I didn't like Michael.

"Get up fucker, we're going to be late." My best friend, Georgia, yelled causing me to groan into my pillow.
"I'm not going to school." I yelled. She sighed and walked out of my room, leaving me in silence once again.

"I'm so sorry for this Dakota." I heard her boyfriend, Jayden, say as he hoisted me over his shoulder.
"I got your clothes. You can change in the car." Georgia said, following behind us. I was too tired to fight back so I let him carry me out to the car.

"Stop being a pathetic piece of shit and get dressed." Georgia said, throwing my clothes at me. Yes, this was the girl I called my best friend.

I pulled on the tee shirt and leggings, tying my sneakers as we pulled up to the school. "I grabbed your toothbrush and a comb. We'll go to the bathroom so you can fix yourself up." She smiled, walking with me down the hallway.
"I don't have my makeup." I informed her.
"I have some in my locker. I'll grab it and meet you in there." I nodded and we parted out separate ways.

"Here." She said, handing me the makeup bag. "You look like shit." She informed, running her fingers through my hair.
"Thank you." I smiled at her.
"What's up you idiot."
"I havent slept in nearly two days." I told her, finishing up my makeup.

"Why is that?" I shrugged, I didn't want her to know the truth. I usually told her everything, but this was something I was gonna keep to myself.
"Let's go." She sighed, taking my bag from the floor and linking her arm with mine.

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